2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005 * 2EN AN A *U o i () o j(a) Here's just a sample of over 250 vehîdles we have in stock-.% SOChevroIet SiIoerado LS X-Cab 4x4 2005 Naaan Attra 2.5S 2003 PontacGrandPri oOT 205900dge Gand Caaan 200200odg Dakota ClubCabO44 umw"s ý'a - -zVe e qud Oi 9 737.n AW p. ppo« ima ir A ,l 4,36&ri O9 OIa" . doir, i hc t ud Aet wa A ý 029773$20888 S A $989AO 199_e" $20,495 2003 Inflntd G35 Seda 2001 Chevrolet Malibu LS 2004 Chrysln. Pachlca 2W0 2001 Hyo68al Accent GSI 2002 Mazdâ P olqge 5 ny,.5 '20 495 $10,990 nota $2500 o $99 2001 Chevr0191 Sileado 1 W 201TyoaSjjjLECnvrile 2M 4Chae bno Torn 202legCra 2001 Toyota Acaion XLS IOrl 113kI ete ul Bode .baiyý Only3,2S ,l nA nnn Ohei O,, 62BAl 1ýa, ,ý 1 7k1 P- - et* 0 59 ny1OO O $24,995 Bi, CDA $20995a wt mrimwh ý. 7 ....51 $14,932 A $13.695 _ - 2,9 VEAR MAKE MODEL ACURA 2002 AcuaA RSX Type S BIMW 2004 BMW 5301 BUICK 2002 Baick Regal LS 2002 BAick Regal LS 2001 Buick Century Custom CHEVROLET 2004 Chevrolte Impala LS 2003 Chevrolet Sonoma LS X-Cab, Extreme 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer LS 4x4 2002 Chevrolet VentAre 2900 Chevrot Cavalier 2000 Chevrot Asîro LT AWD CHRYSLER 2004 OStysler 2004 C.hrysler 2004 Chrynler 2000 Chrysier 2000 Chryster DODGE 2005 Dodge 2004 Do49e 2002 00490 2002 00490 2001 0049e FORD 2004 Ford 2003 Ford 2003 Ford 2003 Ford 2002 Ford 2002 Ford 2002 Ford GMIC 2003 GMC HONDA 2000 Hondo HYUNDAI 2004 Hyundai 2001 HyAndai 2000 Hyundaî 2000 Hyundai INFINtTY 2003 Intîniti JAGUAR 2001 Jaguar lntrepîd SE Paoîiîoa 2540 $ebring Tourîsg Nnon LE Town & Coantry Lid. Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Anniversary Edition Dakota Guad Cab Sport Grand Caravan Sport Carovan SE Explorer Ltd. Escape XLT 4x4 Eapédition Eddie Bauer 4x4 Taurus $E Focas Wagon SE Explorer XLT 4x4 Foras Wagon $E Yukon Denali XLAWD Accord Special Edîtion Santa Fe G L AWD Accent GSI Elantra VE ribaron SE G35 Sedan Premîum S Type 4.0 MILEAGE 72,334 9,850 90,044 66,530 93.405 30,227 23.069 40,300 97.958 71.093 90.535 36,394 26,170 33,710 92,417 148,477 48,961 65,846 102,142 60,754 80.425 18,433 63,424 36,505 111,259 51,98 1 72,798 62.294 33,950 96,583 59.42 1 74,624 61,629 t112,796 70,570 35,976 SALE $20.995 $57.995 $12.995 $18.995 $10.995 $21.995 $20.68 $22.995 $11.482 $6.995 $16.995 $14.889 $25.888 $14.999 $6.999 $11.888 $19.995 $18.874 $17.499 $15.699 $11.542 $34,995 $22,995 $33.995 $10.995 $11.995 $19.995 $12.888 $45,995 $13.995 $23.995 $8.995 $7.995 $9.495 $28.995 $28.995 VEAR MAKE JEEP 2004 Jeep 2001 Jeep 2001 Jeep LEXUS 2004 Leous 2004 LeAus 2001 Lexus MAZDA 2004 Mazda 2000 Mazda NISSAN 2004 Nissan 2002 Nissan 2002 Nissan 2001 Nissan 2001 Nissan 2001 Nissan 2001 Nissan 2001 Nissan OLOSMOBILE 2001 Gldsm PONTIAC 2004 Pontiai 2003 PoBlia 2002 Pontia 2002 Pocia 2002 Pontia 2002 Pontiai 2002 Pontia 2001 Pontiai 2001 Ponîîoî 2001 Pontiai TOYOTA 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota VOLKSWAGEN MODEL MtLEAGE SALE GaAd CherAkSA LaredA Trait RAtnd 39.614 $25.990 Grand C6BAAIoke 60t5 AnAivera5AAA 69,398 $22.595 Grand CherAkee Ltd. 99,679 $19,995 ES330 Premium LABAAI] Pkg 5,300 $44,995 RX330 Ultra Premium Pkg 10,550 $56,995 RX300 AWD 97,968 $28,995 6 GS GFX Pkg 51.169 $22,889 Protége SE 505826 $11.995 Maxiaîî. OL 57,704 $29,995 Altima 2.5 SL 78,381 $20,995 Maxima SE 93,121 $18.999 Sontrà SE 54,642 $13.995 Sentra XE 36,715 $11.995 Sentra SE 54,642 $13.995 Sentra XE 36,715 $11,995 Sentra GXE 75,147 $11.995 obile Aiero GX 39,775 $10.995 c Grand Prix GT2 41,279 $21.995 c Grand