Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2005, p. 28

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r' a - Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@mihtoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 a HeIp Wanted505 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail cIassffied ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com: il Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-59479- Ad noborm snoSpmai1lafin person- The Canadian Champion. 19f Marc St. E., Mrlton. ON LOT 4N9 Deadliest Mor., 1f arn.,for Tues* pubicatron, Thars, 1f arn., for Fni publication. Specia Feafare & Holiday deadlices may vari P.a ttWe accep lt cash, cheque, Intera-, Visa, MasterCard, Amecicari Express. Eusrness accaunts cao be openied caSh an approaed credif appfrcation avarlable tronn pour Sales Consuat CHECK YOUA AD THE FIASI DAY tT RUNS f0 ecoore the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant wîthîn 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fni publication mont he repoted no later tSari Mon. f1t ainor i1e~iones ENGAGEMENT :B-arb & Rick Saxby ai Burlingtan are delighted ta annaunte the S engagement of their daughter *Pamela ta Stephen Donnelly - san af Canait & Bit! Dannrl!r, aiDundas 4. Wedding ta take place in Janauary 2M0 Mattalmy Croftside model 3-BEDROOM OPEN HOUSE, 1674 tarnhouse Sf58.000 Staver Crescent. every Buy n ow oefore f fi, Sunday 2-4pm tramn and sa SS Fehmuary 27th te Match Cali Martu h ormr eliscl ,05 8'6-G436 2t.F'rrr eol a onc yttneonercor-,218- TOWNHOUSE for sale 5 fr-oj freenoid, enrd fd OPEN HOUISE: SUNDAY 3 5 batrrooms. Renouai E.2'T.24PMOîo edruporadedý 2033 Chrîs- E.2T.24P rg o- Road, N.E. Bdingran Spacoùr Martorr, 1532 $246.000 905-693-2629 Arr-rer Wav, Mft- 4 Oea- ccc verturelhores r-a for L'rums irl parcr orenr feafure chrert Open Houne ùr- cr- Cafrearai fouer e- Sun 2-tpr france. mapie tiaarsrCup broards, bar 'aurrrer addO- TOWNHOUISE, 3tbdrrrrs tfrraJ kitcher cupoaran garage firrsrred rer- room. A!! orner area nos r-s appt use of pocr tve appliances orsv Asirino 5328 x 905- wr-race blirrds Cali 905. 693-,055' 880456 MILTON. 3 nedroar 6 'nause Z wasrroarmq-rir nvrocrr diirmrr frre- place garage fui base-. me-r- wak ut der- r - $-80 0-' REASONABLE - dusrrrai WANTED t. rentleasePur- unit, for rent.Fl 25 & r-hase Large famîfy nrome 4,11 f 610 3 200 so et on arceaoe nt r room for 2 Loadring ocrrs & ara-n tarses, Haltan Reg-on Pnorre 1-905-27-934- or 905-67-3773 f1-905-275-6&M- BIRTHDAY Happy M01 pu Suu"y LVFF Lam &M talc (amd Hêamy yu) ENGAGEMENT Pat and Manique McCann are pleased ta announce the engagement of ther daughter Stefan le Susa n ta Paul1 Ma tthet- son af Guy and Susan Caporrici of Burlington. Weddîng ail! take place July 29. 