Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 37

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-I The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-Bl Campbellville woman toured with Canadian Idol finalist Billy Klippert to write biography Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Trami-Anne Dams, who's writing a book about former Canadian Idol hopeful BiIIy KIIpperl, shows off his guitar as welI as some memorabilla from a recent one-week tour she tagged along for. Ms Dams said she hopes to have the book finished by this summer. Although Mr. Klippert's days on the popular show are now just a memory, Ms Dams said the musician's debut CD i8 selling welI as he makes his way in the music industry. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion If there's one thing Tami- Anne Dams has Ieamned in the past month, it's that she neyer wants to be famnousý. With sbrieking fans,. food thaî's always eaten on the mun. and privacy that's con- stantly invaded, Ms Damns said she's per- fectly content being the one in the back- grouind taking notes and simply observing fame from a distance. At the beginntng of February, the Campbellville resident had a unique oppor- tunîty to hang out with Billy Klippert who just narrowly misscd beîng namced Canadian Idol in the first season of the show about a year-and-a-half ago -for a week as he toured Alberta, She bad a unique. birds-cye view of just how much work dreams somnetimes involve. Who knew being a rock star could be so difficuit? She hopes that by the end of the year people will have a chance to read about ber whjrlsvind week with Mr. Klippert in the biography she's writing. "There were two reasons for me to go on tour," Ms Dams explained. "Lt svas a good opportunity to get materiat for the book, Big band is coming Back by popular demand, Milton Concert Presentations' upcoming offering is for those who revel in the tunes ot the '30s and '40s. TMe Toronto AillStar Big Band (TABB) will play at St. Paul's United Churcb. 123 Main St. E.. next Friday at 8 p.m. The I 7-piece band wiIl be joincd by the voîces of TABB Five to dazzle audiences. The band bas performed tbroughout Ontario and tn the United States to, seli-out crowds. standing ovations and rave res iews. Tickets cost $30 for adults. and $24 for students and seniors. For more informa- tion. caîl (905) 878-4732. and Billy needed a driver." Ms Dams said she stîll cbuckles over tbe cîrcumstances surrounding ber firsi encouniter witb the fledgling star. She was on a plante fligbt from Calgary, wbere ber busband svorks. and svas sitting beside a taîkative young man. Some extra attention from the fligbt attendant and numerous inquisttive looks frointhe otber passengers convinccd Ms Damns there was somcetbing unusual about ibis man.i When site asked btm wbat be did for a living. be told ber be worked on a TV showv. "Are you a cameraman?" she asked îiim. Hardly. He was Billy Klippert. a top-l0 contestant on Canadian Idol, and was fly- ing to Toronto to record a song on the Canadian Idol CD. He'd cventually become the third-last contestant to be voted off with Ryan Malcolm claiming the title and release a self-titled debut album witb Orange record label. Ms Dams said sbe felt bad admitting sbe'd neyer watcbed the show, but the pair continued chatting easily. He gave ber bis e-mail address. and tbcy began to coire- spond. He gave Ms Dams and ber 19 ycar old daugbter ttckets to eacb ot tbe Toronto Canadian Idol sbows from then on. and she became one of bis most ardent fans. '"l found myself supporting btmr not only because I'd met bim, but because musical- ly be svas very talented." she said. Wbetî be called ber asking if sbe wanîed to be bis driver be knew she svas writtng a book about bim. attd the pair decided it svould be a win-win situationt. She met Mr. Klipperî at the Calgary air- potl January 30, and tbe ncxt fesv days cou- sisted of traveling to Baniff, Lctbbridge and Red Decr, and belping organize tbe shows. Wben she bad a spare momett wbicb wasn't often - she took notes for ber book. "For a full week it was non-stop go." Ms Dams said. adding there were many cbal- lenges along tbe way. including getting losi. Ms Dams said she ssas surprised to find outjust bow mucb it takes for a musician to work bis way up. "Il tbink people glorîfy tbe music busi- ness," sbe said, wbicb is sometbing sbe hopes to sbed some lîgbt on in lier book. The biograpby wîll bopcfully be donc in tinse for tbe ibird scason of Canadian Idol. wbicb starts in a tcw montbs, Ms Dams said. addîng ber next burdle is findtng a publisber. "In spending tiîne witb bim (Mr. Klippcrt). I sec bow înîcrcsîing be is, and it scems to be sometbiîîg people would enjoy (reading about). He's a vcry lovable sort of guy."1 Their meeting and tbe ensuing book is "one of those things in life tbat's meant to bel" sbe saîd. After sbe finds a publisbcr Ms Dams said she's going to sit back and watcb ber favounite musician climb tbe cbarts something sbe bas no doubt belIl do. His debut CD sold well, and nexi month be'l be touring witb Soul Decîsion across Canada. She said sbe bopes the book will bc anotber boon t0 bis career. "'mr banking on the idea that people wîll want to learu more about bim." Ms Dams said she saw time and again tbrougbout ibat memorable week bow fans put tbe objeets of tbeir attention on pedestals -and tbere's nothing wrong wiîb tbat. she said. "Il tbink people need to bave idols those people tbey idolize, look up t0, and imagine bave a magical life." Siephaîîie Thi.s.seîi can 1w rî'uiîIed at .ît/tiessî'ii @'îii/iiaioidiai/iaîî(ipiioîiiî(oii GEOROETrowN A, CINEMAIS 235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 Oai CURSED Diy6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sai. &Sun. 2:00Opm. O SON OF THE MASK PGý Oaiy 6.45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2.00 p.m. O PooH.'s HEFFALUMP 2.00 p.m. Daiy 6:45p.m. & 900 p.m. rheatre Parking A vaitabia ai Boa,' a FulIy Licenced Ciiild Care a Care Available 2-5 Days/Weck AtCra Is, Computers » Caring ECE Staff SAges 6 Weeks 10 6 Yeat's " Field Trips, Special Evenls " Nulritious Meals and Snacks " Ministty Recognized Kindergarten Progranis 'op in for a tour anytime No Appointments êRequired ,en Mon - Fri, Sieeles Ave oleAe MILTON LOCATION Mpkv 1120 Maple Avenue - Monst 905.693.4873 8 Other Locations to Serve You open inI Nliltc Over tHi '4ja itrfor -À"oke Be II h Lenet www. Peekabooki d. com Child Care Centre -Qua1itý ("Iii](1 (,arc ýou 1

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