'~ports 'Hawks and Raiders MitnDsrc' attempts to block a shot by Royal$ forwalrd Lee set to clash... again Mathé during By JON KUIPERIJ The Champion If timing is indeed everything, the Milton IceHawvks have to, like their chances in the second round of the Provincial Junior A Hockey League playofls. Milton, coming off' a five-gamne series victory over the Burlington Cougars, will now face the Georgetown Raiders iii the West Conference semnifinal, svhich begins tomorrow evening in Georgetown. The top-seeded Raiders easily wson iheir first-round series, disposing of' the Mississauga Cha-gers in four slraight. hut have been ravaged by injuries and sickness of hute. Georgetown wîil likely he forced to play the entire series svîthout star nelminder Joint Barrow, svho svas recenîly hospilal- ized tor an aindis- closed medical con- M lo I c dition, and is svith G og ti out three of' jts top defencemen headîng bs f iee o intri the opener. Gane 1 Pcb. 26 -There's no ques- Gaie 2 Pcb. 27i titon about tf, they're Gaine 3 Mar. 2 a gelting us at a good Camie 4 Mar. .4 a tîme., said Raiders -Gamne 5 Mar. 5a coach Dan -Gaine 6 Mar. 8 Carneron, who xviii *Came 7 Mar. 9 a miss the firsi tsvo -t ne~ gamnes of the series himself because of a suspension. "But the guys we do have in the lineup are auxtous to shosv (svhat they can do). 1 think the strength of our teani bas been our depth... sve had 15 guys in double-digits in scor- in,,* Nick Harloff (44 points in 43 gaines) is the mnosi notable Georgetowvn blUeliner on the sheif. having îîoî ptayed a gamne since taking a controsersial bit from Milton for- svard Chrîs Bain in tbe last sveeketid tifthe regular season. Franîk DeAngelis, svho pot- ,ed four goals in the opening round. atîd Ryan Hirtle Si. Dentis are also oui with injuries. lIn goal, the Raiders ssîll tuni 10 Chris Hyk, who they pîcked up from the Oakvilie Blades ai the trade deadlîne. Hyk svas the Biades' top neirninder before Oakvîlle re-acquired Dan Giffin. and played in the league al-star gaine lasi month. "No malter who the goaltender is, we've gol 10 work bard and tighî in high-lraffic areas 10 gel second and third shoîs on the net," Milton head coach and generai man- ager George Dupont said. "It boils down te, ai it t t t it t ce our perftîrnance and nt necessarily the "ýoaiie"' The IceHasvks have some injuries of their own. Key forwards Adarn Pîleggi and Mike DeMarchi are 0ut svîth lower-body inijuries and tf îs uncertain svhether eîîher player will be able to relurn during the senies. Milton was viclorjous il) ils last regular- season meeting with Georgetown, dlaim- ing a 7-4 decision ai Meinorial Arena Feb. 4. A( the end of thai gaine, Cameron -stîll înfuriaîed by the bit that injured Harloff caine aller Dupont, for svhich the Raiders coach received a sîx-game suspension f'rom the Onîtario Hockey Association. "l don't have anylhing against thern or iheir coach. 1 was jusi upset at the time wiîh the lit by qa k s Batin," said iiR id r Canteron. "We dtd see it on it deo aird tf \xx asn 't a clein bit. Georgetowvn (7:30> "There's no love Meirrat (30( losi betsveen the tsvo Ceorgetown (8:00) (teanis)," he conîtît- Merntîriat 7:30) ued. Georgetown (7:30t "This is going to Mernoriai (7:30) be a physîcal serles, Ceorgetown (8:0î» tîake no bouies ~ssary about it.- Dupont adnAitted the altercation is still fresh in the îîîinds of' bis players, but downplayed the suggestion that such antmosity tntight spill oser utîto the sertes. "'he level of intensîty alsays riscs a bit in playtitfs but tf you let thaut last gaine influence flic series, you'.re not really pre- pared. The locus should be on dotttg riai yîîu have tri do t ii xn the series, tiot îo as etge any ftghts." satd Dupont. fl se' te thttîking aîbout a risalrý that îîîîghî have been created, xe'rc nti focrtsed ort sshat we need to bc locrtsed oit. Yes, there is ihat added bit of' spark, but sve're in the second round of the West play- offs against a good hockey club. We hase 10 have thai spark anyway, or sve .re not glomg 10 get lhrough."* Gamne 1 is scheduled for 7:30) p.in, ai Georgeîown's Gordon Alcoît Arena, sviîh the series' second gamne slaîed f'or 3 p.m. Sunday ai Memorial Arena. The Raiders won lhree of the five mneet- ings between the leams this season and have eliminaîed Milton from the playoffs the past two years, including a four-game sweep in 2004. The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005-23 M (', cOum sleblanc@haltonsearch .com 1?eding through to Halton final Mark Frecîniat ,tdtntts be's a bit n îiorrîedl about ilie B îshop Reditte Royals' oppottent iii today 's H-altoi senior boy s basketbal I AA chaîniptoîts ip gaine. Burlingitorus L ester B. Pearsoni Patiots. BuLt if' the Royals play~ ite xx ay tbiey dîd ti Wedtîesday 's settAtftîî,l agailisi the Mit District Mustangs. Redtttg\s co-roaci ss Il have hatle reason for coticen. The Royals sxere thorouglbly tnpresstve oit botb ends ofihe floor, exploding tor 41 points in the gaine's openilîg 12 mtinutes and holding MD tri lhree second- quarter poilnts, as they easily downed the Mustangs 7 1 45. The victory advanced Redîing 10 the regional AA championship. scheduled for 4:301 pin. today ai Sheridan College in Oakville. "We played really well. (The Mustangs) prepare well for us and 1 guess il fell apart for them, but we're scared of them aIl the lime," said Royals forward Lee Maîhé. who led Reding with 19 poins. "Tey're a good leam and we feel fortunale 10 get ahead like that early." MD lîad tiltle anssver foîr (lie heighî and athleîtcsn of' Redine's AI Alilovic. sshî sctred 13 firsi-quater potits and t înîshed the gaine wxiih 15.Seait Maibe added 101 anîd Mircas Gray conîribuîed fisc for tbe Royals. "We're nti ait offensive juggertîauî by any stretch of' ibe imnagination.' lauglied Freetrna, who irsersees the squad along witb Dwighî Jonker. "God xvas sînîling on us. (Shots) were f allîng tor eveîyone.- Mustangs coach Steve Oliver was dîsappoiîîîed xvîîh bis leani's shot selection and defence, but crediîed Reding for a soIid effort. "They execuled well and we couldn't stop them. Il came down t0 ibat," he said. "They were smooîh, they were disciplined and they'll give Pearson a good mun." ion Jeysman, double-teamed most of the gaine by Redîng, scored 19 points in the loss. Ambrish Patel nelîed 10 and Mati Sandford scored seven for the Mustangs. Milton Minor Basebali Association Registration Milton Sports Centre Located at the north entrance for the upcoming 2005 season Saturday, Feb. 26, 2005 [rom 9:30am - 2:00pm ~ Please bring a birth certificate if new register. Any questions please cati our hotline 905-876-2288