2006 A Jab At Hme $529 27 u5eek1ý Mal cure Assemn o-e products or Compuer chorS l-trOiO3-5655 24n, mesoave ccc r>iHcAr Or Carrte Carsu-r 599 Yorge Street -259 222 Toronrro M4YrZr PROMOTE yo, businesr opportunm, :. aueru m1 -ton o0utr- aders in South- Ce- 'roi Orrtarr- Bave saur add uleo vsement .l over 60 Met- rorari communty newspa- pers at elole phrone aml Cali O-aa fr niformation Cod eerd ord ad packag- es itemnet lsf-rrgs niclud- ed, -16-493-1300 ext 231 SSMONEYSS 001 s 2nO and 3rd Mor-gagev Oaa cre0 OK Cal Onloý W,0e 18-3C-,Q~9 in, CAMPBELLVILLE. 2-Oea- raam avaîlable Apr f At- farea garage pr-vote e"s- 'rarce sard, vscr-opmeni -aý Fireploco casser amer frabge Jer-naire stae irpa moirt- - titrer Nc m Prr p- F s'sLastRleferences re- qurred -fr856059863 MILTON our-herr paa lai frt furnisned aalar-le --mmt.ed -rtelY S650 mtri 1r clud-ig unties Cal 908- 875-3003 MILTON P rse' Park ca,rr-enase fr-r sned base- ment. Sf795,mrh F isoLast OrO Or-e Apr r 's' Ca! 9058-78 -6C MILTON large brgni bar-re- ior $753 mrp kircnen full bath ul ies. cabie & aun- or, No pers/smoking avala-re Apri tnt Cal! P0n 876-3-5 46 929-t RETIR] SHAP à BIRTH P//easej C- 4-t the EMENT ele BIRTHDAY r.7 ~8~ >PY RETIREMENT fia «MA» r-J ~ ~ ebpuapy, 26», 6I, Love Brion, Julie, Ldura. , o ami and Ange/a Happy 9Oth- Birthday W Hlarold Coulson r ' Please toish hep soeil ai in the [amni/q atan Open Hlouae 905-878-6ffl ce/ebrate Haro/dos Rithday ,tureay March 5, 2005 From 1.-30-4:30 p.m. Canadian Legian, 1/ranch 136 r Chares., îl ti/ton - Mes! Wshes On/y! e NEWLY renoaaed bar-ne- or S65mo r-at--ClUdrng r![tres A.a or-le n)oc r- oedroam - r-fi apr Sf1090 mont"ir-na . -nc ties Avo abie Marc-r ts Or--n Close r- Derrnr Ml'on Cal V/cndu 51-f 581-753-r DOWNTOWN filO M llsrdt Towers 82 fr1 lin de Drove f62 Oedrvr-m Apts Close ta Oocntoc'. Bus stop a! Frort DOvr 905-876- 1249 ence wrealitr r-- GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIMENTS f22 Brente Steet Saath, Milton 29e are -roc accaprr-r -rpoc!rat o's fri For mate informnatian and/ne f0 mai an apparnbneetnt. 905878-5375 Burldteg Manlager Leanatd & Penny ACTON t credrovo -rpant mer.':OO mu0,ntr-f Aoaiir able mmiedrat.ely 200- 5uc-ri Road Saut-r No Pects r-o! 5t9-853-0087 ACTON -oar - o cro-n 5808,mnr plus Aisu r - oedoam. apt S6Cr mor-' plus CaH 5t13-853-5080 ni Sf19-853-5352 ACTON iarae 3 r-r-r-'o aprOmen. S850o ir plus As- a ' oeair-s-r apoOr1i'n S'1 mont" CirA Cv it l53r0ý ,0er- ,19-853-5352 ACTON arr-e 3-ooo', r- apartmei S-rC 0 pls Cali vt S Oom 50&0, 5f90853-5352 ACTON :uxLJ ai:armeris -trond ýee oa 2bed- '2 te iras u.C ar-vr- 'dec r c'rer-a oax '10dm and -orge storaae ver--s Apr i rot or-oupanr-u Cal ACTON 2-bedovm upper apormon' s 51 Or ace C A coi park;nse Pv ov, Nio rý,epe's 55-Omti p!'