14-The Canadian Champion, Frmday, February 25, 2005 DatpJin Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 PO0. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to miltoned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesdayîs edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Dateiine items aren't accepted by tele- phone. Friday Feb. 25 Naasagaaaeya Presh3 tenait ('huth c l s itil ta a1i1.al scalloped potato and ham dinner ai 6:301 p.ta. Tickets cot $1 'otr .til1tts. $6 l'oir kida a-ed 6 tii 12 anîd aie free ftor itîose Litder 6. Call (90)1 954-f055 lot. tickets. Registration begîias ai 9 arni. [tir Towvn of Milîton spriap aitd aummer reoreatian priagratias. Regiater ni person ai the Miltoîn L.etaure Centre, 11(11) Mains Si. E.. the Miltotn Spîtîta Centre. 60t5 Santa Maria Blvd ., tir ai Town t Hall. 43 Briown St. Foar infoirmnationi tit bos tii togîster ouici Ine ternet tir by phoîne, sec ytoîr Sprtttg and Sattîtaiiet- 2(X)5 Ciitiitttotîiiîy Services Guide, a ait sss.ttlît., tir caîl 19015) 878-72152. ext. 241411. T[ho Kîti (iiity ofithe Salaatti Ariny, 100( Nîjîisaing Ri.- Suite .3, hîli.la Khi 'oufh. ait eaetîîî of'i luit titi 13- tii IX yeîr- ilda. Fiii tiformtationt i.all 12891 242-1432 ot e-mîail ht lits khiciiiîLtatty.oin. Wellapt icg lliltiti-ia001 a sînînîtl ttetaairk liii i.anier patienta an. their taiitlea. htîda ita driip-ii Relaxation and Visualization progrtîn Iroîtî Il atm icio 12:30t pua. ai 2545 Sîxîh iîîe in Qakatilo. Foar moire îîsfîanaiîn. cail 19(151 257-1988. The third aîsnual Milton Mayor's Christian Prayer Breakfast takes place lrorn 7 iii 9 ani. aI Rattiesnake Gosîf aîd Coiuntry Club as 1h guest speaker t.oma t)ueck frim t.îaten Up TV. Fcir tickets tir taore itnformatiton, caîl t)eboraa ai 905-878-5664. The Militit Setniors' Acttntty Cetre. 5(11 Cîtilda D)r. hlula ita f)own East Pot L.uck Movie and tiames Nigh \ th a pt lfik dînîser ai 5:31)pt a itravelogue teatuitrtg Catitaa Mtrittiea antd Neaav l'outii.lantd ta 630 p. ni antd iatîtîtae anad gaitnes arlin tt,î 7:15 p.it. The i.îît ta $2. Euchre ttkea platce ai I:301 p coi. n- tract bridge ta lield ai 10I î.îîî antd tals berCafé î,îkea place trtti 1iti 4 p.i The i.îîa ti eao liitese actiaittea ta $2 loii itiettihet antd $4 titi- tttiiieabera. The i.enître lîtlda ita (amphellville Evening Euchre Party at the ionus Hall iii Cattiphella îlle ai 7:311 puti. The i.î s ta$3, itioluditig rut tclîtnenta. Fuor nmire infoirmtation lin Otîy tiIthese aclinittea. caîl t 9015t 875-168 1. Friday Feb. 25 - N4arch 2 liho Toavn ol Milton's Ctmmaty Services Depanmet invites the Paublic bo ntea and commrient on the revised concept plans l'or a sectionî ofI propoaed traîl alone tic Utniont Gaa Cotrridoir tSîîîmernîille Terrace Ioi Beaîy Tratîl. Plins are on diaplay and conmmnent torna are anailablo ai the Milîton Leisure Centre and Town Hall. Plana and comment ltîrms are also aalable aI www.rnilîiîn.ca. For mitre information. caîl Frank I.ocmnte aI (905) 878-7252, ext- 2168. Saturday Feb. 26 Milton Cîîmînaniîy Nursery School holds ils 4fith anniversary open bouse frit 2 lii 5 pin, ai St. Paul's United Chureh, 123 Main St.. with children's activitoes. a cowan and relreahmnneta. Registrationti s not reqairod. For mitre tntinnnattiin. caîl (905) 878- see more DATELNE on page B2 Sphts the diefence. C t. h an a Timbits Hockey isn't about winning or keeping score. It's about Iearning the basics, making new friends, and most importantly, having fun. Every year olver 50,000 entry-Ievel players across the country discover just how great the gamne can be. That's why your Milton Tim Hortons ls proud to sponsor Timbits Minor Hockey in your community. Ta6vgoal sisti0tug ou, YOUR ROOF IS ABOUT TO LEAK, DON'TWAIT' Lft me Roof at ast yearspie & o'pa unisrrg.Adtnl discounts if ou quality as a showcs hoe The Wod'sLagea Permann Ron Manfcue & Isalto i.LCompany has deeloped a new pemaets k o go wit u led papa pemanent ahinge and fierog ytm.n Chompase hama ng ne Behe a-l nyna nehbu Bea e thein how omenm of hsi your area t thwcs t :i aang ew put t tac forucmn t seh rt tai n ia r igh huut t3 ad r ies ivt e t i rSonaV I oNG tf ruh oac mt ten atoa ut ho RoioiIa a Notai to m tm ontar cuidr o hu aioul L ife i i t i .ott iin i toiisra ni t aL rar a bio andiaeil at t t )tttor otoinora ut itto Sicrino t. utoto toc uniItd hjios ad Til on otpareto r n ioh a s tld roo utt maiiiead no Acomatiot Taie.Car i uardle Th îîato Di tr ct h o euires O ttic o prn ersn1 Ge11(to (îactph t.and takilc lu ]i 1 i t arte ted i. Oerntî tli iiR d ofuihJ/2d u l el1n1eta3 and4 Deoadttta r Sc plii..îiiiîîta ta Cl]itacada , a l .211 hid iar Fîrres înt îîîaî p muiipa leîtard s c atte Batuî id d ical a n drsc rocardîtto iit \i..î ttîEuîîtaîî n gudIns ý h teig(oint PaltTate ,hi oteI PBpkrd