4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005 /Error made in Weight ,Town won't do civil marriages î~ ch liLcg Ilb0'6 Dýue to a last-minute change at press fime Monday, an error appeared in the Weighf Loss Challenge story in Tuesday's issue. It stafed that Sean Miller woutd be following Herbal Onels pmegramn when, in fact, Mn. Millier will be working ouf 8f Pur Health and Fifnea. The Champion regrets the ernor and any mScnvenience if may have caused. The Champion It looks I ike the Town of Mil ton won't be performing civil nsarriages anytime soon. In a close 3-2 vote Monday night, the administration and planning committee endorsed staff's recommendation that the Town opt out of offering civil man-iage services at this time. Recent changes to the Marriage Act authorize municipal clerks to offer the non- religious ceremonies f0 couples, subject to Clerk Troy McHarg explaîrîed. But the report noted that with the current workload, if wouldn't he feasible for the clerk or deputy clerk to perform civil mar- niages. meaning the service would have to he contracted out. "It is also expected that larger municipal- ities will opt in to this service in the future, therehy further expanding the access f0 civil marriage," Mr. McHarg reporfed. But Milton resident Mike Grimwood told the commiùttee he thought, "Leaching on to other communities for civil services should not he a Town of Milton policy."' He recommended that the commiùtfee nof accept the fmndings of Mr. McHarg's report or the recommendation tco opt ouf of civil mamrages. -1I fuether recommend that any further action on this matter he held in aheyance unt il legialation extending the capacity to marry to same-sex couples is enacted or defeated," he said. "Same-sex marriage is already a heated emnotional issue - there is no reason now fo create even more tension and add fuel to the tiames." The committee went on to dehate the issue, with councillors voicing strong opin- ions on hoth aides of the fence. Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau said she can't support Mr. McHarg's report, noting one of the Town's obligations ia to provide aervices to resident s. "Somne people may prefer not to have clergy," she noted. "I believe if is an option we do need f0 make available tco our residents." Wards 1 and 3 Councillor Barry Lee shared simnilar sentiments. "'If people want to use thia facilify (Town Hall) for civil marriage, 1 think we should fhink sxe should provîde that serice hecause there are people ouf there that desire if." Mr. McHarg pointed ouf that location isn't really the issue since Town facilities are already rented ouf for weddings. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor put forward his support for staff's recommen- dation, noting there aren't many civil mar- niages in the community today. "We have no idea what the fake up would he. 1 don't want to see us in this business." Mr. McHarg estimated in his report that anywhere from 17 to 33 couples per year may choose a civil marriage if if were offered hy the Town. Mayor Gord Krantz echoed Mr. Challinor's thoughts, pointing ouf that peo- pIe already use the Town Hall for marriage cerernonies. Ward 2 Councillor Mark Curtis, who's also a prieaf, said a lot of people already ask him to, perform non-denomiànational services, noting there's many options ouf there for those who wanf a civil mamrage. '"Why does if have f0, he a Town respon- sibility?" he asked. At the end of the discussion, Mr. Krantz, Mr. Challinor and Mr. Curtis voted in favour of opting out of civil marriage serv- ices, while Ms Lunsu and Mr. Lee were opposed. Mr. McHarg's report noted that even if the Town choosea not fo performi civil mar- niages now, if can opt in at any time. The issue will go before Milton council Monday. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennesse-y@miltoncanadianchampion.c '"~Mlton Onlîne Get InvolvedA Share YorU-ur Ideas The Town of Milton invites you to help, makçe decisions and provide input as part of the Board of Management for the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBlA)for a termn ending wlth the tomn of Council. The successful applicant must be a resident of Milton, or an owner or tenant of land in the municipality, or the spouse of such an owner or tenant, or employ- ee of a business located in the munlcipulity or studont attendlng a sohool locat- ed in the Town of Milton and must be a minimum of elghteen years of age on the date of appointiment. BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT FOR THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (DBIA) The mandate of the Board of Management for the Downtown Business Improvement Area as established by Milton Council, in accordance with By-law No. 112-77, is for the improvement, beautification and maintenance of mhunici- pally-owned lands, buildings and structures in the ares designated as the Downtown Business Improvement Ares and to promote the designated ares as a business or shopping ares. To quaify te ait as a Member on the Board of the D.91IA, the member saol b. assessed for business assessment In respect of land In the Downtown Improvemnent Ares, or nominees of Corporations so assessed. Membera Needed: 1 Citizen Centact: Grace Saunders, Ccordinator- 905-876-2773 Application forms are available on our webaite www.milton.ca or from the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, ON, L9T 5H2 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Completed application forme must be received at the Office of the Town Clerk no later than March 111th, 2005 at 4:30 p. m. Only qualified applicants wiII be confacfed. Troy McHarg, Town Clerk Ratepayers of the Town of Milton are remlnded that the 1 st instalment of the 2005 irnterim tax bill is due on Monday, February 28, 2005. If you require information about taxes, please contact the Corporate Services, Tax Division at 905-878-7252 ext. 2193, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Tax payments must be received in the Corporate Services Office on or before the due date to avoid penalty. A late payment charge of 1.25 % will be charged on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month in which the default continues. It is the responsibility of the ratepayer to ensure that the taxes are paid by the due date, even in the event that the bill s not received as maîled. Taxes may b. paid: a) By mail: Corporate Services, Tax Division, 43 Brown St., Milton ON L9T 5H2 Cheques post-dated to the due date are acceptable and encouraged. b) Telephone or Internet banking (check with your financial institution for details) c) By using the mail deposit box to the left of the glass dcors at Town Hall (ail hours) d) Between the hours of -8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Corporate Services, Tax Division, Town Hall, 43 Brown St., Milton. (Cheque or money order is preferred, rather than cash). Direct Debit aIso accepted. e) Please contact our office for details regarding the Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Program. MILTON SENIORS' ACTIVITV CIENTRF Wednes Int Additiona IÙÀL GENERAL MEETING 500 Childs Drive day, March 30, 2005 ait 12:30 p.m. orested in Iearnlng more about the Milton Seniors' Activity centre? 1 information: Cati 905-875-1681, ext. 2755 à à-M ïàki