Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2005, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 1, 2005 *~*A * * * *'v~ *~ *j~~MiIton Burlington's NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING PROPOSED HOUSEKEEpING AMENDMENTS TO COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 144-2003 RELATING TO VETERINARY CLINICS AND VETERINARY HOSPITALS Please be advised that the Corporation 0f the Town 0f Milton will be holding a statutory public meeting pursuant to Section 34 0f the Planning Act RSO 1990 as amended, on: DATE: Monday, March 21, 2005 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Milton Town Hall (2nd Floor) 43 Brown Street, Mîlton to receive input from the public regarding housekeeping amendments to Comprehensive Zoning By-law 144-2003 proposed by the Planning & Development Department in relation to veterinary clinica and veterinary hospitals n the urban and rural/agricultural areas of the Town of Milton. The proposed amendments will affect ail lands within the Town 0f Milton regulated by Zoning By-law 144-2003. For ffiis reason, no map has been attached. The purpose and effect of the amendments s outlined below: To ravise the foliowlng: * the definitions 0f 'Veterinary Clinic" and Weterinary Hospital" to be ~Veterinary Clinic- Small Animal", "Veterinary Clinic- Large Animal", "Veterinary Hospital - Small Animal", and "Veterinary Hospital-Large Animal" * the definition of "Boarding Kennel" to contain the revised terminology * two site-specific provisions (le. M2"27 and C6"43) to contain the revised terminology ta show tii. followlna: * Veterinary Clinic - Small Animal" in the zones where veterinary clînica are currently permitted (le. in varlous commercial zones including Hamiet Commercial, employment, business park and industrial zones>; * Veterin'ary Hospital - Smai Animai" n the zones where veterinary hospitals are currently permitted (i.e. in the employment, business park and industrial zones); * ~Veterinary Clinic - Large Animal", supporting a mobile large animal practice, in the zones where veterinary clinica are currenfly permitted (i.e. in varlous commercial zones including Hamiet Commercial, employment, business park and industrial zones> as well as the rural and agricultural areas; * "Veterinary Hospital- Large Animal", in the rural and agricultural areas only. ANY PERSON MAY attend the Public Meeting to obtain information and make a verbal presentation and/or written submission, 10 identify issues of concem and/or express views in support 0f, or in opposition to, the proposed amendments. The Public Meeting is an information meeting and staff wtll not b. making a recommendation on whether to approve or refuse the propo..d arneedments ut tii. Public Meeting. it la anticipated that a staff recommendation with respect to the proposed amendments outlined above will be made at a future date when the Town's Planning and Deveiopment Department has completed a fuil review of the proposed amendments and the rasuits of the public meeting. At that time, Planning Staff will bring a report with recommendations forward for consideration and decision. Persans who algo tii. regîster .t tii. Public Meeting, or who fil, a written request for notification wlth lie Town of Mîlton Planning and Developrnent Departrnent, wlll b. notlfl.d when the matter 1810 Corne before Council for final conaideration. Pieaae nota liaI lii. Ontarlo Municipal Board may dismias ail or part 0f the appeal, if a person or public body that files an appeal 0f a decision 0f the Town 0f Milton in respect of a proposed application under the Planning Act, dues not make an oral submissîon at the public meeting or written submission to the Town 0f Milton before a decision la made and the proposed by-law s adopted. Copies of the proposed housekeeping amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law relating f0 veterinary clinica and veterinary hospi- tais will be attached as part 0f an information report for the March 21, 2005 public meeting. A copy 0f me staff report and amending by-law wiit b. avaîlabie on Thursday aiternoon, immediately prior f0 the Public Meeting. This report can be obtained from the Planning & Development Department or the Towns website at w.w~milfon~a under Council Calendar (choose the applicable meeting date and click on the report of interest). if you have questions about this proposai or you would like to provide a written submission in relation 10 the amendments set ouI in this notice, you may contact Planning Staff directly at 905/878-7252, Extension 2398 or by email at p]anriing@miltonca or by mail at Planning & Development Department, Upper Floor - Annex Building (next to Town Hall), Town 0f Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, ON L9T 5H2. Please reference Proposed Housekeeping Amendments To Zoning By-law 144-2003- Vet ClinicsNet Hospitals" in the subject une for any written (including emali) correspondence. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F MILTON tus 151 day cf Marci, 2005 Troy McHarg, Town Clerk Milton Transit Milton Transit Sohedule Changes Effective March 7, 2005 Convntional Transit in our efforts 10 respond 10 changes in transit needa, we have made some adjustments in the bus sciedule times for ail transit routes (Routes 1, 2 and 3>. The new schedules take effeot Maith 7,2005. Revised Scheduies Revlsed scheduies are available af www~nhitgnca, from bus drivers or from Miiton Transit Ticket Agents: Miiton Town Hall - Milton Sports Centre Milton Leisure Centre Milton Seniors Activity Centre Miiton Public Ubrary Loftery Kiosk aI Zeilers Accessible Transit There have been no changes 10 Accessible Transit Service. Additional Information jJ Conventionai Wanalt: 905-815-2020 (information Line for Oakviiie Transit, which is providing Milton Transit service) Wab: www.miiton.ca acclaimed as vice-chair from PENMAN on page i rience with CH and as a councîllîîr. Brian s familiar with the workîngs (if ail the committees at Conservation Halton. Mr. Krantz said. Appointees on the board which trîcludes both councillors and citizen appoîntees are selected by their munici pal council. Burlington councillor Carol DArneljo svas also nomtnaîed for the position of chair. Jean Williams, a Citizen appointee from Mississauga and former CH chair for four years, chose not to seek re-election, hut will continue serving on the board as shes done for 21) years. I do not intend ta ride oit into the sun set. neyer to be heard iroru again. I intend to demonstrate that old chairs just keep rocking in anoîher part of the room, Ms Williams said after a presentation outlining CH's achievements ast year. Mr. Pcnman thanked Ms Williams for her dedication to the hoard. She genuine- y puts her heart and soul into every moment (if this organization." Ms Williams nominated Burlingion citi- zen appointee John Vice for vice-chair, and he was later acclaimed. Ms Williams spoke of his recent efforts on the organizations financial review coru miîtce. and saîd although hes heen a mcm her (if the hoard for just a ycar. hes shown truc dedication. I teel he~d conîrihute ta the skill set of the ness chair extrcmely wcll." she saîd. Mr. Vice said he'd he honoured ta serve as vice-chair, I pledge iii you my hard ssork and proh- ahI> a fess misiakes." he told the hoard. 1I1 concentrate on the joh at hand and contrihute~ as sîncerely and protessioîîally as I can.' The meeting încluded a moment of silence tn tnemory aI hoard meruher Stephen Peehles svho passed assay earlier this month. Mr. Peebles represented Puslînch. CH s responsihle for flood conirol. wei land protection, ens ironmental lîlaitning and ihe development of conservation areas lor recrcati(iit and education. it has about 75 permanent stati members and 301) sea sonal employees. Stephanie Thie.îsei can he reached a, il eaaen(dm ~ n a îcdan /iarnp n n Attempted murder case in court A Brampton man charged with attempted murder in connection wiîh the shooting of a Milton resident will returu ta Burlington court March 23 to he spoken ta. Basil Martin, 31, appeared at Ontarlo Court of Justice in Burlîngion Wednesday when Uic returu date wa.s set. Mc Martin has also heen charged with possession of firearrus. November Il, a Milton man was shot several limes in hîs torso at his Houston Dove home ai about 5:30 p.m. A mati turncd himieli in ta police the nexi day. Mr. Martin was released on bail nia the care of his faîher and wife in November.

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