Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2005, p. 23

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COOROINATOR" Send Resume To E Natalie Martin, Service ManagerEI Unique Chrysier Doige Jeep 915 Walkers Line, Burlingten, L7N 3V8 Vacuum Put nmartin@untiquechrysler.com Arnf fax 905-631-8271 A0 Car Washers/ Lot JUNIOR INDU Attendants e Expetien FULL-TIME 0Valid Vatîd Dr/venu t/conne requ/red. Resomes aonepted in pe Fan renumne tou: (905) 825-8802 AfIn: Service Mgr Do o 3615 Lair M Îwd Missist OrnwMississauga taiity is hrn TRUCK & COACH MECHANICS/REGISTERED APPRETICES Full timile pesitiens - oeil, Afferneen, Niglit & Weekend Shlfts avallable lfialtlsua Werking knowtudgv of minîsny regutatiens, Streo pnebtem sotvng ski/fs, Prefeso/onat service attitude, Bit/nguat/um ru conoiderva an assol, Apprenticvo must he regîutervd wîth an sccredted cee flote: Inctudu rogotar maintevancv of compsny trucks and traituno, and oener-opur- alvrs'tmaclons, inctodes PM'v, MTD inspections, repaîru and brvakdlowns. We off@ An attractive oatsny -corrvopoeding to yearu of uvperivncv Apprentîcu Muchonîcu $15.75 te $tO.25/bour -Ltcensed Muchanico $20.00 lu $25.O04novr Compelitîve bevuf ils package. Prodocliv/ty prumîvri, Shift prem/om forntho aturnuon, nighl sud weekend oh/ifs, Annualto100 attvwancv of $600. Sately beel attowancu, and wie suppty coverattu. Dur garage is a brand nuw 11,000 oq.. hebalvd taciIil, equ/pped w/rh new oo inctuding s hydrsotîc tilt and lws sony/ce p/tv. Juin vur team ana discovur wby Robent was voted onu of Canadas 50 et Emptoyers and Bout-Mansged Companv. To appty ptease contact: Cheryl Denny, Hunin Resoarces Departument 905-564-909 exil. 1566, Emali: cdmany@robet.ca, Fax 90-564-2338 The Automation Group of Gemre Etocunic, Ontaio's targesu independent eiectnical distributor han an opanîng tar a matnvated indivudusi ta tain aur grawîng Soam. This posioan is basod out of aur Burtington Head Oftice. INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SPECIALIST 'The main duties aftOhis position are: davafapîng and împiomonnîng strategies Sa graw market penatratian ensuning ochievmantof atloes gas. You uif i aiso saS as o tachnîcat reoaurce for She Cusnamar and Distnibution pernonnel, as suait as hsvîng nhe abifity ta iaunch nasu tadustri ai Contrai praducns inciuding training oS persannel, competency in usna eeuipment sari the abiity Sa idaentify target acoaunts suith satan staff You wi hava pans experience andi suocens in eaouning business plans andi managing invannory Sa satisOy the curront market conditions. The ideaf candidate wîii passons nrang prosentatian skiffs gisung yau the abi/ny Sa matvaSe andi support outuide notes suhîle aisa beîng able na clasa majar account appartun/tios. 1 if you cansider yourseiftSa ba a moanned team piayer wdih sales, marketing andi Sechnical skiffs, inciuding a 3 year Sochnicat cert/ttcate ar apprapriate auponaenca thon peaasle sonsi you resurne Sa: HROgerrfe.com or fax Sa 905-681-1774, or mail Sa: GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED I 4104 South Service Roadl Burlinglton, ON L7L 4X5 Atr: Humain Resources Manager rteas notre, oniy thvse consdered foan ite riew mil be conjtacesd L A &Q B 0 Y FURnNInT E GA vL LRES INTRIO DEIN(SALES AT LAMBY We are expaidini ou'(n Horne Desiri Sertve'in our stres in BudWntcen, Brarripln, Msisauga and soos in Ok an eare on for tentecieto 0 or'DesignrDeve4frrerdPgram., ilyou are a gridate ut an aomdted tnteror Design course wto bgfor aunque ornîto ue yor Deopffl Prga tahs SaleSkis and hep o