- 'lîes Aprri tri Cal i _800-263-1429 tf -r -Fr ACTON. Cnuir- Strer-' o bedroani r-r-se teal ai mer- r-v oe-- r-ra'n c re r- ec 5880 m-rnti Aa,la-re- redrarely Or16-460-402r APARTMENTS 2 -edror- sites - 8-tr-n 5951D ove. Gras near Avallabie r-me- vote-o Carl L o ei r-'r-- sa- Asocorer P ,rrt- 905_8 t165 GEORGETOWN t oedi r--- par-rre' barri '70' ApI rs' ParOn.c S5 r- efeor- 0 GEORGETOWN ie sr-m 70a!, rivede r-r- op' Fen-e yard parki s OsilOry nc8aded SKC80îma - tirte Aoaraoie Marcni 1 ýCai 5f19-856-9994 170 GEORGETOWN t-bea- ravr'reuly rer-ovatea trgh' abarment Fencur, ya0d parhng ove laur- -c-oAcc 50 --w-n Sarabie 1,'i-i r-ar GEORGETOWN 2-Oeai ravir opa-i--e - rra OSie Moarc, 1ut ies r-r-uded 0,, o¼iear-lrerGOC5'a- 'on Nv pets prease Ca i fr6522v32 t16t-0E0 7537 GEORGETOWN 3-cea- r - "a e'motaed "'or 'r- - t nr-rse Fenred rdr porking & lar-'Ofr n- cr290c Strb2on- - t 'oe Cor! si5 985î69994 GEORGETOWN 3-oea- mac-' mo.a flocs i r-fouse Foncea îar, amOno ana or-daOrt -rre GEORGETOWN crie ceoa rrot- boso"er1' or' r- sr-roiýc -r-r-rcia Ar-o- t nec1 r ecorared -s75-8-P,ý 928 ft, GEORGETOWN spacrous, 2-bedroom aparImen, close fo Hîgh Sohool. Ap- pliances, grea neighboacs. No pets/smoking $980/m S ail inclusive. Availahie Fe- hruaty for. 905-873-1174. M/ hedroom corne in 018 Mîlfon near dewnown. 4 appliances. No garage, large lot, aalable Match f $f1,2508 Contaat Math 905- 8f1 5-331f2. MILTON Dorset Park, 3- bOror house, finisSet hase- menr, $f295mfhý Frrst5Las. aalable Aprl 1 otý Cali 905-878-7860, 4-BEDROOM couse ru resr in Acton. quiet neighbout- hood near Lake. 5-ap- pliances, non-umokers, no pets, Firsfifastprefecenoes. Sf 300/month plus ufîfîries. Availahie imnsediatey. Cal 51M9-53-5251, GEORGETOWN 3-bed- roam main flber bungalow. famiiy room, solarium kîrcn- en F/P. pavl Walk ta malis/sahoals & puaks or- medîarey $r400 monrh plus 905-873-0403 MILTON 3-odror town nasse. finished rec room garage. 4-appliances. Wilson/Woodward area S 1300/mrh v urilîres Availabie May f st/O Cal 905-878-4499, MILTON spacîvus 3-Odrm, ut! wali ta Milton Mai un- der renoaarîs nec A/C F S 000 Main lser 'aur, cas--er ise oi povi Re- Crr S13Simn- il tic adaole Apri s' reli erenr-es Cal af6 99/ Qakoîlle 2, 350 vearnarcý - ancu-rsrr availablem r-r-Oi trrougn Ap-l 4 p-r dres rncpeoale f.ai rea Laveshore fMariage- "reni 90v5876-3336 MILTON. oo'- fi ren' 11r05-878-2068 ovalable 274- LOTS cffr 29,ji r, e-ir-o F;rsr AaCP P- r -O ces r-'s-a elir- rïeafrgiFre Pe er 0ce - rr re Laurr"% 87r c2205 LOPING r9 nutr'r as meals craitu poi-e ýrecke frrStaid CPR CaliîCaro' r 905-876-062j Sa Place Yaur Ad Taday'- Cali 905-875-3300 or drap b> ait 191 Main Street! Manda> ta Friday 9 arn- 5 pmni 1

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