The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-35 At Your Service An essential aspect of praviding simple access ta your regoonal govemment is provrding answers about which services we provide. Many of yau who are accessing aur programs are aiready famihiar with what the Region provides. Heme is a quic guide ta the programs and services we offer: Business Developrnrt- promotes the Region and offers a variety of programs, services and seminars ta assist local entrepreneurs. Chlldren's ServIces - providles a vwide range of support programs and services, indudling child care centres, dcildcare subsdy and services for childmen with special needs. Emergency Medcal Services - paramedics provide emergency pre-hosptal cire out of nine ambulance stations Emergerscy Planning - the Reglon hîs a comprehensive emergency management progmam ta ensure Halton is prepired ta respond ta a naturel or hummn-causeci emergency Garbage Colifctlof/Recycling - Haltors responsible ipproich ta garbige collection, recyding and diversion programs ensures heilthy, dean communitles for decides ta corne. Hiton Ralglon Museum -locite i n Kulso Conservation Area, the Museum is the centre for exploring HalIon's naturel and culturel heritage. Houslng -through the Hilton Community Housing Corporation, Hilton Region provides affordable and supportive housing, as well as connections ta emergency housing for indivduan d familles in need. O~ntario WSkls éijton -Hilton Region adrnnsters the provincial Ontario VVoMc program ta hulp Hilton resdents recerving social assistnce back on the rad ta financial indepflendnc. Police Service - Hilton Regional Police Service provides liw enforcement and aime prevntion services ta meet tihe needs of Hilton's growing communities. Publk He"lt Progren d Servies - promomqn protecting heith, and premeting diseise in the communky. Rugloni Planning and Growth Ménagemnent - trug the Official Plan, Hilton Region ts committed ta kîng-termn planning. Reglonil Raéis and 'lansporttion - Hilton Region provids a transportation network thit indudes 312 km. of Regional rais and 71 bridges. Services For Seniors - the Region helps senior citizens liv with independence, vitality andi dignlty thraugh aur seniors day programs and long terrn cire services. Sewfge Treatment - Hilton operates seven sewage trntent plants where sewage is collected filtereci, deaned and metumned ta the enviranment. Witer PrIfication - Hilto Region delivers safe, high quaflty dîinking water ta aur residents thraugh five Halton awned and operateci water purification plants. Mm2,9:30am -ReoCwdMeeOîg Mm 22, M mr- Hm * dSeaiSugtlcmCoe.Iu Mat 23,130 pi& - AMàgIP mkWooCoiwrtee MnK 3« 93Op&r& -PàÉqrlan&FhuneCogÈ Joyce Savoline Regionai Chairmani As a Halton resident, you toid us you want more communication, engagement and consultation with regionai government. You want easy access to government information and the information that makes your lives easier. That is why 1 arn so pleased to announce the launch of "Simply Halton", a new communications opportunity brought to you monthly within the pages of your local Metroland paper. Simply Halton wll be a practical information source ta Halton residents on programs and services that directly affect you. It wlll identify upcaming issues; communicate opportunities for public input, outcomes and decisions made by Counicil on important issues and provide a calendar of upcoming events. A major focus wiil be on communlcatlng customer service Initiatives at the Reglon. We hope you enjoy Simply Halton and look forward ta hearing from you, Halton Region Recognized as Top 100 Employer We have recentiy received the honour of being named one of Canadals top 100 employers, This designation recognizes Halton as a dynamlc organization and progressive employer and supports us in aur efforts ta attract and retain the very best staff. And the calibre of staff is important, as these are the people who deliver the programs and services critical ta the quality of life we ail enjoy here in Halton Region. I Access to Government Making It Simple A. Brent Marshall Chief Administrative Off icer For the most part, people can't tell you which level of government provides what service. At Halton, we believe the only way ta truly service aur residents effectively is 10 offer you a single point of access for ail governent information, services and programs - regardless of whether they emanate from the federal, provincial, regional or local level. Single window service has been a priority for our government - Halton Region - for some time. We have participated in national research studies on customer service satisfaction and continually hear the same message; people want one-stop shopping and they want simplicity. In 2000, Halton Region made a corporate commitmient to citizen-centred service. Citizen-centred service is a move by governments 10 join together and provide seamless, coordinated access to their services. The idea is that a citizen can find information, services and programs offered by different levels of government from a single point of contact, such as a phone caîl or visit to a government Connectîon haiionMarch '05_ Halton In Historv What pulls us together as a Region is not only our attention 10 present day issues and aur vision for the future, but also our hlstory and connectedness ta the past. Each month we will present a snap shot of Halton history that reflecîs on and relates 10 the historical progress of aur Region. The Caunty government, or as we know It today, Regional government, has existed In Halton since 1853. In that 150- year period, the geographical boundarles have not changed signiflcantly, though the former small villages, tawnships and towris have been merged In the four local municipalities we know today as Ha/ton County Court House Burlington, Halton (Hlstorical Atus of Hatton Courty, 1877) Hilîs, Milton and Oakville. Hilton County Courthouse, once located in Milton, was the original home of the County government. Halton Region, as we know it taday, was HeSon eglri dmiistatie S//dng established in 1974, today. location or website - regardless af whether that service is delivered at the federal, provincial, reglanal or local level. This is of particular importance in Halton, where our citizens are served by a two-tiered system: the regional gavernment (Haltan Region), and the four local municipalities - Burlington, Halton Hilîs, Milton, and Oakville. Three years aga, 1 directed the development of Halton's custamer service strategy ta enhance aur current practices by aptimizing each and every customer contact ta meet the needs and expectatians of our residenîs. Over the past several years, Halton'Region bas employed a number of methods that are designed 10 be citizen-focused, and promote an effective and accountable relatianship between regianal government and aur residents. We've had ta explore new ways 10 raise awareness, enhance accessibility ta aur services, improve custamer relations, and increase the number of opportunities far engaging aur citizens. As a result, aur commitment 10 two-way communication with aur residents bas significantly evolved. We have launched an annual report, a citizen's reference library and public consultation guidelines. We have engaged the public in our strategic planning pracess, our Open Houses and Town Hall consultations. We have made more information available to aur public on Halton's website. And the list continues 10 evolve. The Government Access Centre at Halton Region is your "one-stop shopping single window' that simplifies access 10 government information, no malter what level is responsible. If you need government information, simply caîl Halton. Making access 10 government as simple as possible is our mantra. ~mpiy lntroducing a New Community Communications Medîum - y fm*i, ÇqtatAcs H,!$. à* , 1* . R i o.a uiiaiyo s ao .e 115 Bront Rd. i , td 6 L