Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 7

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local man passes away sU~~ý, na~ ý~î EI1, ÔIÈ, The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-7 '~OUr Jl RF)R Wrg ý ezrTF hîneCals, faculties (? up untîlnend Town needs to get its act together when ex.rtioIud fi<n psct isiiui 0/ "îli 1'lt on klls" it cornes to stoplîghts and tra flic flow tut protide a iîîdtî iîuto Miltuii pas o iiùîe > Dear Editor: constatîy ai night? for a traffic ligbî specialîsi for the Euplîîutotîrv comment'ut i.î iîiiutitnu prot - t ls said ihat yîîu can tell you're The lights that are cîîntrolied by Town. If in isci the Towsn bired vie opl( ieiulo n otx. Capsuleis sý1 geîîîng old sihen you stant to Write the Toîwn are even worse. such a person. i îbink they sol In July 1903 The Chamtpion published a portrait and a sketch of the lite ofAbrahaîn Bell of the township of Nelson who had juil celebrated his 1001h hirthday. He died yesterday ai his residence. aged 102 years and 6 months retaining bis facuities te, the lait. M. Bell was homn ai Clones, County Monaghan. Irelasd and he lived under the mile of five British Sovereigns. He came te, Canada in 1847 and settled on lot 5, con 6. N.S. Nelson where he made his home until his death. The Administration of the Hon. George W. Rois govemmrrent was huried in the recent election. Mr. J.P. Whitney is the next provincial premier. Conservatives in new Legislature have a 40-seat majoriîy. In Halion Dr. Nixon ivas elected by a majori- îy of 5 10, much larger than any candidate bas received in Halton for tnany years. fi surprised hîîn as much as il dîd the Liberals. hi is plain thai matîy Liberals lumned againsi the goveoîiniet tit accouutir tif tbe election scandaIs. Milîton svas quiet. even alter the receipi ofi the returis. Dr. Nixoni sas unabie to cornîe liere tit accounir of tlie snoss blockade ton the G.T.R. but there sias a ctîngratulatory mîeeting iof Conservatives aitihe îosvn hall which was addressed by Messrs. JW. Eliioti. S. Dîce, Dr. R.K. Anderson,. B. Bîîsden. Jobn Ford and Win. McCartney. The band was not out but Piper Duncan McDonald. laie tif' B.M. 7i1st Highland Lîghî Infantry. ivas an acceptable substitute aiid bis playing ivas loudly appiauded. Milton gave Nixton a înajîîrîîy of 62. Georgetowni 74, Oakville 60. William Miller, a yîîung man about 20, years of age met with an untimely death about 2 o'clock Monday. Be. wiih others. was loading a car of logs ai Moffat siding on the C.P.R. Miller was oit top of the car fixing the traces when one gave way and he roiied off svith the iogs. being covered by eighî of them. Be ivas rescued uncon- sious and died sbortly afterwards. Be was a son of James Miller. a iveillknown resi- dent of Nassagaweya, and a veteran wi carries medals of the Crimean war. A successful meeting of the Women Institute was held ai the home of Mr Bews, Sr. Seventy-f ive ladies were preseti There was a large crowd at the rink c Friday evening te see the championîhi match in the junior hockey series of til O.HA. between the loeal and Uppt Canada College and there was plenty excitement with a score of 10-10. 1 Toronto ai Mutual Street Rink Milton wo the retumn gamne by 9 io 7. The Milton leai will go 10 Toronto tomorrow evening i play St. Andrew's College. who defeate Varsity, and are said 10 be very fast. Tb, Milionjans have chartered a special C .PlF train for tomorrow evenin- which i leave Miltoîn ai 4 p.m. and Toronto reluit ing ai 11:30 p.rn. Two Milton rinks ivett to Hamilton uo Thursday tii curl in the preliminaty cîtp tîtion for tlîe Ontarito Tankard. The iveaîf er was mîld atîd the ice so st that ther sias tîo play untîl night. vhetî it %vas stîll s soit thai the miatch sias a test of' musci rather than of science. The Miltonianl appear to have been defictent in muscit They were pitted againsi the Harnilto Thisties atîd defeated by 16 shois. February 1905 C.E. Hollinrake lias had a telephon iinstalled in hts office. Agric. Soc.- Vital matiers affectin Agricultural societies will be discussedi the annual convention of Fairs an Exhibitions. Should the number c Agricultural societtes be reduced? Ho) many faîl exhibitions shouid be allowed i each county? Thtis ,iioîeria/ is assembled on behaif the Milton, Historical Socie-r b * iJün Dill, ii'it (-ait be reached ai jdills@idirect.cotr, letr tote edUtOt10 compiatin. Well let me tell you. l'mn 56 years 10 old and l'in tired of' getting older Sitting in my car in Milton ai the unsynrhronuzed stoplights in this town. 