me 1oesklon te aest nrbom in as mertrot otessona DesignTeam, TheDsgnTeamsdooes rueîsitn nts wrhpr- Jet ct in our shoIwTonmsan nour enÊs hortes. Vou MIt nri exoeilint ommunication el, a feble schdue inuigwknsrlal n desre to Iarr. We are waing aptons rby Mmo- coeU Chate ai 9O5-568-2tt - rt Mmpiçed to 'entr an extension'- dà150, tèn #6151to (repdto setkrqests- The Canadian Chsmpion,Tuesday Marcs t, 2005-23 ~~~~r ui i iiewr A m nsra r l I i ilfie rLe ui1 a IVil îeivvriçAdmiistrtor/Scheduler Manvy's Mushraomo Lld. is s faad praducor, Energetic Data Entry Person required timme- fon Oak aulomotve JîrmENi primant1y grawung and pracesa/ng frensh muvh- diatety in a custo mized computer environ- repair vhoe, We req. an rovmv acrasu Canada. Wo ara curronîtl look- Tp. Blowers, Fillets, dtying Systems Requitres STRIAL MECHANIC ce with shop 1o01S drivers license rson oilly. Preston dRaad, Unit 21 auga, Ontario ing far a Network Adminiutratar for the Canudian and umuttor U.S. business * aptee naruin vyutomn dîptama (Ca/toge fovet an highor) *MCSE certificat/an, or MCP m/lb min. af 3yrs. evp. in multi-doain/ subnels volmarks *CampTs A+ Certif/ad Tochnicisn This pasitian o aocalod in Campbeivi le, (Guelph Lino and Hwy.401) fntorestod candidates, p/oase /nqu/re via orna/t ta: ITJOB-INFO@moneys.com far an /nformation package. L _3' Canadian Societe Cancer canadienne Z Society du cancer LeS s Make Cancer History Secretary Toget/ser se can malke cancer biutopy. Our Oaknfie Unit has a contract oppvrunty, ending jaauary 31, 2006, for au organized, castomer serice-orieutel casunicator ta pronide receptios, word- processing andl clerical services. Yos will responti ta inqairies, provide information about tiseSociety aad lis services, process mail, aad prepare correspondeuce, reports, notices af meetings aud agendas. Additionally, n'as wiil help orient office volenteers, prepare receipts, sud naintain iaveutior; as wefl as accarate donation records sud bookseeping. Ysa are a higb scisool gradouate witb somne secreatiai expenience, excellent typise and word-processiag skiffs, and proficieucy us MS 0ffice 20100 andl, idealn. databases. As accosntiug or bookkeepisg backgrounsd sud snu iiderstandfiug of thse hundamnuetals ofi fundraisg atre assex. Sortue evesîsg sud weekend svork wili bu' reqto/rut. '4e offur as vppvrtsnity iCi cîrsîribste iv uir missionu iv a geai wvrking environnîrni. Tis positioîn wili be vof iîitrresn i bhose cuirreatx rarnîsg in tihe btg 20K range. Quaiiid nuis xiuuke'r' arr inviteel tii sesut lie/r resusses. bv March 8, 2005. tii Uiait Manager Oakville tUnit, Canadian Cancer Society. 51 - 635 Fourth Une, OalceiHe. ON L6L 5W4. F'au: 905-841-0092. E-nmail: mfrederick@ont.ariocancer.ca Wr ttîauk ail atîli/usis fuir lie/r usîrresi andl advixu' liai nh ttose sein tuedl'fur art inters te viIi bu' uivîscîrd. Nu ptrvse culls, plusse. thu' (,ualani Canier .Societ i rvdes eua/ oppsoroii ini u'niu/u/ineuf rund encu'Oralges (iplvlii'avuuvs from i eu qsualf/Oedperonu. Leadiiig Fura deaterstvp is currenty seekîng appîîcantu toi lhe tottowîog position PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Dunies inctude: Swîtchlboard opuration ana some mînor ottîce dulies As/e to work tir tottveîng huns *Moodav to Tbursday trom 4pm antît Vpm e Saturdsy rom 8:3Oam ont/t bpm This position un year round & studuoto are preterred Snbmit reaune by fan: Cathy Sancu, Office Manager 570 Trafslgar Road Oshuitte, ON L6,t 3J12 FAX: 905-844-4472 ei . or e-mailt csanci@oaktsvdtordtincotv ca Au a teader in temporany administrative