.-Proposed bylaw on outdoor h limaces neals up some people By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Townvi staff ssecre sent butck Io tise drass ise, hoaird Miitday iglît o îîh a proiposed byias lis regulate otiutîr lcrures. Tise draft documsent sets oui distansce requtrelornîs foir isuidoor solid futel coin- busios appîtances used iii hums tings such as wood io heat at home. The crealion of the bylais spurs from, a petition the Town rereîved last year from a group of local residenîs, including Roger aînd Janet Beck. who say their healtb has been negaiively impacied by smoke rom- ing from an outdoor furnare on a neîgh- bouring properoy. "This hylaw we regard as necessary sim- ply and solely 10 proteri the residenîs and ratepayers of Milton from the sont of very real health damage we suffered lasi winîer and ibis wînter," Mr. Beck said ait Monday night's administration and planning crm milice meeting. He also thanked the Townî for taking their problemn seriously and responsibly. The bylaw. as presented 10 the commnit- tee, rails for an oundoor furnace to be locaîed ait leasi 130 metres from, the front yard property boundary and 150 metres away from the side or rear yard propenty boundaries. lits also proposed 80 be "This bylaw we regard as necessary simply and solely to, protect the residents and ratepayers of Milton from the sort of very real health damage wve suffered last winter and this winter. retroactive. The committee heard from some resi- dents opposed 10 the hylaw. such as Tovi Piscbiuîîa. who said a person would need ait Iat a 16-acre loi 10 arrommodate the proposedi fumnace seîback distances. "Il: (the hylaw) sbould be more site-spe- rifir." she said. Ms Piscbiutta said she started usîng an outdoor furnare 80 keep heaîing rosis down. nusîîng that on ber propenty. there's nus bouses in sigbî t0 be a nuisance 10. Local resideni Tim Kingsbury aiso, said he's opposed to the bylaw as ii's ivritten. -l tbink the reai fundamenial issue is 10 have a noxious fume bylaw," he said. lie utdded ihat lie ishiecis to the piispised distanice rectiietîs ansd tinks a permit lsriwess seeds to be put in place i- isudoor tursutes. Whlite a report froim Towni (.lerk Troiy McHarg saîd staff svîîuid support the elîns tîaîtion of the reîroactîviîy clatuse. subijeci to any romîsenîs or cîsucerras expressed ai the meeting. Mr. Beck saîd he tbinks il's important to have that in the bylaw. -1 urge you, please do keep the retroar- iivity in place," he said. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor put forward a motion calling for the hyfaw 10 he amended 10 include site-specific sel- back requirements. permitting and accept- able fuel types. The motssu also stipulates thai retroacoiviîy be confirmed before the bylaw is forwarded 10 couriil. The motion camred. Mr. McHarg noted the revised document won't be ready 10 go before couril Monday. A date wasn'î set for the bylaw 10 be considered agaîn. Meleine Hennesses (-oit ho reon/ted onr 4drauoa m iis ~ dal air, pw, pi, tlt p26 VOU dr auto, air pwpil tt .leather hid uts, mous ont cd, moonroof, loaded ilt, ioafed, 131,000km oaded. 53,000km. Sikl56392 57,000km StkP2778A ý Stk#226901A 29973 k18,752 $5 388 4dr auto, air pi, keyiess, cd, 63,000 km. 1 owner Stk 422912A 4d r auto, VIS sw. pl tilt, loaded, 34,00 km, 1 ownur Siki 56679B r Auto. air, V6, pw. pi, Ill. cron. quado. iuaded. 89,000kmr Sik#195145B StP660 The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-5 AVeb site up.£raded k \ 11 \iî l iI )i i i i il IC k l > I C î il Id 19 lîjIl, w2L 5 c se a o eek. The site, lit wsv .iitîîts.ca, tioov bas an itpdaied look and tmiproved accessibîiity for- shose o ilssa aîîd coîgnitive disabtitties. Web mnaster Linda Nielsens [v lii tuuid the admn istratusti attd'pisnning cornimittee Mîutda, igh-t. ithitsk oe are coutit edgýe, sse soird, Ms NielseitTayiîîr gave tise cotssissitîee a deîssuîtstratson of' hio tise site wîsrks oeil wîiio a computer priigrans that reads test osut liud tor thusse witis vîsualitmpairiseisis. She said the Web revtew tearn is cootînuing to address accessibiiîy issues lit the Towis's stte. such as miaking Adobe Acrobat documents, ftke couticil agendas, accesstble. She added it's also workiîsg svith the Milton Accessibiiity Advisory Cosmmîttee to create ils Web presence. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 150 Reaon t Ceibal March is Kids Month at the Library! March Break Kits March Break Kits avaîlable beginntng Thursday, March Io (while suppies last). Each kit includes gamres, crafts, bookmarks and More. For chîldren 6 and Up. Colowing Contest Drop by the lîbrary and enter our colouring contest. For chîldren 3-8 (3 age groups) The contest runs for ail of March. The 6o's Rock What was it lîke in the i960's? Corne and fînd out Wednesday, March 16th at 2 PM. Children 6 and uIp - s2.00 Piease pre-regîster. _ffl-875.c6&5. wwmpchf 4dr, auto, air, V6, pa pi, tilt, 2dr auto, air cd, 63,000 km, 4dr, VIS air p pi, tilt. oaded V8, p., air, asi iather, ioaded, 1 omner. 1 ower Sik P2773 mouontf ioaded ,V i7 owner Stkl 529A Stk P2723A Ç 2 SiP2752A 9 6 4dr auto, air, p pi, it, 4dr V6, PW, PLt ii ue 4dr VO, anis, air, pw pl td 4dr auto, ai pa pli lt, leaiher leather moonroni, ioaded, 9,000 km suats memory sis, ioaded clot htd setou orsti oaded, 71,000 km. Stk#P2760 89.000km Stk#2 0 52A 9 000 km Stk P2763A j7 àg 523 ýVM ~~ Stk P2762 ffl EîiI~l'iiT 98I2 42, 982T~~nrT h1~~'I~~m~~ i!iIIiiu Sik P2737 ,9. 932 5.0L V8. pw.pi. air, loadud. 34.000 km S1k P271 0 g 97 4dr. auto. air, V6, pw, pi. tilt. loaded. 69,000 km Sik P2738 , 3 4dr, auto. air, pm, fi, liti iuaiher healud suais, moon- rooai SIA PP2776A V8, ar.rououd72 leatk 4dr, v6, airgam pi, ii, cruisu, Vo aîrair o pwiatu iodd ý 0k oadud, 27 00 km. Sik P2768A #> 1Sk P2746 VO. auto, air pw, pi, tilt. V8. pw. pi, luathur, loadud ioadud. Sik P2671A Sik P27t1 BUiCK MAIN ST. E.I (koosf(.mMILTON I POTA 0 B.F CAILA 9:00a AM:00PM ýjALLCE PNTIA 9:0FR.& SAT. TOLFE 1-8-7825 50AM 6:00 PM