i 6--The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 4, 2005 Il 'i )1i oci l i uppfier of Fuirnilrp (>11 _ MU'Ti CW"PF 0F www chambere milton. or ,the way to making our community such a wonderful place. Together, our nominees and recipients have built a retirement President's Message residence, developed a community newspaper, restored a 9hiatoricat building. suctoorted the Hialton Women's Shelter. Joyce Hagevik The 2004 Community Awards Gala is less than a month away! With nominees and recipients announced, ticket sales booming and generous sponsorshipu secured, we are well on our way to another succesoful Chamber event. The Milton Chamber of Commerce has hosted these awards for the past 32 years! Each and every year, this first class event gets better and botter. This black tie affair is an event Chat you don't want to miss - a beautiful setting, good food and wine, entertainment, and the celebration of excellence in our business community. With the rapid growth of our community, it becomes increasingly more important to recognize Chose who have led performed 39,000 day surgeries, opened a new business, chaired a School Council, gave 500 young children the hope of becoming future Olympian gymnants, sponsored a local hockey team, donated money to the tsunami relief effort, delivered 650 babies and volunteered on over 25 local organi- zations! The Chamber of Commerce believes theae residestts and businesses deserve some applause! I would like to thank Chose of you who aent in your nominations. As we reviewed each nomination, it became more clear that Milton has a wonderful aelection of community minded and involved individuals and businesses. Tickets are $75.00 lg.s.t. included) and are now on sale ut the Chamber office by calling 905-878-0581. 1 look forward to seeing you aIl there! IJFTMEAaiIEVNIuAWARD - Auw Le»r-Cudgm PAMW!AMMW - Dm. Jgiu R& Wwd MILTON CI4MER 0F COMMERCE prou£#, prlealts SATEIRDAVAPRIL 2, 2005 Granite Ridge Golf Club Cocktails 6:00 pm Dhmner. 7:30 put Tickets: $75 per person (GST included) Black tie dress code Tickets now on sale and can be purchased by contacting the Chamber at 905-878-0581. 191 Main St. E. Milton 905-878-2341 champion@haltonsearch.com Thank you to our 2004 Communi*ty Award Gala sponsors to date: PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE ~ D.dfdn Ontario Loftery & Gaming Corporation, Prosperly ONE - Business Development Bank, HJM Insurance, Community Banking & Fisancial Services, ING/Novex, Royal Canadian Legion, Aggreate Rossi Inc., Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre Loblaws Markets FRIENDS. Mili,.laaNee R eb P. e Ineurance, lier..'s Re.er Shep, Page Oe Servie., MnCualg leeerane Mi., Denalde.. Fleanelal Croup, Fr. Mark MInIetrle./Wedee., co nc toseee n e., Granite llide Ge Club, ilmein D. - Aibatre,. Restaurant at Granite Rldge Gelf Club PRaIZE DoNoRst Brancier Jewelers Gemologist - Don Bell - Shopper's Drug Mart - Donna & Norm Coulter - Harrop Art allery - *larrop Restaurant - M&M Meats S howca se M - iIton CmuiyAad aa SOReMlo mor thn aHom an Lesur Shw! Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 Milton Sports Centre ...moe ha aHonean LisreSh wl Granite Ridge Golf Club Friday, May 6 - 1Oarn to 9pmn - Celebrate Multon's finest ut Saturday, May 7-10 arn to 6 pm MAY is M8 hsbac i far Sunday, May 8 -0000 to 5 pm goal1 l~~<~OêISend in your nominations! V *1RJ Mardi Business After Houra Chamber Golf Tournamnent O SOLD at Mei Mifto %MoUU (CelIJ Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005 Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 Alîtoon's of Milton co-hosted Granite Ridge Golf Club F« m MdIS pum ~1mg NS owerss Mfaugor Asoe, Ik. by Crimuon Dog Web Design 9503 Dublin Line 905-87 -0581342 Bronte St. S., Unit #*16 " Industrial * Panel Building * Commercial * Pole LUne * Troubleshooting ,77fAJ ~ 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 W Milton, Ontario 191 4N6 ELECT~~ICTel: 905-876-2519 Fax: 905-876-3903 ELECTR4AvAL COArfl7RAC Rs www.arthurelectric.com