We're Tired $0o is 1 The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-33 2005 of 1 land1 'h. CoId, VlonthI Caribbean Famiiy Night! fGet away frm the coid! 6PM - 9PM 6 B9 10 Il12 Pait orPantng Paint & Pizza Wear Your Paints forhPaEnting Night! Island Shirt, Ladie Nih Easter Techniques Ciass 6-9PM Get 1 0%/ off PM-PM Ail Day 7:15-9:15PM Cai ahead to Vour First Piece reserve! of Bisque! 13 lktMarh Bak 1-5 Ma Bek l<16 rhBra 17 Mac ra arch Break 19 Painting Camp Painting Camp Painting Camp Painting Camp Painting Camp I10AM 1JAM 10AM - 11AM 10AM - 11AM 10AM - liA 10AM - 11AM -an iz Bubbie Ciassi Night 6-9PM Night! rn redNgV'Pli -iz N9 0 1*Cali ahead! 2 6-9PM 2ý 4 6-9PM Pa5 nt9p &26zaN *Lunch and Learn Wear Vour Pan&Pza 1Noon - 2:30 PM Ladies Night Island Shirt, Pen &htz Exploing Gaze! our Pirst Piece Cal! ahead tn i 1 pioingGlaelof Bisque! reservel Pizza and Bubbies Island Day! Bng a Frind Night2 -10:3OAM - iPm Wear Your 6-gPM Te Island Shirt, 10% off your- Painting Get 10% off First Piece Tchniques Ciass Vour Pirst Pieoe of Bisque! f7-9PM 1-Al1 of Bisque! Remember to drop in ariy time to relax and paintf Open Monday-Friday 10OAM - 9P1 G:ýilctzed xpeskl 3ý2 cass- r-îease cauî arieau tu reserve your seat! JuDlect to change witflout notice Moms & Tots - 10% Off First Piece of Bisque, Monday ta Friday 1 OAM to 3PM Every Weekf Seniors - 10% Off First Place 0f Bisque, Monday ta Priday 1 OAM to 3PM Every Week! M, Saturday 10AM - 6PM, Sunday 12-5PM www.glazedexpressions.biz 4 2~Ip Srel- L4nit 2 ~ee-w~ 905 877-2224