sReal Estate SPORTS COMMUNITY nside age 17f irst year Pâa -W~ Cana YOU DO IT ALL. Don I,,Rac. gent Gisaeut. [Z ]a A,,i METROLAND COMMUN ITY NEWSPAPER VOL145 NO10 -"TUESDAY MARCH 8 2005 $1.0 (GST nclude) 36PAGES UingCon unnapon to BuldBetter Comunnies qQuarry plan appeal g oing to mediation NOWV O)P«EIW " Corporato Accounts m r * Pacule 905-875-1900 Service s"w 1-800-95-029 1snÈgI By MELANIE HENNESSEy The Champion The Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) svill hold a mediation ses- sion next month on Campbellville Sand and Gravel Supply's appeal of a provincial proposai to amend its site plan. April 20 svas the date set foi the session ai a pre-hearing conférence last Tuesday in Milton Council Chambers, where repre- sentatives from the Region, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the subject pit ohtained party status in the proceedings. 'Me conference stemmed from an MNR proposai late laut year to amend the pit's site plans to prohibit furtiier extraction, limit the filI being dumped ai the rural property, and require a proper final grading maximizing the use of on-site materials to rehabilitate the land. Angelo Guerrieri, owner of the exhaust- ed pit located on Campbellville Road, then appealed the proposaI to the 0MB. He said he opposes the amendruent because of the costs associated wilh il, not- ing that he also feels there isn't a need for il either. At the pre-hearing conference, represen- tatives froru the Town and Conservation Halton were granted participant status in the proceedingu, along with Campbellville Road resident Bill Searle, who said he has concerus about the pit regarding water, the */n a flapbt Sftn-year-old Abbey Clark oachee a frozen pancake white particlpatlng in the FlapJack OtYmpie Saturday at Mounitiberg Conseration Area. Ses %nother photo from th. Mapletowne avant In Champion Country on page 11. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE environment aind saletv. Milton councîl directed Town staff to seek participant status to present its request that the MNR requtre comnprehensive oin- site mnaterial iestîng, such as drilling, in consultaiouns with the Minisiry of' the Envirionnient. The Region. MNR anid Conservation Halton presented lists of issues they have with the appeal at the pre-hearing. One of the notable concernis raised was the justifi- cation of the appeal in lighi of potential adverse impacts the operation has on ground water, since it's located within a sensitive ground water recharge area that provides water to the Kelso municipal wells. "'i is a very hydrogeologically-sensitive area." said Demetnius Kappos, counsel with the MR. 'The concernis are very serious that aIl of the agencies have." Mr. Guerrieri previously told The Champion that any notion of ground water contamination jusi isn't true and stood by his dJaim in an interview Fniday. -There's no contamination otf any kind. We have results from very qualified engi- *see IF on page 3 Inded Comment.......... Dateline ......... 9,16 Champion Country . .11 -16 Classified .......1-22 MIOMW 0Mffl *TUESDAY, MARC 8 a eReal E l ton à Spotlek e 4oitnart a Tni-Star 0Glant liger e Miraicle Glory 'Seicid ameas oniy I Ownod andi OPomatud by . . SPEcIAmmL Startîng at FEATuaim TOYOTA VcEeac * Competîtive daily, weekly aird monthis rates. 19 * 24 Hout Roadside Assistance anyvnhere in Canada pet day o r th e U .S A . p lu s in s ura n ce * Cusiomer pick-up and return. "kEco ln teasmm C»u wIT 901Km FREE Pmu, 25 AIR Mus PER RENTAL. 410 teees ve.Milon (nsie MNouToyta>905-875-3771 [MILTO ýqj,'J#7 N'a 41103teelesAvq, Ilton (inside Miiton Toyota)