AM GT1 49,802 $16.995 c Montana EAtended 67,333 $17.995 c Montana Entended 78,163 $15.995 c Grand AM SE 74,857 $9.990 c Grand Prix Olp 33.012 $18.995 c Grand Prin GT 66,193 $14.995 c Grand AM SE 63,361 $9,995 C Grand PriA GI 102.688 $13.995 c Montana Vision EAtended 98,530 $14.995 4RAnner Spont 12.075 541,995 Corolla CE 'B'Pkg 25,055 $17.495 Highlandnr'A' Pkg 2,513 $36.995 Camnry LE 42,554 $20.595 Echo 18.597 $15.495 Matrin XRS 49.522 $20.995 Sienna LE 44,396 $29.995 4RAnner Limited 80.438 $33,995 Maîriu XRS 58.278 $18.999 Highlander 2WD 114.158 $18.999 Rov4 B' Pkg AW0 68.956 $17.995 agen Je0ta GLO TOI 135,944 $15,995 RU 25-acre proposed A small residential developmenî has been propoued for ais approxîmate 25-acre parcel ot land on Derry Road, oresi ot Fourth Line. Tbe proposai. put forsvard by Transcon Properties Lsd. (Af Hornby coîsists of' 59 single deîacbed homes. 48 semi-deîacbed bouses, a tseighbourhood centre uvith 80 siacked toorubouse unîls. 40 tuvo-siirey townbouses and six lot apartmrents. a park and woodloî. The lands are locaied vvithjn the Bristol Survey secoîsdary plan area. A staff report on the proposed plan of subdivision came before the Tooros administration and planning commiîîee Monday nighi for information purposes and a public meeting. Wbile the draft plans subiîîted 10 the Town include 468 square metres ot com- mercial space, Transcon representative York Gruehl told the commiîîee this cons- pontentis being excluded ai Ibis lime. The commîîîee only heard froîn îwo individuals on the proposaI, one uvho expressedt concemrs on orbat the commer- cial space would be used four and the oîber who requesîed clarification on the woodlot. The staff report noîed ibat Transcon iv asking for a zoning bylaw amrendrueni 10 change the property from a future develop- ment zone to residential medium densîîy and open space. Several reports and studies have been submiîîed to tbe Town iii support oftihe application, including a îraffic impact assessmeni. notise impact feasibîliiy siudy wooudl(li assessmrent siudy and archeologi- cal assesmneni. Once tbe Towni bas receîved aIl] com- menîs on the proposaI and the application evaluaîion is compleied. a techuicat report wiîh recommendations will be brougbî bock to commiîtee and council. -Tree case postponed The detence in a high-profile case involving acres of îree-cuîîing bas been granted an adjoumrmeni until next montb. David Crocker iold Justice of the Peace J. Wolovchuk ai Ontario Provincial Offences Court in Milton yesîerday be wasn't able t0 proceed witb a cross-examî- nation, and 10 attempi il would be to fail bis client -BurI ingion resident George Mr. Crocker wd2. to have cross-examined a lawyer -June Kim -who swore an affidavit of the provecution. Mr. Vastis is facing $840.000 in fines for 44 counîs of cuîîing in a woodloi and cul- lin8 in an Environmenîally Sensitive Area. The cleaviing acîivîîy îook place in 2003 on a Fourth Line properiy he oorns on the Milion/Oakville border. He pleaded n01 guilty 10 the charges last year. In January. the delience ftled a mtîiion requesiing a stay of proceedings -ibat the case be ihrîvvt oui - lellitug court Cruîsn prosecuior Johnu OIal) had lailed iii provîde fll dîsclosure. Mr. C îîc ket explafleL y csterdiy the priisecut An teil il necessa,ýr\ li ic spiiîd to tbe deteute's îl legat îîîîs \\u l aîî .11 fida\ il. Tb.ît tîasuc lie peIsol %0ii) ,5or utc te ai day il olpenl li cîîîss-e\alhaliiil. [he case usiii coilnuie M.îici 2-3 ai Ontlarioi Prîin îcîiIl ()len.ces Coîurt n lJurlîîintiii I