Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2005, p. 20

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a - e *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 * *Rentais 170-196 au Leisure 200-239 au Community 240-29'9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@mniItoncanadianchampi-on.co e a ndsu0-8 uo4040*HI atd505R, Mon. ta Fri 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on w .haftonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Paymeni: We accepi cash. chteqae, tniteiac, Visa, MasîerCatd. Ainerîcan Exprnssa Basiness accoatîts cati te opeoed mirO a n apttiovnd crertr application avaitattie tram yovr Sains Consaltant. CHECK YODS AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta ensître lhinfîormîation s cartect Conta ct yoaî Sanes Conisultant nîthîin 24-Hoars tf ait nîror apnats, An entr in a Fît publtication inalit lie tepalea no lai tuait Mon, t1t a In J3IRTHDAY e, (i P( 1fi 1 1 i Il . ý»jI1Imî"lulllkllL \BIRTHDAY 9rth Harold Coulson 1 'Ieaae join the lama/y a/ an Oen Hoîune /0 ce/ebrate Haro/ds irthday - Sature!.5 March 5, 2005 ~a From 1.30-4.30 p.m. L.At the Canadian Legion, /Jranch 136 Charles St., ,Ilifton Rest Wtshes Ont,! 100 MILTON lonety tomnOome, great neighbosrhood, zero damnpaymeat. Tali free recoîded message 1-800- 617-12751ID0#3025 Prudntia Tnao Centre Reaty TOWNHOUSE lot sale t5yoa lînehoid. end unit. 3.5 liathraoms, Renovai- edtinpgraded. 2033 COrin- don Road, NEP Barlîngton, $246. 905-693-2829, www oentureSames.ca lot leatare oheet. Open House Son, 2-Opm. TOWNHOUSE, 3-bdrms, garage, tininked rer. mnt, use ni pool, iran appliances, wieoiow bttndn. Cai 905- 878-0456. SEMI-detarhet 3 liedroom in Timbertea aiea. Large lot 35'020' ond eoougk park- ing ion Ir a rs in drinewap. Interlock walkwap tOut wîndn trami iront ta Park. New inînace, air. windows ond otf Ftntshet Pose- ment ond new rarpels. Cati Dovg ai Leslie 905-878- 1076 BIRTHDAY Love Alway Forver J Mana, Daa Deun, Nana, Poppa. kamma, Poppa &AlI the farni PROMOTE yoar business prqmty oppodtndy la oor 4 million REASONABLE Intastrtal aîut readers ta SautS Cn- i/ails lot rent Hwy 25 & irai Ontario. Book yvar ad- 401 i 1.00 -3,200 sq il venîisement ta oer 60 Met- Laadîng docks & drive-in talant commnty newspa- PSon i 90 27 937 ~ pers wîtS ose phase ral Phon 1-95-27-934 orCai] toOy tori nformation 1-905-275-6834. on meekîp mort ad packag- -e internet listings inclut- e)416-493-13005ext. 288; n ww.metroland.nom GIC-ALTERNATIVE t e- reine monthiy innom tram SSMONEV$S 100%/ tsi, Ioo ai Ontario Mortgagen: 2nt ond 3rt Mortgages. canrent pînît 10.65, naît1 Bat cretit 0K. Cati Ontario 877-66-3936 Wite t-888-307-7799. A Job Ai Home $529 27 Weekly. Matil work, Assem- le pratunts or Comparer mark, (416)703-5655 2dhr meas s o goe mmm TheHomejan ca Or write Consumet. $998 Yoaae Street, #259-222, Toronto, M4Y t 24 CAMPBELLVILLE, ador- abie gnesi haase, i bdrm, ianndiy, acazzt, patia, noan- smokeî, S875/th n utili- Lies Aoaitalte Aprit lti Cat 905-854-4590 CAMPBELLVîLLE. 2-Ped- roam avoutable Api i1t At- tached garage, prînote en- irace/yard escatpmiet lot, Ptreptace, osherdryer. trîtge. Jennaîre slave. 