Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 2005, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 8, 2005 gut 4àtULR['i He wv1ý have less than a second to make a decsion. Prepare for the road ahead with Young Driners' Collisionfre! Approach to Drivingil t'a the only driner training program to offer threshold and ABS emergency braking, swersing techniques, rear crash and head-on collision avoidance. (t " Oeil us or vIsit www.youngdrlvers.com for more detalis. MARC 200 AIL 200 Wi v The genuine YD peogram is nnt anailable in any high uchool. 905-875-0480 SYOUNG DRI VERS01of Canada Your licence to survive. lSO 9001:2000 www.youngdrivers.comn Registensi MITO APPROVED BEGINNER' DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER Kim Hester Kotie Bonguy Prashont Naikwodi E.C. DRURT Hirg SCHGGL -He Kate Whthv o enu oteedy! adPsatasb 'Weil. P-Daste. i te bren uther-busy tttth Seors,- replted Katte. -1 heard you crazv Draina kidi. had voto Halton reptonal drrnia tet Iva 1pr tormnance fast Friday. Hotu did trgo. -"Wr dtd awesome! Not ont. dtd ste aduance iii the nest round, but Ktc Lonpicypgot an aisurd ufet aner.d Steve Ground and Julianne Draustekt out aivards ot excellence for their speetacular efforts. -Woo., thati s great' Whai happens test"" îtîquired Prashant. "We're going tokeep rhearing for the nextround in Bradford duruttpthe wee of Aprol l8th. What's Up witl you""* -Wel, 1'm purt (ut the newly-tormed Mulîtt.ultural/Diversity club. This week, we have started selhinp t lekets tor Matthmaker' For unit SI . ou eau fi1l oui a torm and then find oui nvho vour perleci match is in ECD. 1 hope Kim iS on my tsit... 'Whuî's thut about me. Prushant '- interîreied Kim. -Were yuu talkinp about huw well the musical Sparians pertormed ai Musicfesti n St. Catharines"". "Ummmm ... yes. Thai's exactly what 1 wuv talktng about. Prashani sîam- mered. "Su. whai House are you in'? im in the Orange House"- '*' n the Green buuse. We're poing tu wtn ihai trip to Wiinderland lui sure' Remember. the mure esira-cumrcular activities ihai you're involved tn ai Drury. the more points you mvin for yaur Housel*' said Kim. "By the way. when are me choosîng our House nanties?- quesioned Kaie. "Weil, ai the neni House meeting. the House leaders n.ili reveal the groupus rinmes based on the voir we held fast lime," ansmered Prushani. "Sweei"' Kutie said. louhîng ai hrr match. "Check oui the timet Wr have 10 pet in Reach practîce. Event ihough me dtd reullv wel ai our last tourna- ment, me should keep pracîicing. esprcîally since wr hosi the Sr. Reach Toumameni un Morch 4. Nobody likes o musiy buezer finger!" "Yuu're rtghi. Kaiet Ser ya latin. Kim." satd Piashani with a wave. -0K, ser vou puys arouud"' Ktm said. And now. for our weekly -WHERE ARE THEY NOW'- columu. This overk's pursti s Ruth Ann Gray (tire Huil) Yeaîs 'o Dtîrs 1981h-1991 i'oltoiitng Drue.: taned protressonallt - or 2 vears for lte Totot Arpzonauts dance tram. Tauphi aitihe Burlingittit Dancr Studio. Openrîl my oun danc~e slnd io iii Milton. -Current Status; Marnicd o it t.tisons. Own and tîperaîr The Dance Shtnppe. a 7500( sq t douce tloir irachîtîr jazz. iap. ballet. arîrjaze. mtusi- cal breaire. uip-hop. liiphhid. aîd vocal, tir ares 3+. includînp adulîs. Drues Htphltphts: ('htreiipiaphtnp school musical. "Oklahtoma"' The loch- er boy. Keaner's Enplîsh class. currvinp carmes up Mi. Diury, nuiduor rd. trips where spetiat and lasting fnirndiships surre torrrd. Drury Connections: A iremneîdîtus bond o iih nîony carrent and humner douce students who are/more Drury students. Hum did Drury prepore me. Guidance and compassioin ut staff pave nie confidence, direction. and discipline lu be a selfempînyrd busînessmîîman. The mondertully brood rouge ut oppouriiuiies otterd - rnrîched and broud- rurd my lite. "&THE ROYAL REPORT"1 Katie Nadalin Siobhan Desroches DISIIOP REDINO HirGH SCIGOL Hello Bishop Reding! lt's time again for