Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 9

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The Caniadian Champion, Friday, Febmary 25,' 2005-9 Heritage work recognized at awards ceremonv By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion uile ailter aîîoiher. giatefi'î mncî andi sPonen i:îunîed the tala Suiîday 's Herjiage Asvards cerecmiîîy to accepi a taiti gible resvard l'or their varlous labours of love. There were seven awards prescnited at the ceremony which was held ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. The Milton Hîsiorical Society handed oui the Education Award. Visual Arts Award and Writing Award. while Heritage Milton handed oui four awards recogniLing build- ing renovai ions or developrueni. Bruce Carlin of the Milton Historical Society said there are three purposes of the Heritage Awards - awareness of local heritage, recognition of deserving tndivid- uals and the celebration of their endeav- ours. The Educational Award wenî to John McDonald for his ongoing journey wriîing a history of the 1918 influenza in Halton and Toronto. It was wbile conducting inter- views for anoiher book that M. McDonald said he hegan hearing fîrst-hand tales of Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Angelo De Medicis holds an 1890's planer, Local historian Jim Dilis shows his articles part of his antique tool display that earned hlm that earned hlm the Writing Award. the Visual Arts Award Sunday. .ITY CORPORATION w and Blek Finanla xmpson. Cassandra Maigs wlth me as a FInanclal Plannar. 575 Ontulo Stroet South MIfo,, M705) 851000 Please read a Mutul Fund's simpidled prospectus curefuliy anti consuit a Certieti Financial Planner before investing. Mutual furets are not guaranteeci; theïr velues change frequenly. Inwestors may experience n gain or los$ when they sell their units !A Smy mutual funti. Ile' iltdifuiultliii il yca. 111 Itle biek ii hî.s mtutdl' lie said lie kîess tliey'd tîtake ail ittteresting su r-y. "Onitce I heard ithese stories anid t ealized the nîagntttîde (otf the influienz,a 1 u saited Io delve itio tl lurtbet," lic satd. addin, "lis ssîîtdeîlui that itrga,atitis like Henitage Milton and the Miltotn Hisîtotîcal Society recogîtîze the people svho write ur history and restore itur buildings.' During his research. Mr. McDonald said hîs eyes were îtpened as io how well the dociors and medîcal authorities handled the ouibreak -bravely vîsiiing patients and putting theinselves ut risk -anîd accepted the award on their hehaîf. The Wrîîing Award wenî to local histori- as Jim Dilîs. writer of 'A Look Back -A Peek mbt Milion's History' a special bis- torical section ihai was distributed in a recent issue of The Champion. The section covered everything from Milion's chronology bo a history of The Champion to information about significant street naines in iown. "'ve been researching Milion's htstory see AWARD on page il Invitation Cttuelph Water Supply Master Plan Public Forumu Where wlIll Guelph's water corne from in the future? tipr pinio cont - dlwýdý lgat l evrn e's iu siness.lýiIIiýuhiiL ul nlui Cu !i - (esý Clb -190i olieg Anuea Open House: 6&00 p.m. Presenniion: 7:00 p.m. Roundiabie Discussion: 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Mor D", NI ' I xi, î',î,,,,., Qî,sh,,i,,ni,. t' i I ' k '" i k r Dr Sven Bacchus C'ertqie(d (hth)odonticÇpSecialiçt Smi(es that last a Lifetime A, MSc.,,HSc. FRCD(C) Now acccpting new patients! Braces for Childrcn & Aduits *flexible payîîîenî plans * rce consultations *no reteiral iteeessary * cati tii book yosî ciosultaition *diietor on dîîîy os Saturdays & Mondays ofitfice oipen Mon. Wed., Frn., Sat. 311 Comm111ercial Slreet.Suit 209 Milon Tel 905.875.2995 Vr Evenln and Weeken Applntment -ý L **p

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