1l00/month n utîlîlies. No smo k i agi/ p et s, FîrntLasliReterenres te- qniret. 416-560-9983, COUNTRY large t bet- noom close la Milton. main tisai, privale patio. iauntry ond robin avaîtabin. S8501m15. inn. Seat & ap- pitances. Avoulable Aprt lti. Reterennes reqitnrnt 905-854-2294. MILTON Pankelor pot toi et, isrnînhed avoulable tmmetiatle, $60m16 te- ciatîng utîlîtien. Cai 905- 875-3003. MILTON large Prîghl Poche- lotr $70/lm10, kîtchen, fli bath. uiities. cale & taun- dry. No pets/smoing, avoulable Aprt lti Coli 985-876-3487 or 416-576- 9294 170 170 -priin AparbSffi For Remt For Rvd, NEWLY renanatea hache- GEORGETOWN t lied- Ior S675tmonîh inctnding raam apodînent Dama- oitîtîties Anaîtapie nom. t- tawo Aprt ltI Parking, liedroom n toit apt toniy, lieatîog inctadeni Sto90tmonia înctutîng otti- $750tmonthi Reterentes tins Avaîtoote Match tst Cai t 905,737-8749 BathoClose 10 Doon GORETW 1-bd Mit Cati Woody 519 cEoo E W t lie 5a1-7537 tannwy renavateti lsmt - - - -- api Fenced yard, parking & PEACEFUL contry encu-auiovry intuded S8001mn ti ve home one Oedtoom r utilttes Avait. Match iti opannmeni 10 minutes ta Cai 519 856-9994 4101 sotte single non smok GOG WN tle ing praiessîoaîtatstnden t GOGTW - $800 inc 905 -8781515 rocm, rteay renanatea orîgat aponnient. Fencen yard, parking aira taundry GLEN EDEN incitdnd S750!manth COURT Avaitabte Match it Cali APARTMENTS lit9 856-9994 122 Dronie Street, GEORGETOWN 3-lina Soutk, Milton tanin newv renoaaed main We are nomy baor ofi hanse Fenced acceptng yard, parking & tanndry ta- applications toi tiuded $1itOlmo a uri- ties, Cai 519-856-9994 t 1Sbirs GEORGETOWN tmmacn- taie country home. 2 pins t For more taedroom, CiA, tanndîy na information and/orito p e ts /sm o kijng make $t,200tmonth plus. 905- an appoinintri 873-7758. Please cati 905-878-5375 GEORGETOWN one lied- Building Managers room Pasement apoi- non- Leonad & Pnny moker, avaitabie Aprl lti Leoard& Pnny newty teconated, 1-BEDROOM basemnt lies, 905'873-'928 Prîght, single temaietron pie.S800tmonth atrîttes in GEORGETOWN roomy t- cindnd, Credît check, bedroom basement, near Itînlias. Avaîtabie imme- Mail. Avaîtable tmmettatey. tîateip. Parkings separate $SOStmonth atîiîtîesica- entrancetaandy .905-873- lediîgetstooe, t-cr park- 13663 îng tncladnt Cali 905-877- 1549 teane message t-BEDROOM, large weti maîntaîned. Georgetown GEORGETOWN spactoas. quiet building near Go 2-Oedroam apariment, Heat/wareriappîtances I-close Io Hîgli Scnool. Ap- ctnted Hydra enra, pitances. great neignlionrs, 5750/monlh. Na pets No pets/smoking S98Otmth 905-877-3761, ait inclusive Aaaîiale Pe- lirnary lt 985-873-1174. ACTON t liedraam apanl ment $780îmonth Analý 185 ale Immediatety. 200 Clinrchill Road Sauts No FW R*9w pets. Cai 519-803-0087 HOUSE lot riat, Derry Rd ACTON lux ury apaments P, & Trafalgar Rd 50 actes 7 lirand nea oarge 2 lied- ai tond mîlli barn cai 9lili roam unus ta rerraaated ~S20 bling damniama Acton MILTON GREENPARK 12 cettîngli ArC, ianndry, nom 3-lirm 2 t12 Pain, mapine kttchens aak maors C/A nAtat. garage wIthoen- an4 large starage raams trance lenced yard, clase Aprl lti accapancy. Cai ao scliaaisishappig 5 ap- 416-888-9164 pItances Avaîilale Aprt t, ACTON, 2-bedroom apper 20ck ai 00mi Frnc alni0 apantment, S appliances. iko rne W95 C/A, baicony, parki1ng, 854-3d35 Downiown. No STEELES/TRAFALGAR 2- smokeipeis,5875/montSlieo hastDul pins atîlîtîns, Aprt lti Cai ero busD bl t 800-283-1429 Mon.