lO--The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, March 1, 2005 -1- le> 4- h 158 Main Streot East L -" Above, Milton newlyweda Erik Oleat and Michele Donovan-Qeat hoid a copy of The Champion poolalde whiie aurroundel by friends ait the Palladium Colonial Resort and Spa In Mexico. At Ieft, sistera Gerri Malloy (ieft) and Vivian Cramp read the local newa In front off the Queen Mary 2, docked In St. Kifits in the Caribbean. Those lntereated in aubmlttlng a photo to Champion Tracka can do sa by e-maling itat miitoned@&haiton- aearch.com or dropping 10 off at 191 Main St. E. Be sure ta include your name and destination information. CM7EJ~ NTLJEJ~ J7~M i~4 cE -~ ENTNUSIASTIC?» SELF MAOTIVATrED? Leekleg To Se Part 0f A Castem Fecused Salas Tern? vie are fooking for MOTIVATED and ENERGETIC Sales Representativea for our Burlingtae location. Must be capable of workîng PAIIT-TIME Daya. Eveninga and Weekenda as required. Retail Experienoe and Wine Knowledge An Asset, Orientation and Training as Provîded. Pla.. dm@ off yeur reciamol lofer. the cloue of "aun.. MarcI9, 2M0 ut Vleeards - 1 aOt Wl... leslio Soep, 1250 Crat St. While we thavk ai/ those v-ho apply. te wilf ovly nespond fa those under considerat ion and ask thaf vo response be made by phone L A &7 B 0 Y Coid you hmea R" wiLadwpy M am gu«wç quddyand v'e elng etd, expe- nencad L-L TME SALECOeNSLTAKTSwfn a fisfoy in seli Humt Fosiglung or eu fh e* ticRni itens at M. Me ffe a gff"w orriCmsoa Parff. Conwty Bere Pm,. prdeofese Trmug., OPP&rftbfea for Adimcrment "i a c*wtice fa wiork ine a teattu Mmr specidy degned fa sel the nredble Laboy lne. Gi i' In%* mi h 1sbanli authsn,, Shsney Crait an .up - Woaliom oenu ais in Biieria ad 0iae. You M~ rteed teWe peisIxe. e nto comni- cation ado, a desire f0 leam aitd a aded ie it permnfo yoe f0 worf on ataeife xi andine evenrga (QuUflaiii pcui @ e , r i:n Pw aori Sales AI a q- -e-infw Po. Me are tnwfang aippic~ao by phare - cal Dnare 1 9D5-789-580 - wn prorpldf toer anl edansin' - rda 150, theni #&l51 f0 responthfatta seratireso M àu fin, iedif f caf h oeuahes faf oinae ieadl y.. ad ,iia i. ease. lle ýiisf day ii PUS if. enait Me ame #Meffit mhf . aked i. Ikaahsý GREAT DPI F; lJUITY-- D N AL AS IT N DISTRESS CENTRE NORTH HALTON New Burlington vacation club office needs Spring taining prgarn for new volunteers will begin Junior/ Senior Sales Reps. equir oreorgetown practîce on Wedriesday evennig, April 6th, 2005. Closers earn f0 $70K plus. 2 days pr week, flexible For more information and/or application form, No nosectngHARP Certtfted. The cut-off date for the retors f application Fax: 905-681-8836 or Pleas call f0 mu as Sunday, March 27t, 2005. hrdept@familyvacatloncenîers.com 905-873-2012 -l aplctosms- eovr1 er fae DAK VILLE Nlew Cor Solos / F 5 1 Manager *Are you an euperienced new car ouleopenso *Are yoa an eeperienced business manager or have the desire to, learn? *Do you have the ability to oeIl new cars as well as perforon the duties of a business manager? If you anawerad "yea formrd your resume: oakviliekia.saiesC@bellnet.ca Fax: 905-827.1564 Full Trime Salespeople High Base Satai. Hîgh Commisi ons Bonuses. Extensive Benefits, Managemnent Training. Employment Stab iity Refail (commission) sales experience preferred Fox your Resume tv tfhe attention of: Gabe ar 905-637-5705 or visit the Faiffiew Si & Walkers LWe lueuvion hrdepi@200laudiosieleo.com PART-lIME DENTAL RECEPTIONISI required for Milton practîce. Knowledge of Windows Abeldent preferred. Must be avaiuable f0 wore flexible shnifts. Please fax resumne ta 905-876-3491. aene t ona est Nursian. Exeence n oon Gaeorow and Brempaton ard servîng eoperience necessary. Send resumres loi: careers@maplelodgefarms.com DELMANOR Ghrri Abbcl'î' SENIORS COMMUNITY We are a progressive. team onienfed compaoy ded- îcated to, eofablisring an exceptionai level of hofel style service. NOW HIRING: Dining Room Supervisor You requîre eoperience and a passion for woring wrth seniors. Pleaoe forward your reoume roý Delmanor Gien Abbey 1459 Nottinghili Gate OakviIIe, ON L7M 4W1 Fax: 905-469-7495, Email: shourgan@trldel.com Attention: Sean Hourigan F ind, fIne ýri ght peo pl1e in a matter of hours. Vot'il get mucr more than just a botI... hatinSeaC (Dio o information o, o îeg5 nie Cormpany 0 9054fflffl M 1 1 -