2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 1, 2005 »-Councillors' salaries,) expenses presented at meeting The Champion The Towvn spent almiost $250.000 on counicil members' salaries last yeaî. A staff report preseîîîed to the administration and planning commitîce February 21I detailed what each councillor and the mnayor were paid, plus how much svas spent on benefits, conter- ences and mileage. Mayor Gord Krantz's salary carne in aI $46.011, white each councîllor svas paid $20,342. with the exception of Ward 4 Councillor John Challittor. svho was paid $1 6,026.87. Mr. Challinor explained if's bis personotl choice to bave a losver salary. '[bat amount of rooney covers everything 1 Cas o1111miionniol) iiii5lbi residen, phione hi!ls andc his time. It's quise aidequate for what 1 need.- Alinost $-33,000 Was spetît on council's bene- fits, svih about $6.100 of that going io Mr. Krantz. Most counicillors'beniefts fell oithin the $2,000 to $4.000 range. wvhite Ward 1 Counicillor Brian Peimats spent only $1,298 and Mr. Challinor. $925.89. AIl counicil members have beneOits. ci)vertng lite, dental. drugs and vision care, with the pre- iitis beiîsg paid for 50)/50) by the Town and counicilkîrs. Pension contributions and deduc- tions also fait under this category. Five counicillors and the nuîyîî cîîllectively spent nearly $13.000 on contèrences and work- sbops -Mr. Krant, $3,018,08, Ward 2 (o (111ï1.1l M ar k c ulisýý o 1 Ij /' l i , Ciincillor Cindy ,utnau, $1 .0014.36, Ward 3 Ciuncillor Jan Mosvbray. $3.710.88, Mr. Petiuas. $1t,759.68 and Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau, $1,633,71. Abosut $12.000 was dished mut for mileage betsseen Oive counicil metoobers -Wards 1 atnd 3 Councillor Barry Lee, $1.265. Ms Lunan. $4,047.53, Ms Mosvbray $388.21, Mr. Penman. $1,090.84. and Mr. Krantz, $5,152.08. Mileage is calculated at 44.7 cents per kilornetre. Regional counicil salaries At the regiîînal level, nearly $1 mrillion was spent on councillors' salaries. benefits and expenses last year. A report to the administration and finance comnsittee Wednesday showed Chair Joyce Sd J11 1ic ,îdc sI I) 00 0 i . ii l salaries ranged froin about $35,50)! up Io $39,81(X. These nuinhets also include benefits. About $21,0) sas spent ion regional coîuncil members attending conterences and nearly $1 3,0M ion ileage and other expenses. The docunment also detailed commtttee atod board reinuneration and expenses tor 2004. which svere: ecological and environmental advi- sory comnittee, $178, Hallon Regional Police Services Board, $57,534, and conservation atuthorittes $21,847. It noted that the Ballon Comrnuntty Hîînsîng Corporation and Halton Agricultural Advisory Cornnitîee spent nothing. Melatjo HenteoeY <ciai 6e reached cai nhen- nie.î.iev(ièmiltoni-iadiiî,to.hcîmpion.-on. Advertorial Milton opens doors to Starbucks Penit up demand for the Starbucks Coffee experience is now being met at the companys first store in Milton, which opened on February 21st. 2005. The store is ilocated ait 16 Market Drive. Proof that people could barely wait for a Starbucks coffee was evident inu the number of customers who came in on Feb 2Oth for a sneak peak of the new store during its open house. Donations during this time were rasied for the E.C. Drury, Secondary School for the Deaf. The ootdoor patio. interior plush seats and warm colour palatte chosen for the location's décor, certainly indicates that the 1100 sq. ft. location is geared for relaxation and a cozy atmosphere. Although the drive thru is always an option for added convenience in the comfort of yoiar own car. 1I think people are looking for comfort, and they love coming to Starbucks for thaix" Says Steve LeBarr, Starbucks new store marketing manager for Canada. "A great cup of coffee is a luxury that people like to reward themselves with, and we aim to provide them with that third place between work and home where they can gather with friends and family to relax and enjoy it.' Starhucks store manager. Betty Gilbert, heads a local staff of 25 fulI time and part-time employees who go by the rerm Starbucks partners. "In terms of actual ownership, the title does bave meaning, as every employee working 20 hours or more 10 eligible for a benefit package, which includes a share investment plan," says LeBarr. "Once you meet a minimum number of months that yoo have been with the cnmpanty, you cao participate in the stock investment plan where you cani purchase stock ait a discount," he said. "Partners have a troc feeling of ownership as theyre able to participate in the growth of the company." The company hires local people for positions that seem to offer one of the beat pay and henefits packages in the industry. Because of their growth, opportunities for advancement are also numerous. Starbucks believes in playing a key role in the local community by encouraging partners to regularly support the local organizations through volunteer hours and grants from the Starbueks Foundation. In Milton, Starbucks will he supporting local literacy organizations. Betty Gilbert, store manager of Starbucks. makes one oft heir world famaus Cappuccinos at their new Miltoin location. There's a drive-thru Starbucks now open in your neighbourhood. Keep your engine runniing. Enjoy your favourite Starbucksl beverage on the go, with the convenience of our new drive-thru location. 16 Market Drive Mon to Sun: S:3Oam to 12:OOam OD 2005 Starbucks (offee Company. Ail rights reerved.