Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 25, 2005-29 r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o Sale *1i~ Mi'nf>'1UrU for Hendervon Hi liviinirnnrvoriiira I rm î.oother of Mar - - UI ~grndmvoter PiVfliIUEIltl Hu!mimCitý B,,ku ioi in n Darleve il , Arr mcv Chu -riri il -iq i iiimi iii A-il c Cremat mn -il[( r ýiirvii j. l ~ktA I Commav ty Fr -f those who ai M5- ViiUN( Canrcer Centre ~ Ci oic' uod Sat March 5,1005 ivy's VON n koprivaCeoi t <oos-te Club) 3 MUUC. FOOD, PPJZM 25725 ELLIOT-JEFFERY: Ashiet & James arn pieusea 10i urnoorce the birtS ot their son Beau James on Februuiy 12, 2005 ut 9:15 CM ceîgSîrg e Is 5 ozo ut Windsor Regionai Hospitl, Wurmly ceicomed by mure pîooi grunipurents, aunts, uncies, cousins uni friends. Specîi thunks totOn inctors uni ourses ut WRH Gitiies IPieta - Rap, Ruth and big sisters Tabitha and Grace ure Itrllini 0 urouse thn SuSh of Adian on Mondue Cebiuury 14, 2005, weigSîrg Tibs 4ozs ut OTMH. Grandson tc0 Graham uni Evelen Grilles ot Mil- ton uni Fsiio uni Seita FretIna of Fiand, Speciai thanfis ta Doctors' Robinson uni Sharmu uni staff. S fiolte orece fll of sugat ana sprce. a gift froor vp above, How OravOluli ou are tu us ce'te firlin cilS vo mucO love' Love, Docte Roy &Auntin Sheflie ROSEWELL, Jap si iffanp (irine Murdoch) are pieusnd t0 unroorce tOn bîrtfl of 10cir daughter RACHEL ANN NORAH or Satonne, Cebroary 19, 2005 ut 12:2Opm. Weicoming Rachel are proui lirst Orne gruniparerîs Peter & Carolyn Roseanli uni Emest & Janice Murdoch nI Mitfor ani Uncle Aimre Murdoch oI Toronto. Speciai thnks ta Or. G. -luntet, uni the ertire Obstetrico team, especiafy DecinO Lebel nf Miton Distric Hospital. BALLROOM DANCING LESSONS Milton St. Paul's Church on Main St. Starting March 4th, 2004. Beginning ait 8:15 PM 10 uneeks $110.DO per couple. Cali Bill (905)318-9381 Marianne (905)878-0602 BEATY: Jessie Christina (inise Jamiesan) Peuceuiy, ut thn Fin House Care Facriity in Guerpr os Tunsduy, Fnbruary 22, 2005. Laong crie of Ihe rare Morris Bnuty (1995f. Beioni mathet ot Nota lJrml Seavel Jous Içhrîsl McGnugie uni Nancy ain) Jo- wntt Csîrshni grundmutOnt of Jase IMikel Bîbby, Carolys ISteven) Nudnuu and Emma Jowert MucO loued greut grandorothet ot Suam und Adam Rrb and Mitchel, Ryav und Claire Nadnu Arrangemrnts en- trostd i the J. Scott Fariy Curera Home, 21 James St.. Mirton (905) 878-2669, As epressrvns oI sym- pathy, donations tor te Milton District Hosprtal Cousiu- tros avoufi On uppîncraîni by tOn faon e. George, Stanley (Stein) Passei acue peurcetofie foirowng a iergthy îrrnnss on Wedresiue, Februury 23ri 2005 ut the Miton Dristc Hospital. He cr11 be sadie mrssni by hîs crIe of 52 ynurs, Jean, son Gien (Kim), (toughters Leniu (Wayne Wuiiioff), Debra Watson, Sus (Birun Wursrmugnl asd Karen (Steve Ableri, seves grasicOriares Sura, Rob, Dussy, Kye, im, ceas und Errc. Aiso svrvei by abrother Lloyd uni sîsters Prîre uni Fias TOn iamil cooli likn 10 tOark the inctors, nurses, volurteers and hospîta staff lot their notruoriiisuiy care uni Oroughffu- ness. A memorur Service t0 ceinarate hrs ie MI1 be ireli ut