lO-The canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2005 Halton Healthcare THE HEARTBEAT 0F OUR COMMUNTTY A NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL We4 would like to t/tank oar .xpumsors, Robed (Pie) Lee Insurance, McCuiaig InsiuranceLtd, McKersie-Kochier Fineral Honie lii. and SolexIL, Division of'Detiiier Machinery bic., Furkmog Collins Fitzpatrick for- their wondeifl1 support and generosity. HHS Accolades Kathryn Snell, Technical Director cf HHS Laboratory Services, is a busy woman, In addition to her exten-~ j sive sehedule at Halton Heaitheare, Kathryn is also the President Elect of the Trilium Chapter of the Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA). The CLMA is ai learning tool tor Kathryn Snell members new to laiboraitory man- agement, experienced Iaboratory managers and future leaders in Laborotory Medicine The association s a great resource ot ideas, sharing, support, and encouragement for ainyone viorking in Laboratorv manaigement. CLMA Trillium Chapter and CLMA internactionol are valuable resources that help fa bridge the'gap tram technologist ta management If you're interested in more intormation, please log onto www.clma.org, Piease join us in commending Kathryn on her commifment to furthering her career, and the careers of othersi March is National Nutrition Month Weight is a top nutrition concern of Canadians. While dieting is a popular remedy for weight loss, decades of research have shown that diets are not effective for long term healfh and weight control. Diefifians of Canada (DC) is taking a more positive approach f0 healthy weight for the March 2005 National Nutrition Month5f Campaign. Go the Healthy Wayl Dieftians cf Canada is the nation-wîdle voice of Regisfered Dietitians. AIl of the Dietitians working throughout Halton Healthcare are registered healfh professionals n Ontario, and are members of Dietîtians cf Canada. The 2005 National Nutrition Month Campaîign is launching the Healthy Way Challenge a c positive, solution-based approach to healthy weight. If you're lookîng for more information on how f0 livec a eaithier lîtestyle, log onto www.dietitians ca You aon orowse through an extensive librarv cf tact sheets, interactive learning tools, practîcal tîps, and answers f0 frequent- y asked questions, Log on and check if out todaiyi Mark Your Calendars Mark your calendars for Milton District Hospital's Annual Passport fo Wellness Fair Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm. Milton Mal, Milton For more information, piease confact Cindy Popp uf 905-878-2383, ext. 7045. www.aItoheaIhca eo Halton Healthcare SPECIAL THANKS... f0 the many volunfeers who parrîcîpafed in fhe Sweefheart Saie. The Giff Shcp has Onen transformed inta the Sweef Smei cf Sprîng. Wafch for f5e arrivai cf many excifing new prcsiucfs 'a:ch one sure f0 hrîng a smîie f0 the receiver. Aiso check ouf F-aster and gîhfs for Mother's Day AN INVITATION TO THE YOUTH 0F MILTON The Milton District fHospifal Auxilîary Yaufh Voiunfeer Monfhiy Meetings wîll be tocusîng on the exciting fopic cf "Explaring HeaIth Careers" over the nextftew monthx. They are extend- ing an o~pen invitation the ycung people cf Milton fa attenîd any or ail of these sessions. The date cf the next session ix Tuesday, March 29th at 6:30 p.m, ta 7:30 p.m, ln the classi room ait MOn, Dr. Marlon King, Family Physician and Jackie Keba, X-ray Technician will be presenting, Pre-registrafion ix not necessary. f-lpe ta see you there Volunteers Kathenine Fobi has been acively volunfeerng at MDH for 15 years. She volunteers because "she meefs greaf people and its the best cause in town." Katherine Sas par AflyMobr ticipafed in many differ- 4KfeieFb ent initiatives and programs. Her speciality is volunfeer training, merchandising, and buy- ing for the very busy Gift Shop, Katherine's support and participation continues fa play a vital raie in the success cf tire Auxlllary. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Caring Today Growing for Tomorrow ION' HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY This year the Foundation wîll be celebratng a mile- stane, ifs 25th Silver Anniversary. The success cf the Foundation is based on one fhing ...the kîndness cf this aufstanding cammunify, We appiaud the citizens of the Town of Milton, for their spirit and generasiy DUST OFF YOUR COWBOY BOOTS! Mark yaur calendairs for Frîday, Augusf l9fh, whan the higgesf aie hoot 'n' nanny fhis side of Taxas wiil he fakin' place! This nere oie invitation cames f0 ya tram the Foundafian We wanna gît ya' ail fîrea up over fhe Blazing Saddles Beef 'n' Beans BBQ, Auction and Hoedown ai Pineland Farm, Homnby! Spec n1f5hrnks t Mr. and Mrs. James Snow for fnmir downn or n hosp faify Tnc Presenting Sponsor cf 'rn event bWoodbine Entertainment GroupM. Hee Haw nîmsnif Gordie Tapp vvii Oc conduli r fhe festivities Y'l sure aon neip cur by affenaing' the snîndîg. For information contacf 905-878-7014 IMDH spp sporter, Margot Johnson «Meet Our D)onors"u Many cf you may recognize Margot Johnson. She is a long time resident cf Milton, and a long time employee at the Milton District Hospital. She prexeniy works in the Central Service Department. Margot donatex ta the Foundation in many ditterent ways, one of which ix her wilingness fa volunfeer cf va'ious Foundation fundraisers. Her iatest commit- ment is ta volunteer on the auction pay table at thîs year's Blazing Saddles Margot, thank you for your outstandlng support! 1~ THUMBS UP! To the Chris Christoforou Golf Tournament oranizes this on eu sCritfru ofTuraetorale Thi woderulgroup raised $4250. for the Milton District Hospital! REMBER, AUL DONATIONS TO THE MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION & AUXRY D EAT THE MULON DISTICT HOSPIAL, CALLINO AIL VOLUNTEERS! New ro, the communiy? If you have a few hours fa spore, vouid 1,i<e to meef interosfîng peopie, and help ai great cause, YOufT hospîfal, uonfact the Dîrector Of Voiunteers ut 905-878-28 Tit -77 10, Tne Hospital requires maie ana female volunfeers, of ail aiges, ini manycdîfferent areas,