another edi- tion of the Royal Report! We hope you've been hav ing a great week s0 far, and you're ready for a week of rest and relaxation. That's right. March Break is almost here. So whether you're going to be on a ski vacation, lyîng on the beach, or of course studying, we hope you have a great time. Wc look forward to seeing everyone after the break! Last Friday and Saturday, forty students took part in ThinkFast. Participants were sponsored to refrain from eating for a whole 25 hours in order to raise money for the charity Development and Peace. To keep their minds of eating, they played games, prayed and did fun activities. The students alto learned and discussed issues of poverty and hunger in Third World nations. The fast began with a Prayer Service at 12 noon on Friday, and continued until Saturday around nooin, when they enjoyed a large and welI-deserved meal. Bishop Reding's chaplain Ms. Doyle organized the event. Great job students! Last Thursday Mr. Vacca and Ms. Lepore's grade 1l and 12 history students got a chance to, tee the Middle Ages corne alive. They ventured to Toronto where they feasted at Medieval Timnes, and learned about life in this time. They then went to, the Royal Ontario Museumn and had a guided tour of Medieval people, places, and objects. We hope the students had a great time! The Senior boys basketball teamn roared their way into the Halton Championship Garne last Friday at Sheridan College against Lester B. Pearson of Burlington. The Royals started out on fire. and were up by ten points at haîf time. Pearson came back in the second haîf how- ever, and defeated the Royals 57-29. Many students showed their sehool spirit and travelled to Sheridan go cheer on their Royals as they battled for thc title of' Halton Champions. Great effort boys and good job this season! Weil that's it for this week Bishop Reding. We hope that you enjoyed this wcek's edition of the Royal Report, and we look forward to seeing you next time! Have a great March Break everyone! "IIMUSTANG ESEGR Belinda Alzner Ashiey Clerici Jua Pyper MILTON DISTRICT Bien SCHGOL 5, 4, 3,2, 1 ... .and the countdown begins, only a few more days until March Break. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Speaking of' March Break, the thirty-five students and staff only have a few days until they embark on svhaî xvill be the best learning experience of their lives. The students and staff will be leaving for Grenada on Saturday, March 12 to build homes that wcre damnaged by Hurricane Ivan. If you would like to help M.D. reach their fundraising goals go to MDHSHELPSGRENA- DA.org and find out more about the humanitarian initiative projeet. M.D. would like to thank the Milton Champion for helping with the local media and aIl of our sponsors and our supportive commu- nity for helping go, participate in the Grenada Project. SAA will once again be running Hoops for Heart to raise money for the heart and stroke founidation. The event will take place on Thursday, March 10, during periods 3,4 and 5. Common' MD. show em' that blue and white school spirit! There are still sports available for the SAA Raptors game next Wednesday, March 9. Don't miss out bring in your forms and money goi Ms. Kahn or Mr. Hamilton as soon as possible. MDHS soccer will also be starting Sooin! The girls and boys information meetings took place last week. If you missed the sign up date, it's not too late. Everyone is svelcome, GO STANGS! This week students who are apart of the French prograîns xvill be headingY to France. We wish ail of you the best! Bring, back pictures! M.D. svould also like to congratilate aIl those stu- dents svho have been offered early acceptance into university or collage. Keep up the îîood svork. That is ail for this edition of the Mustang Messenger keep up the good work in your studies and have a safe and Happy Holiday! Au Revoir!

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