McKersre-i<ucher Funerur Home 114 Mars St. Milton 905-878-4452 vs Svsday, Ferar 27th 2005 aI 1.00 pro I ie ru of tiocers, if devined donations rnray Se main larvhe Parkrnsvs Society of Canada or the chari- ly oi yvur chocr. Martini, Rita Gabriete Svdienv ut Ors home rs Milton os Tvesday, Febrvvry 23ri 2005 Rira Martini lau sg fatser of Cr-yvra and cindsay, CIîntishei sas of Stella anrd She lare Gasîrele Marii Sai0 orssed 5y his brotser Nerro. Famiry and trîenns ute isorîni tai vîsît uith1e Mciversie-Kochnr Funerai Home 114 main St. Miltos 905-078-44d52 forro 2-4 pm ani 7-9 pm as Friduy. Vigil Prayers wrii bn praei ut the funra homr as Frîday evevrng aI 8:30 pm. The Mass of Christian Burrul avil be celebratri aI Haie Rosaryn Cathoic COurcO 139 Myari St. Miltas as Suturiuy, Fnbruuiy 2eth 2005 ut 10:00 am. Cremutian toi Ioiio. rn lieu oI fiocers, memorrul donations toi thn Curaiar Cuncer Society coula be upprecrutni. MtLLS, Gweedotine (nais Oaitnplr Passri acue suidesie ut Oubvlin Traalgar Memoîra Hospiual on Februis t0, 2005 ul the uge of84. Gwcm, ieariy beioved crie ni tOn laIe Churles Mîllis iovrsg mother of Curol Shaw uni Ser husbasi Davsid uni Lui- ry Mîlis uni Ors crie Sherlu Robui-Moîgun. SOn ii bn (tende mionni by Set Grunicilriien Duvid Shuw Jr lOt- tuwa), Dernk Shaw (Vancouver), Juson Robuot-Moîgun lMiosissuou, Jnthrey uni Arn0 Mîlis cilS Great Grand- son Chadîne lDubnriiel, Russel Robart-Morgan (Mîssis- sauna) and Richard Robant-Morgan lMrssissuga). Veto meai Orster ot Bet Rarial lErniandl. Momn hud mov oi 0 uro Retîrernentinr Dakvîlin ciere she bai madle mary nec trenis, especiall wîth tOn niait. Her tamily wishno 10 express oui sîrsome gratitude toi ail of the staff ut Ourrse loi their love, cure uni compassion gîven for fer. A prîvute crematior Sas laSer place uni acelebraflos ot her lite wîii tube pluce ut u luter date with irtermerl ut Grnenwooi Cnmeîery, Georgetown, Ontario. Donations sn Gcen's memvry mue be main toi a hrSusy of your chnîce. Arrangements ertrusîni t0 Wuri Funrai Home, Dubsilie, Dntario (905 08ta 32211 tas Ontanlo St. S. ~ 1na.leudfa Milin, ON LOT 2M4 90"8e-niai ..t 8ss50, P4 Puiid The Miton District appreciates any In Memoramndonantions: 30 Derry Rd. E. "d Milton, Ontario Foundation L9T2X5 Sdrvrday Fevrrary 19 2005 di Harorllor oprtal Jay. Ovrovol urle aI Dive Loued k arrd Ors arle Aggrv, Seao arnd Crody. Dvîr rf For and Olysi Deil sister of Daird, Oic A Serurce of Rememrîdce avIll be held sddy, Februiry 24,2005 i the Orîlerdown rch, 21 Mrll Street North, Oruerdowo Arrangemeots wrth Kapîrua Taylor irrrral Home. Gakurîle 1905 044-26001. For h memorrîl contributronrs Io thv Juraurosk or the University aI Guelphr "Soral Anrrmal be ipprecrited ExIra specral rhaoiks tv rses, Kilhy and Woody for air O eil lourrg port Erorai coodolerces oay ce sert tri ai pleaso place JAMES in the OriOrect lroe OUTSTANDING ESTATE I AUCTION - Oser 300 spectacular lots i Several Local Promînent Estates Smoll Ad ... Huge Auction NOTE Eserylinq wri be soid regar/less of Pîric 1110 resroc ) Furoîshîrros and coilectabies fram 191h cc-rrrry iv