1~~ , ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ^ page B S ZAKS PHARMACY ~4tns Independent Phannacy *Fre Dehvoy *10% Seies Discount J4) *AtFlnaPi» Acepted *M~t. Drug ktto. Avaistit *At Zakls MW oire About Vour Hoathn 70 Main St. E. 875-2424 A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPEI Weekend* tion FIAY,FEBRtUARY 25,2005 $ 100(((STincluded) 44 PAGES " Using Communication to Btld Better Clsmmunities v-Lucky to be alive A firefighter surveys what's Ieft of a Mazda sedan crushed by a tractor-trailer unit in a noon-hour muiti-vehicle colli- sion yesterday. Amnazingly, there were no injuries. About 10 vehi- dles including four tractor trail- ors were involved in the acci- dent on Hwy. 401 at Guelph Lino. Frustrated motoriats were re-routed as the highway was ciosed for sevoral houra east- bound, as waa a section of Guelph Lino. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vRegion stands ground on greenbelt By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Although there were miany cails for the Region to rescind its motion recom- mending the Province add more than 4,000 acres of north Halton land to the greenbelt plan, that didn't happen at the lengthy regional committee meeting Wednesday. 'Me planning and public works cormittee heard from approximately 30 delegates on the topic at a seven-hour meeting. with about haîf of those mndi- viduals asking tbat the Region follow suit with Halton Hilîs counicil and reverse its decision, such as Sandy Grant from the Halton Region Federation of Agriculture. "The addition of the 4,700 acres should be rescinded for the simple reason that there was a severe lack of consultation in this area by the provincial govemmeni," she said. "'Me plan bas a great many flaws we feel should be deait with before implementation." She added that the Region should join the feder- ation in uts requesi to delay the implementation of' the greenbelt until issues affecting farmers. such as viability and science, are deali with properly. Several farmers also came out to the meeting to voice their opposition to the inclusion of the approximate 4,4030 acres in the greenbelt. "My land, if iî's included in the greenbelt. won't be subject to fair market value," said farmer Bob Merxy. whose land falis within the subject area. Most of tbe farmers who spoke echoed Mr. Merry's thoughts. Many who supported the Region's original rec- ommendation also tumed out ai the meeting.' Fourth Line resident Bemard Coyle presenîed a petition with more than 300 signatures of residents svho live iii or adjacent ils the subject area. ail caîl- ing for inclusion in the greenbelt. "The people who signed the petition expressed many reasons for wishing to be pant of the green- beli, the m-ost notable being they wanted the extra protection afforded by the provincial legislation beyond the protections of the land provided in the Town of Halton Hilîs' draft officiaI plan," he said. Gloria Hildebrandt of Protect Our Waîer and Enviroument Resources (POWER) also voiced the group's support for the 4,400 acres. "This will provide a needed buffer between the industrial lands of Milton and a rural pant of Halton see DELEGATIONS on page 21 *fIsde Comment .........6-7 Classified .......28-32 Reai Estate .........33 Datelîne . ..14, B2,B8 eFRIDAY, FEBRIJARY 25. - Surs' Sm*V -A&P, *ihi Zol* omtp O * -Rft S"*a www.miltontoyota.com 9- NEWS Pi it. U, Page 9 SPORTS 'Page 23 e~330 OntU~ade téS. Uni SIAAI (loeatd lu Pb*zHut Plaza> (95 7360 . J . luu