The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Marcb 1, 2005-7 «Nosal strives to achieve best possible health for ail L~y est\dt.uizLA ~LALI~BUHN Special to The Champion R eality. It's a favourite expression for Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton Region's Medical Officer of Health (MOH). Given recent public beabb issues SARS. West Nile virus, pan demtc planning ils no osonder. but the SI -year old Ancaster resi dent svho beado a healtb depart ment and ambulance set vice of more than 350 people. tbrives on tt. He's firmiy grounded tn reality tbougb be spertds bis days in meet ings witb officiais from goveru- ment and local agencies, ratber than looking into patients' eyes. He believes he. supported by bis staff artd local govemment, is help- ing individual patients by changing the system - something irtdivid- ual pbysicians cant achieve being bound to treat the patient. "I have a very cballenging and intereoting job and I like wbat I do." said Dr. Nosal. Tbe fatber ot toso boys aged IX and 16 and a daugbter. 13. be grad uated froru Qucens I.Jntsersity n 1978 bound for a career ttt family practtce. He worked at Torontos St. Micbael's Hospital tbett dtd "locutns" or short terus posts iti areas short on family doctors 0e svorked on Nattve reserses tn Moose Factory and Sioux I. ookout and tben tn a small toson called Kirkfield. tbe latter a short terut cîstcd Up 0c155! itC~5 y t\\ o years. Today the faînîly physician shortage isn'tjust an isolated prob- lent for small tosvns It also exists n Mtltott. smd it's yet another chaI lenge facittg the local bealth departtnent. whicb s working with local bospttals ttt attract physîcians bere. Dr. Nosal U turtted tn bis early days as a physician to head back to school to study occupational lteabb. He follosved that up witb another U-turn. this tttne into pîtb- lic bealth administration. Dr. Nosal said he realized tsvo things. Many ot bis patients had work-related problems and there bad been little training tn thai field in medical ochool. He also realized many of bis patients bad ilînesses or diseases that were preventable, thougb it svas beyond the scope of an mdi vtdual physician to treat the prob- leru as well as the patient. '[bat svould involve crtmmuniîy and govemment. For exatnple. ssttbin a week of being btred in Halion, Dr. Nosal attendecl a public meeiittg tîtat dreso up to 800 residents angry about pollution troto the Petro Canada refinery. 'Att tndîvîdual pbysicatt could say thetes a problem and they'd like sootething donc about tt, bts tbey asust treat the pattent. Mv nsattdaîe. my job is to [et tttsolsed îtt tbese larger ssues:' said Dt 's osai. He reflects on ibe Petro Canada tssue noting b set a model action plan iii wbich an advisory commit- tee svas established and the compa uy spent tens rtf millions ol dollars to reduce emissions. Mould îtt school board portables 5~5V tbc bealtb departruent ancl school boards collaborate to achiese a bieb calibre tnatntenance program tit ensure students' healîb. Then be docs bis customary real tty cbeck. Haltons MOH saîd be may bold the rcsponsibtlity of beîng MOH and bis role tnay be higb proftle wben a crisis strikes, but bes emphatic ihat be couldn'î accom- plîsb mucb without bis staff, the support rtf local govemment and senior regional staff and dedication from public and private communi- ty agencies and organizations. "Many of our great accomplisb- ments are because of those types of partnerships." said Dr. Nosal. wbo vaitte to Halton in 1989 as a.ssoci- ate MOH and in 1990 stepped mb the MOOs sbocs. "Wttbouî tny staff attd support of ibis regitttt tbere's very, vety litîle I can do." A year before comtng to Halton. Dr. Nosal aîtd bts ostle. Sandra. a sh sician os ho ssorks at McMasîer t ttîverstty 's Student Healtb Service. bougbt a tome and settled ttî Attcaster. Tbey didtt't nove tii Haltoit because Dr. Nosal said lie ssasn't sure boss long bc'd stay. see PLENTY on page 9 Photo Sp RON KUZYK Dr Bob Nasal keeps busy as Halton s medical offîcer 0f health The 01W Parent lOth Annual Education Guide s in production. If you are interested in exploring education options for your child, this guide is essential. More than 100 private, independent and Montessori schools are prof led in this fui I colour glossy magazine. To be included on our maiiing Iist, please send your name and address to: CIty Parent Education Guide 467 Speers Road Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 emaîl jroshko@cîtyparent com orfax9O5 337 5560 IA~&ii A d s sien of Metro and P et ng Pub oh sg & Distributing r I. e e -e -u