Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 42

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B6-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005 n flan- n-urtn, .1 ngn nen t trn*nesaing aaa large boulder placed in thte middle of a well-travelled roadway. Afterwards, he htd imself ia the dense foliage which flaiked the roadside to svatch wit hvould happen. He waited to see if anyoue would remove the huge rock. The firsi ones to encounter the obstacle were atnong lte king's wealtitiest merchanîs aid courtiers - but they dili not remove the blockage, ltey simply walked arouad il. Otiters came by, cursing aid loudly blamring the king for not keeptng the roads clear, but noue did aiything about gettîng the big stone oui of the way. Finally, a weary peasait came along cartytag a load Obsticles in our Path of vegetables. On approacbîng the boulder, the pauper laid donvn hîs burden aid trted t0 move the stone t0 the side of lte road. After pusiting and straining for what seemed like an eternity. he succeeded in his quest to remove te obstacle tai hadl been blocking every traveller's patitway. As the out of breath peasant pîcked Up his Joad of vegetables. he nottced a purse lying in thte road where thte boulder had been. 'ite purse contaînled maiy gold coins and a note from the king indicating titat thte gold was for tite person who removed lte boulder from tic roadway. lna act of service, thte peasail leamed a viiluoble lesson ltat maiy otiters neyer understaid. Every obstacle represenn an opportunity to imprave one's condition. gn, Today'sSoc ue1Y khurx lueâï a,.tn,,ns providë STa n ctùa ry AClairnl foi ;I HeatiNùI ( &_ton litr SUNDflAY, FEBRUARY 27 10:00 ai.m. Guest Speaker: Bob Shelton www.thesanctuary.calmilton 905.257.3987 Milton Senior Centre 500 Ciilds Drive Inear the Ma11 oenor rlastor Rmv. Dah Rouegg Chilliren Natalle augu AssistantlWorship Esther esir tnterlm Vouth Cilitn Kruer 9 a.rm. - Early Wors ervice 9:30 arn. - Ail Ages ~gnSchool 10:'45 arnm. - SecondJ* n~Srvîce EFFECTIV WORK- 4:00 P. f». - £astV/Jlr0(aa Rehearsal 6:30 prn. - *ndaýNight LIVE THREE KEYS TO AN EF ECIVE: wwwneliE-mRo org Suev. e ,. ro. & oyai ohlrn CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brîtannia Rd. Wast Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Coriet 2850 Jefr, Rd E PO Box 332, de Mîhon, On LOT 4Y9 905-878-5664 outhside Fax 905-878-6676 A Chu hof The Christian and Missnnnany Alliance of Canada Sunday Worship 1O:3Oam - Worship Service "Spiritual Awareness is discovered in Iaying down our stones" Mark 5 Pastor Jack Ninaber Every Tuesday @ 6:3Opm - Safari (Gr 6-8) Every Wednesday @ 7:OOpm - Jungle (Gr 9-12) ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street c, ! 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 10:30 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) 0'You'Il always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org The Bible encourages us. "Bat you, be slroag and do not let your bauds be weak. for yoar wnnrk shahl be rewarded!*" Maay of us bave obstacles titat iider us on tite roadway of life. 1 urge yon to put your efforts iowards cleartng the patit. You will ftnd a resvard in your accomplisb.meats. That benefit wilI not oaly gratify you, it will itelp every indivtdual mito follows in yonr fooisteps. A spouse, a citild, a friend or a co-worker cai be blessed by tite frait of your labours. Sa, how do yau do it? What ia les obstacle is 100 large? Whati f the mountain ia 100 big? Sîmply stated. Dont quit! You ame Cor4iaU invitt«F to cehebrate our a.wlw e inaChrist ,ML LUTHERAN Il MISSION Christ's Eternal Gospel for a changing world. Worship Service & Fellowship Sundays 7:OOpm ai Milton Sentort Centre, 500 Child't Drive, Mdtan A Missonae tf Inranel Lnainerar Chnn5h lThe Churct oif the Lutheran Haur 1010 Monanvnn, tt.ed Soutoh, Gicoegrînna'a, (905) 877-i172 Roi Gene,. L. Fia, ~1 J Any obstacle, aiy moanitain, can be moved - one small pîcce, one stone ai a tire! Enlisi assistaice! Partner sviith God aid experience His power ait work nvithin you! Persevere! Let determination arise withiu, supplyîng the drive aecessary to succeed! Be pattent! Fiad faith to move the obstacle on your polth titrougit believiag in tite God wito believes in you! Wito knows witat uaexpected rewards may be woiting for you! To leamn more about foit and its positive applicaîtion int your lite, consider visîiîng a citurcit ear you titis week! Consaît Uic dtrectoty below for directions and service urnes. Submilted by REr. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Miltons New Life Church. We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGREGATION, 2 GREAT SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES ai 10:3Oîm Sonday, February 27, 10:30 an WALK WITII JESUS INRU HOLY WEEK Ouest Speaker. Cam Fraser in Graham Hall Church Schol, YouiR Prugrarno & Nlursery ai 0.I 30 amn Sun. MareS 6 -Outrearh Sunday Ouest Speaker. Wendy Gnchuru un UCC wntrk in Afirca. ,Rev. John Benham & Re. Gerry Hofsletier Church office: (905) 878-8895 mwstaul cmflon 1M i q o.Lt o vn q peopCle.rc JOiN US SUNdAys Ai 200 MAiN SIRLEB 1 0: 30 AM CoFrEF & CONVERSAtiON 11 :00 AM WORShip SERViCFE FuiI. CONCURRIENt Kid's PROCIRAM SENiOR PASIOR , Jim DEMAItSI - Youîh PAstOR , MARk StRickLssd 90-7658 WW,1 tNilCucc MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontar!o St. N. li 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher Of ourfaith. -Hebrews 12.2 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main Si. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church onn the Hill McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carale Langlaiz Father Mark Curtis I5 Services 7 ar Sun. 8:00 Hoiy Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist followed bi coffre hour Thurs. 10:00 Hoiy Communion foilowrd by Tra and Sharing S Wbaalcbair Acreas Ttrugi Parking wwrn.raceburcbîln- nam ý e Milton B list Churých 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Sunday School 9:45 arn Worship Service 11:00 arn Message: There's hope in victory with jesus. Eveqene Welceme/ c~x I . B Hugit Foster Hall. 43 Brown SI Million , il'. in 1i, in, nr FREE BIBLE 5< IHIiL MILTON StEv 'NTI-t»AY a 1 00É. À1111111119;«Ilix

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