Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2005, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Tuuaday March 1, 2005-21 ctynkiUS, CttTtuO At han hanse in Mlttan an Frîday, February 251h 2005. Etliede Brynkas, betanent cite oftihe tata Jan Brynkas. Lavis9 mathar ot Henry asnd bis wdfe Canote and Tany. Sadty misoant Sp han grandchintres Ahne and Michette. Fansty and trienda ara mntent ta nîsît at the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Miltas 905 878-4452 tram 7-9 pm an Wadnesday. The tanerat service wîtt Se hasti on Tharsday, Manch 3rd 2005 ai 2:00 pm in tthe tumerai hanse chopaI. As expressions ot synspathy, memoriat donations tai the Canadiani Cancer Society count Sa appraciated J EIGE: Faillait James (Jim) Peaceuty on Tharsntay, Febmuary 24, 2005 at the Mît- tas District Haspitat Jîs Eîga in hîs 74th year. Loing Hasband ot the tata Eiteas Eîga. Balaant Faihen ot Heather Eîge and Anthony Eîge. Friands care recaîvent inans the J. Scott Earty Fanerai Hanse, 2n James St., Mltion 10051878-2689 an Masday, Febnuany 28th The Liurgy ai Chrsian Banial ciii Se catebnaiad fnons the Fanera -Hame Choaie on Tuesday, Match 1 t n ai0n AM. As expressions af sympathy, donations ta the Canadian Cancan Society casînt ha appreciatant by the tasîty. GRAHAM: Andy Dient paacetstty ai bis hanse an Fsiday, Februarî 25, 2005. Asdy Grahams ai the aga ot 83. Remembarant by bis eildres Garsi and her hoaboant Lana Faggîoni ot Mit- ion and Darryt Grahams asnd bis cite Margot ot Calgary. Losent grandpa af Tara aont hier hasbannt Gareth Liecel- lys and Paut Faggian at Mihaon and Ennand4 Naît Gra- bocalf Calgary. Friands ciii Sa receine t aihOe J. Scatt Eady Fanera Home, 21 James St., Mi8aon (905) 878- 2669 as Taesday, March 1a st ram 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A La- gras Service ciii bu hait ai 7:00 PM. Fanerai Service ciii ha heud fom the Fanierai Home ChopaI Wensxay, Manch 244d ait 1-00 AM. Inteienita toitual ai Enar- green Cametey. In lieu ai flowens, donahaons may ha mante ta tie Canantian Cancer Society. ioving cana. Excelleteiaer- ancex. Fr00 Aid/CPR. Fa- licu/C.AS. checx. Homne inspections Sp HeafhiFine Dapartmenis. Racaipta. Chruds Drivea Lare 905- 875-2202. LOVtNG corx. nutiîtroas nsats. croSts, police check, lirai aid. CPFL Cati Carat @ 905-876-0620. CARE. atrty chidcare Ion pon chiudres 18 monthas taS5 pans sisce 189. Cai (905) 878-7552 or alant as ai raisbacviliagaday- Lee, Michelle tMcKay) Fotlowing a courageaus batille with cancer, surroundent by ber tamily and tniends. Michelle passea awoy an Sunday, Febnraiy 27th 2005 as the Miftas District Hos- pital et the age oftt8. Michette is sadty misset Oy mer basbaid Kenîn Lee, ber mathen Sussn and ber bas- band Tadd Paal and Howard and Wendy Lee. Lonîng sîster of Jalie (Charles), Noel Brawn and Jennten Lee. Lavîngly remembened by ber nephew Mihael' grand- parents Helen Batcher Nana and Phyllîs Cash and Hel- en and Datan Healey. Fnedeceased by ber grandtathen David Bancher, Michelle cii be missed by ber aants, anils causins and ber pets Jack, Rasey and Fergie. Faniy and trîends are inaîted ta vîsît at the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Miltaon 905- 878-4452 tram 2-a pm and 7-9 pns on Manday asd Taesday. The taneral service wili be hela on Wednes- day, Marcs 2nd 20505 at 12.00 pm in tha tanena home chapel. tntenaent ta tattaw ait the Milton Eaergreen Ce- matery As expressions at sympathy, memanial dana- saons ta a schoaship tand in Mîchette's name waatd be appreciated. Ath avleTaagrMemariat Haspital an Oatarday, February 26th 2005. Danatd Lewis. betaned basband at the tata Aadrey Lewis. Lanîng tather at