-Fni garage $t200month in- ACTON, ChairS Stt 2- ctutîng cabie/hydro. Aaai- beiiroom, close ta ail amen- able îmmedîatety. No pets. ilies. Parking, rndît check. Cali995-875-4632. $8oîitmonth. Asaîtabie iom- 4-BEOROOMhuetrn meOiiainip 4164609025. O os orn - n Antaon, goret neighboar- APARTMENTS 2-bedroom hood seat Cake. 5-ap- sattes in Antan $800 and $850imonith Pnsvate yards. pitances, non-smokers no Gos Seat. Asaîlalle mme- pets Firsltaslirelerences. tîately. Cai Cîz Doeit. John- $t.35Otmonth pins atîlîtres. son Associates Realtor Soarlale îmmedîately. Cai 905-877-51650 519-853-5251 GEORGETOWN i lied- room liasement aponmrient. WANTED ta renltease/par- nemty renaaated winu gos chose. Large tant y anme lîrepiace S79himaaîh pins on acînago wli ton for 2 nîttîtres. Clase ta shopping PuistLant, Cati 905-877- Sertet Sair:n Ougin 7451ý 90$ 667-3773 MILTON 3 lidrm ton- home, centrai location. mono ta conditian. No smaking/pets, anaîtale MarcS it 51300/min, rot- ereares. Cai 905-693- 95t0 MILTON spacrans 3-lidrmn uoit watk ta, Milton Mal va- der renavavans. tno ArC. P S, DW. Main laar lan crn mis W & D Fîashed basemeniunse ai pont & Roc. Cii 5130ah n ui Ires avaîtale Aprt lti rt erences Cati 416-998- 5968 3-BIEDROOM tamrhavse lai reat. availalile Aprl iti St 200/manili plus attires Coatraly tocated waling distance te Mail Cai Cîz Doel, Johnon Associates Realtor 985-877-5165. Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors Wanted Trno Intmnmioon a] (n" Oshrawa Cîvic Aundrue Pachmond Hall Sprts Ccnre i8rnkhn vrrondf Arri For niore informtnion cal] gXII5-426-4i76 exi.22 1or vskit e. s hcheanoîfrouni coi 245 245 Scherer, Matthew and Stepanie nee (Gervais) ai Cambridge are thriled ta announce the luth oi their daughter Kiersten Maddoz. Born Feliruary 18, 2005 ai MeMaster Haspital, weigiiing 7tlis. 8az ai 2:5Oam. Happily weicomied by ail Set tamily (M i"ie lne 4pis Socielg CI of miton àjLqife ui $0 il# ouep aniuaal eepion and sale. 1pom #4eadf fo #and" leiday maech A .Qeeepfaon 6:00 p.m. fo 9:00 pi. (by invifaliow OMly) Safaeday OIaich 5fk M Show and Saia 9:00 arn. 1. 3:00 p.m,. (toua. lis uttcorni) ai fhe Millin Spapis Cenipe on Sanfa mapia Boulevatd ai Deiey 2oad 1 192 R --l Aa FURNISHED room motr Mitton Mail. parkitg, tJauni- dry etc.Stt0iseek Pîease cai 905-878-0882 FOUNO giasses ai Apple- waad and Wiovt, ornat tramed giasses one lens is bifacal, the aiher lens tanýt Camne ta Champian office ai 191 Main St. E. ta tdentiy, 9 5pm. ClassifieW Hours Monday to Friday 9 arn fo 5 pm BALLROOM DANCING LESSONS Milton St. PauI's Church on Main St. Starting March 3rd, 2005. Beginning a) 8:15 PM 10 weeks $110.00 per couple. Cali Bill (905)318-9381 Marianne (905)878-0602 1 Bo%/? or Girl? 'rettyourfcirnity4frienci5 with Birth Announc-errients

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