12-Champion Country, Tuesday, March 8. 2005 FORCE celebrates 1mi-,ai greenbelt pl'an 5i'iiiudbî~~ 9.u aecu E~ By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion Friends of' Rural Communiiies and the Environmenî (FORCE) are celebrating the provincial govetnmenn's final Greenheli Plan released last sveek during a press con- leèrence in Kleinberg. The Greeîsbelî Plan's specitic cules direcily impact FORCE's light againsî Lowndes Holdings Corp. 's application tior ant aggregaîe quarry in Carlisle in a favourable way, according 10 Graham Flint. FORCE's spokesperson. Weare doing, the 'happy danîce' right nosv," said M. Flint. 'These announice- menîs represent critîcal svins l'or us as a communiuity and set the foutîdations f'or our future victory.' The conmunity group was l'ounded in May 2004 aliter residenîs learned about Losvndes Holdings' intentions ici establish an aggregaîe quanry on 381 acres of prop- erty ors Concession Il Easti n Flamborough. Force alleges quarry would hurt environrment The quar svould danmage the ground- water table and ihe surrounding environ- mient as %veil as the neighbouring commu- nity. alleged FORCE. $ Resîdenis form-ed FORCE and began building a defence gis ldit uliaant Lowndes W Holdings t, block their application for the jto quarry. I hired many specialisis t0 do tech- Snîcal studies on the land, the water and the environment as well as lawyers 10 fight the case in court. Who Doeslt., Rbert Noble Ltd. OSEPTIC TANK PUMPINC 180 Fi of Hose For Crossing Lano igh Fressure Drain Flushing & Repars Sanie Da * EniergencY Sers.ce - 2 Truck o Serie You -Radio Dispah - (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 905-878-6869 RO. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD Mil ton Import CrCentre USED CAR SALE Specializing in ail impoflt vetrcls Volkswagen Fuel ltî,a il D"eel GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton Core's W.II SDrdlling & Pump Service Weil Rehabiliataon - Wel Cleaîrîg Flown Raies.- Weil Decommissioning - Cîirs Water Treatmeet - Reverse Qamosis Drnîkiî8 Water System - UV Sterîlization Systems 905-878-4515 26(4 Brnnte St, Unit 10, Milton @«Why ddc the ch cken rs the roud? &To livelonger. ' "'dcr the chicken h-th,e, hier-t cid .ng -We'd alnvays teli that the substantive f'acis of the sinuakion would makie us victo- riîsus but nosv, wîîh a strict set of environ- mentally protectîse regulations in place, the path to deteaîing the proposed quarry is hecoming clearer." said Mr. Flint. The Orceobeli Plan stipulates that iies 'greenfield' aggregaîe develoispments in tlic greeiihelt-protected countrysîde. which would impact key natural osr hydrologic lecatures withîn the natural herîtage systemi, are prcshibited. In addition, tîtere are newv rehabîlitation requiremenîs as well as a requirement iii provide addiîiîsnal green- belt lands to oliset the lands consumned by the riew aggregate development. L.ovndes Holdings' quarry proposai svould damiage provincially significat wetlancls ansd significant wooîiois and wouldn'î provide addîîional greenhelt lands tsi replace thîîse that svould be con- sumed. saîd Mr. Flint. -We were very concernied. since Lossvndes Holdings Corp. nmade ils prelîniii nary application iii Seîîenber 21(94 before the eftective claie of' the grnbl leîl lion, that the quarry proposa woLldn't be subîect tir thse Greenbelt Plan and mIles," saîd Mr. Flint. "The annouticement wsha very clear \vith regard to transîtional situations involvîng aggregaîe developmenî. It says that, in cases where there is a pending OfficiaI Plan amendment application in support of an aggregate extraction bylaw zoning change suhmitîed after December 2003, the appli- cations will be subjeet to the Greenbelt leg- islation. This requires Lowndes Holdings' application to conform to ail the rules and requirements of the Greenbelt Plan." Mr. Flint said that immediately following the plan's approval, FORCE applied to, the City of Hamilton îo have Lowndes Holdings' quarry application rejected as, the group believes, it doesn't conform to the nesv Greenheli legislation rules. "'We realize that our work is not finished yei," said Mr. Flint. "We want to ensure that, should this application continue or another one hie made in the future, we're prepared. As part of thai effort, we will be complening our work on the technical stud- ies we have already underway as they may he needed 10 convince the City of Hamilton to reject the application and wilI feel more comfortable if those studies are already prepared and waiting on the shelf should another quarry proposa corne forward." At press time, David Lowndes of Lowndes Holdings was unavailable for comment on the new developments. us 0905-875-Tail (8245) lb 438 Ktngsletgh crt.Milton Dr Nichola Holvey New dental office locati*on 3401 Fairview St. Burlington, ON - - Y Ceil: 905-464-0430 R=T-z March Break Day Camp Aciiviiies include: -Horseback Riding *Learn ta groom and saddle pour horse -Bali Hockey -Co-operative Cames *Nature Hikes/Snow Activities Cozy Fore. 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