k 8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 4, 2005 Itali Smoke Alarms 'u3& The Ontario Fire Co relquires that every hc igïbàgdi UlIil a1i ouItile or cottage todayl de )me 430 LBS. LIGHTER » BY MAY 24 WEEKEND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT *Regîstered Nutritional Consultant on staff *Lose weight eating real food *Boo0st metabolism, feel healthy and energized *Personalized plan, customized for your unique goals, lîfestyle and needs *Maintenance programs WE ALSO OFFR *Electro-muscle toning treatments eVascusage cellulite treatment *Non surgical face lift CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! 55 ONAI ST. S. 905-875- 8 I Plan to help prevent I ~Ui~iU~~ III Uit- n ~Jî. More tihii 3) inii thils and jecicIs liave tîîinilitied iii lelpiIe dlee chi suit dc InIo [ie Itegiuii Iieîlicl iii ci ii A repnil liiîîi l)n Nosal Ihii reîuînil cmîurcil recemved Wednesmlay îîrov~ided an update on] ilc dcloinenti ol' a t oiip e- hiei sc suici de iex eiion strateLy loi- Ilialil. The process \%as spai ked last y cal bya staOlIing, hielth tiepantireni repîli ihat Con- cluded suicide vOas fice leading caiuse lot injury-related deaths amîori, Halion miales, 18 and over. and the ird-leading cause of iinjury.-relaied deatis arnong Halton femnales between 1995 and 1999. Dr. Nosal\s repont said three svork groups will be developing action plans on educa- tion and awareness. cnisis response .and service and enhancemeuîit oît prîltective lac- ,li iiilaîî- iill lie îreseîil l (îîliîîib so Il i p 1îrî s i ci de m iee l 'i i li report loIcd. 'J'lie ultîIlî î-CmcIIily held .1 CoIlýIIIiIiiiiiV CoIililaiîu iil (0 1)I1il/Ze lc sLiiCIic pice s entimîf ietîs iii t 1alloîn "Suicide aie-. bc ' e rdumcd hinI tic cfforts of aiî onc scioi ofi ihe cIomii iii1liy OTtO criieii shicil i' îsliî Halîîîî Regii il siorking closelv \\ ili flic tofliniullty tiit ýI tIi licail orttaiaiiois Io idenil> the iiceds and gaps in sre said Regioiial Chair Joyce Sas tlinie. "An issue ais complex as mental heath and suicide requires a comprehlensixe. cul- lahorative aippioacli.*à 1For miiore inîuimiation on the coalition,-4e coîntact the Region's health depannireni ai (9015) 825 60011. The Regiou has established an eîîîer- gýency services reviexi coinmittee cuini lîriset of' Rec'ional Chair Joîyce Sawoline antI a concîl ir I rîîm each Halîîmn imuni- pality. Wednesday. regional cuincl approved the appoinument mot Milton Wards 2 and 4 Councîllor Ron Furik. Hal ton Hillý Councîllor Clauk Somerville. Burlingion Councillor Rick Craven and Oakville Councillor Jeif Knoll t0 the commîîîee. T'he group wilI devetop a terms ofirefer- ence for a review. brtng a work plan for- ward iii counicîl and the repont hack on the t-indints. A reporn lrin Rît), Cocktield, actingt director of- sirategic planning and policy. saîd the îîrîcess viIl fie uîîdeniaken in co- uîperation xxiti the local municipalities. -Reguonal stafi plans te, maîntaîn oîpen commiunication and cîînsulî wîth local municipal stafti hrîîughout the review,- the reponi said. lits expected the review wlt be complete by the end of the year. --Emergency services review committele is established TORONIO'S FAVOURIJE G[T-IIAPPY MIT! BLNNY AND[RSSON & BIORN ULVAIIUS' THEI SMASH MITi MUSICAL Ilît AaBA 416-872-1212 * mirvish.comn * 1-800-461-3333 Best deal in town for groups of 10+ 416-593-4142 e 1-800-724-6420 (AIL ABOUT DINNER & SHOW FOR JLJST $70! ROYAL ALEXANDRA TMLATR[, 260 KING STREE1T WES, TORONTO j. - 1