16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 1, 2005 I Daeliene Wednesday Mar. 2 A weekly study/discussion on the final days of Jesus' life takes place from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Ebenezer United Cisurcis, 12274 Guelphs Line, in Campiselivilie using tise movie Jesus of Montreal and Joyce Rupp's book Your Sorrow is My Sorrow. The cost la $20 witis tise book or free without. For more information, cali Mark Rutledge at (519) 824-7303 or (905) 854-2423. 'Me Oakville Distress Centre hoîds its new Senior 10 Senior Morning from 9 arn. to noon with seniors avaiable to liaten, providing a con- fidenîjal, anonymous cali-m service. The phone number la (905) 849-454 1. Tise Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakviile hoida its free Abuse Support Group ftom 6 to 8 p.m. To register or for more infor- mation, cati (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hoids contract bridge as 9:30 a.m. Tise coat is $2 for members and $4 for non-mem- bers. It serves a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. te, 12:45 p.m. The coat la $6. wisici includes salad, an entrée, dessert and a beverage. Reserve at the reception desk or by caiiing tise number beiow by Monday. Evening Clogging takes place at 6:45 p.m. for beginners and ai 7:45 p.m. for intermediate cioggers. Tise cost la $3.50 for members and $5.50 for non-members. For more information on any of tisese activities, cet (905) 875-1681. Thursday Mar. 3 The Canadian Federation of University Womnen - Milton and District - meets at Hugis Foster Hall at 7:30 p.m. The public la invited for 8:15 p.m. to isear Milton scuiptor Nancy Cutle speak. For more information, cati (905) 878-2421 or (905) 876-4524. The Fine Arts Society of Multon's Evening Group of Artists meets from 7 to 10 p.m. The informal envlronment provides artiss with a chance 10 practise thiser drawing skilis. For more information, cati Janis at (905) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital isolda a breastfeeding clinic wisis a certified lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, cali Jean Gailen at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Tise Women's Centre, 2t0-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakviile isolda free peer counseiiing in-per- son or over tise phone from 10 a.m. 10 3 p.m. by volunteers for women facing abuse, grief/bass and reiationsisip issues. No appointment is nec- essary. bts Womnen's Empioyment Network for women who are unempioyed, laid off or returning 10 tie workforce - takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Its Spring Detox workshop lais eid from 7 10 9 p.m. It isoids its Womnen's Famniiy Law Legai CIinic from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tise coat la $5, and an appointment la nec- essary. And ils Womnen's Caring and Sharing Cfrcle takes place from i 10 3 p.m. For more information or lu register, cati (905) 847-5520. GreenTrans meets at 7:30 p.m. at 148 Kerr Si., in Oakvilie, juat soutis of Rebecca Street, for tisose interested in transit, cycling, waling and/or reducing car dependency. For more infor- mation, cati Lisa Seller at (905) 827-5989 or visit www.greentrans.org. Tise Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisilda Dr., isolda a public foot care clinic from i 10 4 p.m. by appointment witis a VON nurse. Tise coat la $22. Il isoida its Seniors' Cinenas at 1:30 p.m. featuring Tise Notebook. Tise coat la $2, wisicb includea refresisîents. Bid-euchre takes place at 1:30 p.m. Tise coat la $2 for mem- bers and $4 for non-members. It aiso isoids con- tract bridge ai 1:30 p.m. at a cost of $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information on tisese acîlvities, or 10 make an appoinîment for lise foot care clinic, cati (905) 875-1681. Friday Mar. 4 Milton Concert Presentations isosîs thse Toronto Ail-Star Big Band ai 8 p.m. aI St. Paul's United Cisurcis, 123 Main St. E. Tickets cost $30 for adulîs and $24 for studenîs and sen- iors. For more information or tickets, catI (905) 878-4732. Tisis la tise last day 10 register for St. Joisn Ambulance's Marcis Break ciass of 'What Every Babysitter Shouid Know,' a one-day course for ages 1110o 14. Spaces are iited. For more information, cati (905) 469-9325, ext. 0. Weiisprlng Haiton-Peel, a support network for cancer patients and their famIlles, isolda its drop- in Relaxation and Visualization programn froîn il a.m. 10 12:30 p.m. aI 2545 Sixts Line in Oakviile. For more information, cali (905) 257- 1988. Tise Ki communlîy of tise Salvaîlon Army, 100 Nipiasing Rd.. suite 3, isoida Khi Youth, an eveming of fun for 13- 10 i 8-year-oids. For infor- mation, cail (289) 242-1432 or e-mail bille@kicommunity.com. St. Jois's Anglican Cisurcs in Nassagaweya recognlzes World Day of Prayer wiîis coffée and muffins aI 9:30 arn. and an ecumenicai serv- ice at 10: 15 a.m. Southaide Community Cisurcis, 2850 Denry Rd. W., recognizes World Day of Prayer ai noon. A light luncis served. The Milton Seniors' Acîiviîy Centre, 500 Cisilda Dr., isolda euchre at 1:30 p.m., contract bridge ai 10 a.rm. and is CyberCafé from 110o4 p. m. Tise coat for cacs of tisese acîlvities la $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Il holds ils Campbeivle Evenfing Bid-Euchre Party ai tise Lions Hall in Campbeliviiie at 7:30 p.m. Tise cost is $2.50. For more information, call (905) 875-1681. Saturday Mar. 5 Tise Fine Arts Society of Milton isolds ils annual art show and saie - 'From Heart te, Hand' - from 9 a.m. te, 3 p.m. attse Milton Sports Centre, on Santa Maria Boulevard ai Denry Road. Everyone la welcome. Tise Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakvilie isoids free peer counseliing in-per- son or over tise pisone from 10 arn. 10 noon by volunteers for women facing abuse, grief/ass and reiationsisip issues. No appoinîment la nec- essary. For more information, cati (905) 847- 5520. Tise Milton Stamp Club isosîs tise Milton Stamp Fair featuring 14 diveraified dealers aI tise Milton Seniors' Acîivlîy Centre, 500 Cisilda Dr., from 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. For more informa- tion, cati (905) 878-1533 or e-mail alman @giob- alserve.net. Eucbre takes place attse Homby Co-opera- rive Nursery Scisool at 7:30 p.m. Everyone la weicome. Tise Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd.. unit 3, isoids us yoga workout from 9:30 10 10:45 a.m. and is book club from il a.m. 10 noon. For more information, cati (289) 242-1432 or e-matil jeneksiconnnunity.com. Registration for Brookvitte Masters Sto-Pîcs League takes place from 2 t0 4 p.m. ai Mohsawk Inn, 9230 Guelps Line. For more information, visit ils Web site aI www.webisome.idirect.conii.bearmugs.