Chantes and Altred. Sady missed Sp bis niecea Cindy Sandra, Sasan and Carat, Fredeceaset by bis brathers and sis- ters. Famity and tinends axe innaled tai niait at the McKERStE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 1i4 Main St. Milltan 905-878-4452 hans 7-9 pmn an Wednesday. The taneral service ii be held at St. Paat's Unitedt Cbarch 123 Maia St. Milltan an Tbarsday, March 3rd 2005 at t1:00 pm. tntenaeni ta tattaw at the Mîhaon Evengreen Cemeteri. As expressians at synspatby, mensariat dlona- tians ta the Canadian Cancer Sacieiy wautd Se appreci- ated. Parnellt, Louis At the Millan District Haspital an Sanday, Febray 27th 2005. Lauis Panait, Setaned basbosd aft he tate Ettenane Parnell aad a lang tise nasîdent ot Milttan. Laais wîli Se missent by bis tnienda in the Milton anea. A specialt hasts yoa ta Dr. Tam and the Haspita staff, A fanera service cîi Se nen t a the McKensîx-Kochen Fanerai Hanse t14 Main St Miltron 905-e7e-4452 on Faiday, March ans 2005 an 10:00 ans Inteceent ta, talîna an talendiate Memarial Gardens sn Tarantoa As expres- sians of svnxpathy mensania danatians ta, the Heant and Strake Faunelatian waatd Se appreciatet donatons to The 185 Ontario St. S. Allendale Founidain Miltan, ON L9T 2M4 aefuyapeitd 900-878-414l -t 80 anas uy prcitd Shielda,ý Sybil In loviag memary of ai apecial Graudima & GreatGrxandma (GG.) wla lefi us Febrtaary 29, 2004. We miss you dearly emeryday and hope yxaî hear your speciai girl when ahe tallit Ioa >ou. AUl our lue KIrhi Jean, Kirsia & Bien Lviagaton Merv la laviag memary af the muaI uruderful Huaband aad Father, uîha pasaed away auddealy Marrh 2, 2001. His charming ways aad satiliag face, Are a pleasure Io recaîl He fial a kiadly ward for each, Aad died beletîed by ail Sa sadiy cisaed by wife Helene and family oui aOth Anaîx.cnsury reception, for gifle, jfiawers and cards. Also to ai who laelped make it auch a memaorabie occa- so.SPECL4L THRANKS la Andrea for mailing it«happen " and for surprises. Biess you ail Harvey & Pantela Petligrew hanvEs table, chnWcbnes DWn ine ORS tab Mles N.ons and e mach m eorge ow 1199ing an TChuchl ad. Gorewt on, NrE W Elc MeIS Fridge/Stove/Dîshwasher, 47T-Winte Ocrais. 9-piace dîneita. canoantional avns cîne coatai, Waaberdnyar, 5-pieca liîoîgroom set. HF Computer and maie. 905- 875-t108. PLASMA TV 48" TATUNG, nanan osa n sbSe, haif in speakers, seteciabie SR0, siynouant ssasd, pictare in pictare zoom & treaza, vol- aen t a $4700., cii sait tan $3300. Cai Rab @ 005- 404-8845. WOODEN play station 2 tari areas, 2 alitas, 2 scîngs, rachat ride, 2 nope iadders, mankey bars. brad sacs Seabo. Seia ne- tait Ior St1500. te ara sait- îng tan $70 Fleasa cai 905-257-4390. A Dînîsg Roons. Cherry. coant, double padestia table, 8 choira, baffai, hatcb, davatal construc- tion. Nec suit in Sexes Casi S11.000. Sacrifice $2.00905-507-9459 A King Fitiactap Mantresa Set. Nec in plasic. Coat $1600. sali lot S450 9050 567-9409 BED, Ansazîng Sanguini queen orthopentic pilloctop set, sec in plastic. wunnoniy $150 005-507-4042 cii de- linon. f/Cnada"s Tae- LEmpteoers Badroom Chenrycoot, Bent, chasi, dresser, 2 nîgbtstands. Donatat Cas- strucion. Neyer aplanid Casi $8.000. Sacritîce $1.900 905-507-4042 CARPET i bave sanera i1.000 yrds. ot sac Staîn- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wit do tiningroons & balla fo 389. sciantes car- pet, pant & installation (30 pardai Stane, 905-633- 8192 GLEN WILUAMS ESTATE MOVING SALE Famîtara and Home Dacar. Vîec items ai cww.mytarsi- tare.aog or cati Mika ai 647- 4.44-0310. Hit Tub (Spe) Canais Besi Fince, Basi Ouaîty Ait Shapea & Cataurs Avai- abie. Cai 1-800-585-0058. $$$$ thantha.