utatt/ng, OfficeTeam can etten a wîdv anray et asuigoimeutu Wv are currvntty rvcruîtîug ton Executive Assistants Senior Administrative Assistant Sales Administrator Must bave minimum 3 years voperience ana rutermediate Word ana Exce 'SpeciatîzedAdmiistrtive Staffvg" Ph: 905-331-0456 e Fo: 905-319-2095 burtîngtonWetbiceteam cem Vîsît uný otfticeteam com BOOKKEEPER FULL-TIME Must be eop'd in att aspects of acctg. A/R, A/P G/L & fînancta otatoments. Must have a strvng acctg. backgrvuvd, eoc. computer SUIS & abte ta mult-taok. Somoe recoptisn dut/es. Fax resumne: 905-827-5445t OFFICE MANAGER Min 5 yearu evp book keepivg, word processîng and stroog communica- tion SIS, Satarv $45K Cranchising or teasing exp. preterred bot ver nucesuary Locatieon Bortiergtoo nepîy Bux 2042, The Barlingfan Post, #1 - 5040 Mai nway, Surlington 171 7G5 RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Part Time Receptinlst Cashier & Must have excellent communication skîiis sud be vvtabie Monday tbrough Thursday eveni .ngs 6-9 PM and Saurdays 9 AM - 5 PM Pteasn fax resumne attention to: Mortey or Brent Richardson W 905-878-4443 Milton Based Company Seeks book-keeper for approx. 8 hours per week, osages negatiable. PIeM- cti (905) 702-1362 ment. Must have data entry experience with a pteasant disposition. Please emait resume ta:. a Careers@mapIeIodgetarms.com Theg n suesu nviusit Must hae coter er comte st ,twbkotdeu and Reawl rgnzd Estaeeperience wrferd. Hurs a e fo nm: Modyt 8i :l0 - 6:3prît Pase fa resume nd wag e905ctt77.14 ttni: Manage a19-3584 or Emat: 1alavseee@.geaucntron. rinid eriConstrudction ies indieroa ton vr PUine iemntli Commercial deiti ond compl- an. e atsuteising oeatial anedaeny ro drs * nîersîty gre iha iimm0)reas wtls in n d r a stt experience îac A n services * tegiepnoal an st e l a naty t cdo îlisadfnlz buins Oîgh ervice ul orintio leo SWrM Exel ACo ut îtenate nase. f nerst oRepty to lfiainsti BurledingAton L7Lire a 7G5tm Customer Service Representative For a omali trucking company in M/lias. Rosponsibilities include: csmputeized arder entry, basking arders, & costomer inquires. Candidates muai be able ta wark effectively w/ish suber members ai the toast; be b/gbly mstivated, gasd computer okitîs bave excellent Englisb cammunication akitîs, a strsng tlt- phane manner and orgonizat/onotai s/Ils. A min- imum of a hugh sochoat dipiama and a proven mark bistary is ossentua. If pou are interested in becoming a valuable member of our team, please fax your resumne to: 905-875-9068 Attn: Barbara taf. «illit> d Tetophono eperuonco and s ptoavanl oulgoîng poroonstrty roquirod. Excellent untorporsonut 0k/liv and some computer ovper/onco roquired. lot mua, f iada feki 0 905415?f§3U ourgeing personasie pro- lessiova for work ordur pruparalion, ustîmatîno, sates, uchedutîng, appt. confirmation. The candi- date wîtt bu suait, FT sprîngltatt, PT svm- merlwîvter înctvdîng eekendu oue ctter excettent wagus, benuftîto beonus, training in fun work envîr Fax: 905-842-5269 Aftn: Personnel Manager Receptionist Office Admin Mature enlbooîasîc receptîvoîsl reqoîrva for busy inoorancu brokerage in Dakvilte. Must bu computer lîterate sud wult organved. Ptuase tax resumne lui 905-849-8289 Transport & Fmeigbt Brokerage bsivess ruquires a SALES PERSON wîlb Iboîr vwn coulemer base, Minuiosauga Dakviîttu Burtinglon ares, Generous commission paîd weuky, Fan 909-337-8669 qushapcat e3t5 Caîrîve SBr qLuliu&31r1Wcj, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10_

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