'S 1 wonder how many people are S-as frustraied as me about this. ~*I wonder how many people in this town realize that a lot of our traffic lightî are operated and con- n rolled by the City of Burlington? iP My question is who in te Burlington cares that sometimes a ,rperson could walk from E.C. Dn.iry )f High School t0 Main Street in n Milton faster than they can drive in ni a car? 'n Who in Burlingion cares enough 0 to know that our mail closes ai 9 d p.m. and that tiiere's no need for 1)e tem i nrance iight 10 change wny does the Town spend the money to instail the magneîic loops in front of the lights'if they don't intent to tom them on'? The only loop in town that seems to work is the one at Chiids Drive and Ontario Street, and thaî's proh- ahiy because the police station is right there. What ever happened 10 the con- cept of keeping trafftc flowing? The iights out ai the new subdi- visions turn red constantly even when nobody wants out of the sub- division. For heaven's sake, tomn on the loops and let the trafflc flow on Main Street. i can oniy imagine when Fourtb Lîne is ciosed whaî îraffic wili be like. i remember there was an ad in The Champion a few years back be fired. And while l'mn on a rani. what possible purpose is there for the lighî ai Thompson and Derry roads 10 îum red constantiy ail night? An able-bodted person couidn't waik across the Street hefore it starts ro flash ainher after tumning green. Aso, what's the point of left- hand tom tom signais ai Fourth Line and Main Street when you cas see ail the way down to Fifth Line? hi would make sense 10 me that if the Town wants ail this new devel- opmnent that it gel ils roads in order before there's compiete chaos. Thanks. l'mn feeling a lot hetter now. D. Simpkins Ontario Street Marriage shouldn't extend to samne-sex couples Dear Editor: Thîis citter îs iii regard iii the salue-sex mtarriage issue. Bahttit IVP Gary Carr bas receîîîly antiuuiced thai belIl be voîîîîg againsi Bill C-38 svbîich ssould prit vide saine-sex couples the îîghî iii civil marriage based tit opintions be*s received frîîîn bis cîînstitueîîîs. GioOd ftor Mr. ('arr. Be was sîîîed in by the people iii lus riding. aiid lias obvitiusly lîsiened iii thein. The Charter ot Rîghîs aîîd I'reedoms is in place f'or every Canadiati. nmi ter svho they are. The probiem i see. bîîsever, is ihat tbe charter ivas in place before ail ibis gay rîghts stuff sîarted. and as far as lmn con- cerned il aiready covers their riglîts. i believe svbat îhey're asking ltor isn't the saine rights. but extra rigbts. and shtiuldn't bc cîîvered iii the charter. i have rio objectioto i a man having a union svîîh anoîher man, or a wvîmaîî having a uniotn svith antîther woman. but t do take exception to ibis union being called a marriagýe Marriage ivas întroduced as a utîion in church beîween a man aîîd a s.iian as a holy bond, and as sucti slîîuld be beld sacred and kepti n ils tradititinal tîtrîn. No churcli should niarry people tif the saine sex. i sîtitder if the MPs who say tbey support the char- 1er bave even read il or tnied 10 understand ils meaning tir inient. This coiuntry ivas ftiunded on religîous îeach- îngs. yeî the Lord's prayer ivas stopped in sehiiols because soîne righîs were supposedly being infriiiged upon. Wake up Canada. Don't give asvay tbe store. because tonce you do yîîu can't get it back. While i support gay unions. i din't support gay marriages in either a church or a civil cerenîony. This isn't about the saine rights, iii my opinion. but abtîut extra rîgbîs. Stewart Haddon Third Line Letters welcomne The Canodian Champton welcomes letters ta the edîtor. We reserve thie right ta edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be sîgned and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters can be e-mailed at miltoned@haitonsearch.com., faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. 50% Beauty 50% Beast 100% Great Deal .a only at AchiIIes This 2005 Mazda B3000 Includes: tV Powerful 3.01. OHV V6 Engine V Air Condition ÀA CHIL LES i/rw 15 Speed Manual Trans. ~ V ABS Brakes ~Y1 UU~~V Limiled Slip Difi. 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