- al Chiia Sîlaar, Crysta, Tea Caps, Rayai Doaftn Scaonaki, Glass. Jacattaxy oint tops, coltactibtas asiates. Cai Johnv Tracey 005-331-2477 1995 Canotier, 2-doo, CD player, 5-speed. Nec cînter tines. 238,0OOtins. $3,000 obo. Cai 905-702-1823. ds bil ol ei imporsbe Havedydatesemust * Have a dîabibty, n * Be unemployed, * Want to work in Mississavga * Lîve in Halton, Peel, Dutterin aHave gond computer skills. A[eyouvwit/ina talearnr * Muli-tasking, aCati Centre soli suiis RBCCODJfUAIy P81tie ri'to Roya Ban et ork dscaixai i;V* Centre Sporaai8 i o recl theipec (Xý L Lîi Yý2i; Iim Required for local P & D some dock work 3 yrs minimum experience UiS Experience AZ Drivers & Osaner/Operators 905-875-0708 ext. 203 DRIVERS New Truck Delivery We deliven nec inuckis fromn tactoîy Io dealer- shtys throughvat lthe U.S. and robirn c/new truckis tiens U.S plants .42 per mile Motel pînvdon nîghiiy Mont have AZ tîconse & tyný T/T OTR Exp. ACS Canada 877-893-2066 carei fa *ir Saturday March 5th, 2005 9:OOam - 12:OOpm Qaifient candidates for these positions ii bu interviewed ue site. Manufacturing *CNC Machîsista ciih 5 years eaperience in oas set-up and tant saiecîran *CNC Mîtting Machine Openators ciîh 2 poars eoperiesce * Tam leader cith 5 yeanrs CNC Mach i ns5 eoperixnce " CNC Gos Drill Operatons cîth 2 poars experîence * CNC Lothe Machinias cith 4 pears expeniesce " Surface Gnînders îith 2 yxans eoyoniencx * Universa Grînders îith CNC exyxtience A * Jîg Grînder cîîh 8 years exponionce Fiente bing pou resaime Positions are reqairad to mark ratatiag and/or i wuukend shift ce effar campatitixe ciages snd skift premiams Faor nddttioan téenr faix inaortntion pianst aisit www.moldmoiters.cem Resuits Oriented. Passionatte. Innovative. If these words describe your approach to work, letîs talk! As Canada s leader an the btlle însurance tndusty, oar mission is ta pro vide innovative, efficient and secure solutions with innovative products and services Chat tocas an exceeding customers, expectations. The ouccesa we have reatîzed would ot have beeo passible avithout the commitiment and dedication aftour employees - they are critical ta aur succeas. Recogntzed as one of Canada 's Top 100 Employers for 2005, First Canadian Tille provides a work environment Chat offers challenge, pourpose, and opportunities for growth withîn a team based culture. Due to growth, First Canadian Tifle currently has the following positions available: Senior Law C[erks . 5-10 years' experience in commercial or residentiaila Law Clerks e 3-5 years' experience in commercial or residential law Yoa musl have a cottege diptoma or a taw cierk's desigoatton coapted with technica knowledgeo0f the practice of rea estalo tam including a soand anderstanding of the mechanics of rosi estate transactions. Yoa have worked independenly oo reat estale transactioos trom file opentng la closiog. Yoar superb castomer service and commanication skitts are comptemented by yoor attention o sdotait, the abitity to manago mattiplo tasks simuttaneousy io a fast-paced eovironmont, and effective teamwork skitts. Yoa are also proficionl with MS Office. Exporience with Teraview and e-rog software is consideret ao assot as woît as bitinguatism in French and Engtish. To apply online, ptease visit Dur websile, or yoa may apply in wriling lo: FIR&ST First Canadian Tifle4 Humain Rasources, 2235 Sheridan Garden Drive A DI N Oakville, ON L6J 7V5 Fax: 905.287.1008 TITLE IWa thank ail oppticants Cor 10e/r rntareot Invweve-, os/y ttiose under consrdération ci// be contocted. I ii* 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . w w .firstcanad

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