present, chippendale fours 161h Ovocan phyfe, vicoir- an. fedlerai, gaer aoov. and g01010 styles Brvathe taOmo Dining suites in chippendale and dvncao phyfo orrtstaod- rng fIaoed mahog Poster Oirvoom vers furortufe and co lectabins of ail description, mîtrors, braszevs tîffîoy lamps, crystai. coilectors doils. docks, oressvo figurines, hby grand piano, Lg collection Croup of & Artînts, sel somra. sofas, paîlot tables. etc etc Th/o List of items are fou numerous ta lis, be amazed ai the contents check out weh si belaw ! Sun Feb 27 ai 1:00, viewing tramn 12 n000, 2316 Fairview St Burtingten Ont. Terms: Cash Visa, M/C, Interac, 10% buyers prem. Detivery Avaitabte, snack bar. Auctînera Note faroîsh pour home in vobvirevabie style, aI arictvon prices. yov cool Ovlvv the amarion items /00 cîOi porchuse for yoar dollar -fol prdtores and mary campiefe listing vîsif www.auctonquallty.cm MOVING Suie. 4-mostO old Pîridge/Stove/Dishwasher, 47-Wide Screnr 9-pince (tîneOne, conuentrona aven. aise coalet, Washer/iryer, 5-pOece lrvrsgîvom sel, HF Computer and more 905- 875-f050, POOL tableo s acso ries. New/Uard uvyrS e Siate tabies tram $1000 in stalini. 905-61e 5159. cure biiiumi-veruice.com. WOODEN play station, 2 volt areas, 2 vlines. 2 swings, rocknt rider, 2 rope luiders, mnnkey bars, Stand sec in Son. Seils te- tari for $1500. We are seil- irg for $750. Pieuse cal 905-257-4390. A Dînrng Rooso, Cherry- cooi, double pedestul table 8 chairs, buffet, htch doonturi coristoc- lion Nec st11 in boxes. Cool $11,000 Sacrifice $2,6e0o 905-5e7-9459 A King Piloctop Mantreso Set. New sn plastic. Cool $1600. sel for $450. 905- 567-9459 OED, Amazing bargaîn, qonen orthopndlic piiiowtop set, nec rn plastic. currnnty $100 905-567-4042 ciii de- lîver. Oedroom Cheîrywood, Bei, chest, dresae, 2 nightstands. oxeetail Cor- sstrton. Nemir openni CosI $8,000. Sacrifice $1,.00. 905-567-4042 CARPET 1 haee senerul 1.000 yois. nI nec Stain- master & 10091 nylon car- pet 'Wi do liîongroorn & hall for $38g. Incluiex car- pet. pai & installation 130 yards) Steve, 905-633- IPleasel Ithisi Papie Poker Supplies SAVF osi dlay poker chip sets e00- 91G sets $69.00: 500-t1.5G sets $990 650-$11900u 1000-$1r9 00 sets suivide cinds & cilce nr auomnuro case. foidion ravies sIart $109.0& N0W IN STOCK Heave duty aruminum caon nIa, rvct & brîrîcases. COMINOS SOON TOn Ce- oullîmaîr Royal Flush Ser- ins Cal Rob iv 905-877- 6589 FREE Folîmates. Gar coS- Sly chairs, tInn lookiog cooi froisSes) Cielis Cus- tom Wood RefirrsOrng and Furntume Repaîrs 9-9 9005- 632-9090. Hot Tub (Spa) Covers Best Prîce, Bevl Dualilli AIl Shupes & Colours Avarit able. Cal t-866-585-0056. NEW Heur Sain! Custom uphoistnrrng, suon up 10 501/ off decorutor fubrîrs, plus NO GST Sofas frors $788. chairs frors $249 Fields Currîlore ani CaS, ries. Cui (tarie 9-9pm. 905- 632-9090. PIANO, Sheilock Manning, nec Oeys, refinisOni, bench rnciuded, $600 .Wii delivet. Cal 905-618-7244. $$$$ Wanted- ail China, Silver, Cryutni, Tea Caps, Royal Doutor, Scaxeabi, Glass, Jeweierp, aid topx, coilectibles, estates Cai Joh/ Tracny 905-331-2477 CASH pai for antiques uni coilectibies, chrna, fig- urines, jneieleri, fuorlore, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 oeil 905-876-7900. FREE010 gond home, hum- ster cr10 cage. Cuil 905- t75-9987 BLACK LaS needs home! Very active 5yr. nid main, loves the ouldours, great artS other animuis undin1 pedfect SeuSO. Cuir 905- 460,07('7 seeda a rOmtl on $1200 060, us is, cail 905-878- 0822. 