Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2005, p. 6

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r 6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 1, 2005 A political lifeboat The dcLiveîy of a lèderal budget that pleased his strongest foc speaks volumes about how feaiful Prime Minister Paul Martin was about los- ing his position in Ottawa. Wednesday's careful ly-crafted budget lefi the Liberal's nlost vocal critics with littie ammunition in which to take aini at toppling Martin's rninority leadership. Even Stephen Harper admitted, "There's nothing in this budget that would justify an election at tbis time," upon reviewing Finance Minister Ralph Goodale's loosening of Ottawa's purse strings. NDP leader Jack Layton charac- terized the 'budget as better than what Martin delivered as finance minister under Jean Chrétien major- ity govemments, but still not great. It's no coincidence that under Chrétien's leadership, much stronger Liberal goverrnenîs lacked the samie political pressure to deli-ser stich broad-based budgets. So they didn't. Wednesday's budget was uniques- tionably self-serving. It provided a political 1lifeboat for the minority Liberals at a time when it appeared the budget might be rejected, forcing an election. The budget also spread out much of its spending over five years - meaning much of it is tied to the Liberals remaining in power. Martin seemis to have accom- plished what Joe Clark couldn't 25 years ago - he has satisfied enough of his political enemies to live to fight another day. However, the question remains how long the prime minister wiIl be able to buy bis way out of chal- lenges to his precarious leadership. I*Our Readers IWrite Carr has made the right decision on bill Carr's decision to vote agaînst same-sex Dear Editor: Congratulationt tu our Liberal MP Gary Car- for voting with the wishes of the majority of his constituents and against the "anti-mnarriage" bill. tt's terrifie toi know that there are top- notch politicians who believe in truly representing the majority and in doing what lis morally right. -Marniage lis a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, and must remain as such. Gary - keep up the good work! G. Hopkins Milton Milton is a good town wîth good leadership Dear Editor: God hless the people ut Milton. My naine is Harry Barnes and 1 have You have a good tuwn and a mayor recently retired from the Towsn of Milton. who's a leader that 1 svould tollow any- This is to those employees who signed where. my retirement card and attended my retire- Harry Barnes ment get-together. Milton *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905)878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertisîng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver JulI Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Tim Cobles Charlene Hall Teri Casas Au ci ate Pru/eli.nler tiirti Citej tlngiuugee Edieor Adi ertî.îîrî t Cle tee Peodmii in anari r Distruieutien Mnrao' 0iî e Mamnacger The Canadien Champion, poblistd eveey Tonsuay and Fritay at 191 Main St E_ Miton Ont .L9T 4N9 (Bon 248, is one ot The Metroland Peîntimg. Potttistiing & Distributifig Led gr000 of suburbain companues winch includes Ajax/Pickering Niews Advertiser Ailistoni ninnaitCoien. Barrie Advance, Blton Entleeprise Brampton Guardiaii Boingiton Post, tehngton Shopping Ntews, City Parent, Cioy ot York Guardian ColingoooOasaga Cnnnection. East Yorkt Mitent Erin Adoocate'Country Routes, Etntuîc ke Guardian. FiamborougT Revins Fonever Young, Georgetown indepennenUActonl Freet Press. Hlton Bosiess Ties, Hu 0on';a tosos limes, LîitdSay This Wenk Markham Fconomist & Sueý Midiand Peietang' uishene Mireni taMilton Shopping Nes, Mississauga tusmess Times, Mississauga Ntems. Napanee Goide Nassagameya Nems, Newrmanket/Auroea Oea-Benner Nthutmbeeland News, North Yoek Mireor, Takîiie eaner Oakoitte Shopping Ntems, Tdtinners Hockey items Teangeoitie laîîneî. Oeut a Today OstîawaîWhitbyiliaiegtn Pnor PeeOy This Wenk Peterborough lhis Wnek, Pictnn County Goide, Richmond Hilli'Thorntnii'Vaoghan Libniai Suar- bonengh Mienne, Stnattiiieii.ibridgn Tribune Adenisint is acLnptnO on nhe coiion that. i n tonvnt of a typo- giaphicai einor that pontion of the adverising spani occupied by the ero- enoos ntem togettie nîth a reasonabie ationiance tor signaturnn wiii not bn changent toi bit thn balance ofth0e adondtisemeni wiii On paio tnn at the appi- cabte ralp The pohtishni rosenons the right f0 categoinno tlierisoments or tectine Editoniai and adoetîsinog inent of The Lananian Chamipion is pnrotete tîy copyrigtht Onautttoîiond ose is prohibitnd 'll The Miltoen Canadian Chanmpion es a Reepoiabie Produne W * marriage a shame fui one for the country Dear Edîtor: Gary Carr mu's -n the nesu s for lu ir reasons recently. At the salue aim-e he announced he ssiI! be ,otinîg against samie-sex marriage. Big Brothers of Halton presented Mr. Carr msath an assard f'or his -commilînent lie menloring an the community.- 1 thînk iî must he a sad state of afl airs ai Big Brothers if lts most notesvorthy mentor li Mr Cari. Ahthough he may he extremely dedicated to helping kids, 1 sincere- ly hope Ihat there are other volun- leers influencing young peuple in Halton. 1 know that 1 wouldnlt want my children mentored by someone you appears to me to be so nan-ous minded and unaccepting as Mr. Carr. 1 imagine thai many chiîdrenitn need of a mentor are those who are slruggling us 1h theur sexuality and their place in irur commnalnt> l ssould he (tuile discouragiî o lualk aibout saîch a prniblemn svih sîimeoile lîke Mr. Carr. whee with the powser lie make decisions thai affect the country, plans lui vote against same- sex mnamrage. Local figures like Mr. Carr have a responsîhîlîîy to set an example for young peuple ni Ballon, especially if îhey're mentors. They have the power lu instill values and the ahil- ity lu teach acceplance. Whaî kind of message is Mr. Carr sending by vuting against same-sex mamrage? Mr. Carr said thai he made his decision lu vote againsi the bill hased on the respunse he received lrom his conslîtuenîs. 1 îook the lime to write lu hiîn about the issue. hut clearly that wasnît enough. The hale propaganda, as 1 think so accuraîely deemed it pasl letters lu the editor. ohu îousiv had a nu caler impact on Mr. Carr than my %sitrds of genuine concen. Gays and leshîans deserve nu leuver opporlunities in life than Mr. Carr, myselt. or anyone else. By vutingý agaînsi same-sex inarruage. Mr. Cari s denying equal righîs. 1 am disappoînted ihai oui MP is sul easily influenced hy iniolerance. By preserving the traditional defini- lion of miarriage. ail we're preserv- ing is prejudice. I hope everyone who encouraged Mr. Carr lu vote against samne-sex marriage is satisfied thai he will be rellecîing their archaic vîews of wshaI's righî and what's wrung. Personally, Fi ashamed. Adrienne Robertson Joyce Boulevard Have your say. E-mail letters ta miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease

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