Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 2005, p. 9

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Town 110W taking iLgisilatuous lot spring programs Sîarting Friday. Milton rcsîdeiiis eari sig n up l'or the Totwn's, sprîng and surn/mer recrcaîîtîî pritgrais. In-persmn registration wul iakc place duî îîg tegutar itpcrating hîturs; aitihe Milton Leisure Centre, Miltoîn Spotrts Centre anîd lTwn Hait. Registratiotn eau aisi be donc frontî home hv logging otn li www.inîttiin.ca or cattîîîg (905) 875-540X). Deîails on mail andi fax-in regisuratiuons, as weti as additionat infonria/iin on prograis, coinmuruty groups and organizations arc as ,iiabtr in the Spiing and Sunimnei 201)5 Coitmuniiy Services Guide. Coîpies of' the guide eau bc picked up aiIîw tariit /es oi downtoaded front the abitve-neniionecl Web si/e. New recreation prograins beîng inîroduced this season for chul dren include Gardentng for- Kids and Yoga Kids. Youths can cycle indoors /0 upheat omusic by regisiering foir the Cycling Club and t'or hockey enthusiasts, Dry Lanîd Hockey Trainintg is alsîtben î,lfered for the firsi finte. Expectani and new moins iii the comrmunity ran sign up for relaxing Pie-natal Yoga andr Baby anîd Me Yoga, iin addition iii Pre- and Post-natal Fitness. Seniiors eau participa/e iii new regîs/ered prograis such as Drawing anîd Oil/Acrlic Painting oîr sîgn up l'or pay-as-you-go golf tessons. Leisure Centre ineiners anîd pay-as-you-gut customers caot enjoy new fitness classes. includîng Mind/Biîdy Floîw and Cardio/S/ep Combo. Back for ibis season of surnner camp are the ever-popular Theatre and Centre Stage camps. Aiso, tien in thîs year's coînîouniîv services guide are teatures entitird 'Histoiy of Park Naines'ibat appear thrrtughouî the publi- ca/ion. which describe the histituy bebind park and neighbourboîtd naines. The cîontent t'or the feaîîîres was pros ided by Jitu Dilis and Ward 4 Cîturciltor John Chattinor. Lasi but not teast. the guide con/ains information about spring and sumîner programs offered by coinanunity grîtups and organi- zations. as weil as their registraîtion de/ails and contact informnation in the 'Discover Your Commrruntty' section. Prograin registration for resîdenîs ou/aide Mil/on will s/art nexi Tuesday. For more informnation on the community services guide and Town rerreation prograins, rail (905) 878-7252, ext. 2440. DUr th o itenotyîal i8û.S94à hrecsi exoiRolioo Wr o mommogrcm ctino Cosi Io woen àh are 50 yecrs c ce or over, Müke joui cpeiomeut foýol.! The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, February 22, 2005-9 Instaim moke AlarmuhOan~Cd Notice of Liquor Licence Application eOntaric, l'lie tilltwing establishmeînt s hasve appi cd rto the Alci:ho) and Carning Comrnissîion oii Oniariit loi a liqUOr licence under the liuoar lireni ci Act: Application for a Sale Licence The Bob Rumbal Association for the Deaf '78011 Ni>. 5 Sideritad Nlîliitn ( inclUding outdotii a: cal Deadline for suhmissions: Maich lit. 20)0h Montana's Cookhouse 1230) Sieces Ascîîue t'as> Milton (inciuding ouitdîo(r aiea) Deadline for snbmissions: March 19, 200)5 Any resident iii he mîînicipaiiy inay make a writieiî subinîssion as to whether the issuance oft he licence s in the public inieresi baving regard t the nccds and \ishes oftihe residents. Picase iiiclide yitur narne,, address aiid îcicpiîne nurober. lfpetiiion s Subhmitied iii the Coîmmissioni picase îdentiy the desîgnaied contîact persitn. Note: The AGCO gises, the appiicaii coîpies îof aiiy oîbjectioîns. Aiiînynîis oibjctionîs auîe tut ciînsidercd. 'The peisonai inftormaioîn gaîhcred is cîîlecd under the auihoriiy oti he Lîqîîîr Licencei Ai i. The principal purpîtsc tI tie colcion iciiis iii assess eligîbîl îîy t'or the issîîaice ofi a lîquîîr sales licence. Coîpies (i ail] itbeciîns arc gnsen iii the applicani. The informaîtn ma y aisît bc discioscd parsuani t the Firdn oîîîîîîtf ilîîîîîîîitîî îîîîd Pîîtteititî tif Prîîii t Ai. Quesions abot ihis collectjion shîîuid bc direcîed iio the Manager. Liccnsing anîd Registration, Acîthîti and Gamning Cotmmissionî ofi Ontarioî ai the address, îeiephîîne numbers itr e-maît address lisicd belîtw. Submîssîtns iii be seint ii: Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 20 Dundas Street West, 7' Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2N6. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: licensîng@agco.on.ca Every Canadian loves a challenge, right? On average, each Canadian produces five tonnes of greenhouse gases a year. Driving, heating and eooling our homnes, uising applianees ... alniost anything we do that uses fossil fuiels for energy also creates greenhouse gas (GHG) cmissions. And dhese erisosare causirtg our clirnate to chiange. Take thse One-Tonne Challenge - reduce your ctîergy use and your GHG emissions hy 200'1i. or one ronnle. You'lI Save monley, and help to proteet c)ur climate and our air quality. Get your Guide to tihe One-Tonne Challenge. Visit climatechange.gc.ca or eall 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232), 'Y t 80)0 4165-7735. One -Tonne Challenge Take action on climate change overnment Gouvernement I G Ca~nada du Canada Canad'à Great DaîIy Food Specials Bran Monl(e1 Monda, Best Food & Beverage Deal in Town!!!. T-urn Back Tuesday Wa4.a5 W.dges - .25e 11:30 - 5-9 Way95aBurWers &Frst w11:30E;-2 pm ige ThUrlday it Rb NIght - Cali for détails Prime. Rib-Dinner - Every gunday 5-9 pin LiV. Kntrtailn.Jt - Every Fridal & aturday at 9 pz

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