1990 Hosdu Accurd COR. 2dr., vkuv conditron, black, auto. sunroot, 319,onokms, $1000. OBO. Cuil 905-702- 7525 1995 Cavaier 2-doot, CD piaver, 5-spnnd New aroter tites. 23t,O0iikms $3,000 obo. Cai 00 702-1823. P/T WEEKENDS Driver/Assistast for socria outngs. Reternces required Female. Coul 90o DOM«ftc 1 don't cul corsers. i clens tflem Culi Kariese, 905- 320-03730or 900 3t15-8442 Medîical Transcription Ens toll toiup orth CasScrbe. Lears frm home. 1-00 i6n-t1535 ccc cas- scrr5n com Newiruc Dever Uîcnan reurni.ne Serviae Mgre Msrhve Advisar& for T Oak. uv orEx fesrool fo"pk îe vile schi pp sprinlu PTiveso mier/roe rouirog. Faxnkesune to:e Fa05) 805-8425269: Sla ersnelg Managce A r ougin moem offrce oro jesoa b or ado oe (905)608-9244 et.299nq saes schdvertg ape cofraionThe cni <at if edSil F ~1.The Canadian ¶CAD~Academy _ of ffijjjj Dental Hygiene la pleased to annource tl has received ACCREDITATION STATUS FROM THE COMMISSION ON DENTAL ACCREDITATION 0F CANADA to ar enal igor at hivingt pp meat sont epr/d iren vile 20 mdin. waest of nt ogin Faxbrf istory taLB N R.cdhcruier/Taihllne .c cRenly seein to hîeri hly (min.te pesni tarro antan 01hcpany ahnd otatdi aar ndbenet aket o-n disusedn vilae 20rmird yor esum ofTrot Fax bie 866-425-444 -m-43o ail 905srdre-854-2554 N RtAeri resrtrailer aua a T ransortsapin nFiaeld) e DieWeare om anr lf rcted inviul whon ivlovefd, on fferaneptiona otrcsanmerieri immrd h a experience, hcollwg dpo n bigAss Tis ptan St rre ana e ravl Sleasefoowd Team Leadmert AssailpstatM etagrm NrAs iaSu lemt aofNaue Assistd, ant Gfe rcery ana g ersevc Assistant Cheese Manager Assistant rea to Manager Assistant Bakduer Manager Assistant FroEd Manager Pssieantar renolmet ndager Aist anilreapparts@wleood .cange FAX: 905 815 0794 L A EllB O Y INTERIOIR DESIGN/SALES AT LAZDOY We are expanuing nur 'te Home Design Seistu' rn our sonres sn Rurlingon, Bram-pton, Meocesauga uni soo n Oakvite aoi ce ae okino forsonetannfedpnpe toploi oor'Desiorner Devnkfrnrt Prograo' tf 5y are a araduate of us acoredei Interior Design course afi okong loi a unique ceportonne t luse your siib and tlent ten Orîs may be fie jib tor yoe' Dur Dnveloçasnent Progrurs neavies you Sales Oklis and She yoto master trone siis on te sales tfS pner oi secmr ing a mentes, of our proinsuonal Devign Team, Th5n Devin Teusosivrbes rOduie avson clierits minr prvo pets boOr in aur vfleurooerv and in000 ckenfs homes You vol vend eocoeet communicatin skious, a Orvije scueinlding weeinss reliable Ouanseetson and a Wr ave nom tain appircations fr phoure - ai COaie ut 905O58-2211t woien piomptndtfoenterasn eteson cha 10 Ornes t6-t51 to tnspnd to snvesr questions, mmmumuý

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