28-The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, February 22, 2005 Bedronin 'i. stroctien Sever opento Cout $8000 Sanritîce $1.900 905587-4042 CARPET i hase sesersi 1000 prds ot nec Staîn- master & t00'~ selon car- pet Wîi/ dx lisingroon & ha/i toc $389 includes car pet, pua & insta//atoon 30 pardol Steve, 905-833 8t92 Mot Tub Spa) Coners Beot Prîce, Beot Ouaiity cli Shapos t Co/nars Axati aS/t Cxii t 888 585 0058 PIANO, Shetiock Mannîng, nec kepo, retînîshea hench inciade!, seoo 0011 delîser. Ca/i 905 ete-7244 $593 P4anted- ail China, Sîlser, Cî~istai, Tes Caps, Ropai Onsiton, Swarssski, Olaso Jeeeiieiy, ol! tops. coileeshies, estates Cail Johini Tracey 905-331-2477 SHIHTZUIMALTESE pop. pies rea!p togo Match tst Maie und temale $550 n cludes 10 shots Cali 905 873 4278 REAL ESTATE it pou are Oxtreotie on onorse, recentiy icensea, cnnsîdenîrg a chante trom ~îout correct broker or ioskîng tor a nec career, ynu swe t to ynurseit to unes! thîs semînar You W81 Finit OntAbout * WSo steuid corui!er reai notate ion! ePs sPoxi! not~ * Prexîcciai lic moins course -Rotai LePdgn tidinint. personai itrvrieemnnt an! suppen * Hox te got a qxîck sta! - Hec te nasîmîne Aour tonne I1uwsda~ Nb. 24. 7:30 pe oeiaT m c~ 10241 ~i1Ii thie (hetweeu Ami Rd & Tith Slderoad> Svatrng s ilorîte! Ca/ions te neseme a seat~ ittiiutoîîuiii Mulote 805-878-8191 ROYAL LEPAGE Miesiseauga 905-821-3200 ttitt8tiifuiitittt Geengetean 805477-8262 Metttîtnttn limais Campbniiviiie 805-854-8101 CRosSwINDS JOIN THE CROSS WINDS TEAM - JOB FAIR Sun. Feb. 27, il arn. - 2 p.m. 6621 Gueipb Ltne, Joisisotitto iii Bei-to Rd. POSITIONS AVAILABLE 1990 Honda Accord EXR, Starters Marchais Prit Shîrp 2dr, okay condition, dock, aoto sonroot 3t9,OOOkms &Back Shop Staff Strrs'ei's $1000 000 Cali 905702- Bes tirage Cait Httoîsxrkexrptng 7525 Generai Turf Laboturers 2000 Dorango Sport, 8- Wti dii. 5~7NitIt5~ dp tir attittitet cioxit seater, 08,4 7L, 4x4 SOoer st~asrin il golf and aie fintktng t î>t titi t n colour Encellent condi going and mattit c befp, tino 98,OOOkmo Aokîng fuiltime or paro-time. SidOSO Cali 905702 1042 Drop off voue resurne ut our 2003 Sonlîre 2 dont. Open House! 52OOOkmo Borgondp o Il ~'tilt tant titake t n prisoîn coloor Excellent condition Askîng $12.500. Cati 905 O 702 1042 ~ ME~Y BILLEB * Preparaticir cf tender asd proposars îoclodîsg cernplesrig rire regsired costiog and analysîs, anal yziog cas tomer aod 1inan Cia! data tc as nos basions pîofrtabiiity aod as istiog o the prepararon of qvarreriy îeoîews aod anveai plaosvc i a so be reguîred Decisceseil moticared ard capabie cf crircal acrios s yoc oace oemonstrated srreogto o prc1ecî aird team mort as eveil a. a positîce orientation romain prcblem soir sg Stroog matOnriarcal aCrlît es kiioesmoge or marketing straregies escelîctit verbal dort c rates i ommenîcation kîlis, and adoancen riocwledge cf MS Offce are essent ai vice trace a degîne or Cîcioma o Os inn 0cm sîstratîco ieiterested applîcaots mac foîmard a resume te acampanelli@trimac.cam UNNNNEwE~I Fax: 905427-8038 TrIm~ç,. c~p - Sieetesiary usd Secundaty Schooi stexetis, paronts an! ethers interesi c leaisîso aSeut cateot eplînts are îoxiied le CAREERS UNLIMUTED 2005 Tuesday, Fehruary 22, 2005 Lester B. Pearsen High Scheel 1433 Headen Rd., Bunlingien 6:3Opm-Upm Duestiono? Cail the Haiton indostry Educatron Council Career Centre ut 905-634-2575 Up in the Air About Edocation? Occupations? Lot oner 100 Eshîhitors heip ynu balance poor decîsiono 877-893-2066 Has an t radait onno tcn insu/atîcîn iseiptis dm0 7 We are seekîng highiy motivated guaiîfied caxdiciateo traînees The pos tion coaid Se base! xxt ot xar Cd înterested n a career as a Police Constabie Yox anîti wock n Mîlton Shxp as! coaid cover the OTA Top cages aiton Region anhioh s comprîsed nI the commanîties of ana benetîts ottered tnt dependabie and hard k-~ ~ Bxriinoton Oake e M ton and Ha ton Huis cnrkîsg pexpie Revumea cao be faxed tom 519-539-7946, r Recruitment ~.. -. - Information Nights Wednesday, February 16- 7:00 pm. - 9:00 p.m. OAKVILLE HOLIDAY INN 590 Argus Road, Oakville, Ontario (905) 842-5000 Wednesday, February 23- 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK Gambrel Barn, 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, Ontario <905)878-8151 The evenîng wîti inctude - expianation of Ch. Conateblo Solection Procena - vidoos about the 0AC.P. Conatebie Soiection Procesa - how Ca prepare for teating b interviews - opportunity ta aak questions of police officera Seatrng us on a f/rot-corne. fîrot-senve basis. Applications wîfi be avaiiabfe oniy to those who provide a resume and curront OACP. Certîficate 0f Resxits Vîsît our Web-oîte at WWW. h i PS * Ofl * CS The Hulfon itegional Pelîce Service is coennaitted te tins principles of equal oppertunity. Ematir gmorgan@got.ca or NlaiIed toi if JO Keyes unve, Woodstock, ON., N4V STOPP'S DRY CLEANERS * Thons & Fn 3PM to 8PM * Sotorday 9AM b 5PM APPLY IN PERSON TO: 885 MAIN ST. PART TIME OPPORTUNITY Tuesday days and Thursday nights No experi once necessary. Please fax 90 Julle Charlea @ 905-875-2910 Powershine Mobile Wash Filfing position n truck washîng FulI tome position or only 2 dsys/week No experience necessary Lookîng tor someone reliable, who en~oyn hard work. Cali 905-875-3151 t~oking for a colourfujeweor? tcrr latreri Oirirdnse,,rc dii, iplte ver rit n a' e - id'~i ils va v tir Werrtirieigci, air relie I mu sRritxiOreeeotrontîiiîonî Assîsfant Store Managers Bairîrrtlei & Waieîec r Pond Depart ment Manager ci lice, Assîstant Greenhouoe Manager îMîîr ni v eu everem n e/ v Assîstanf Hardgoods Depactrnent Manager iceireni Assîstant Nurnery Deparf ment Manager iMilOiri Receîner/Forkhff Operafors îMiircn 8 fOaterrtconi Annuafs Departmenf Manager itOarerrtnori AMaeartnrirriiosi ires reqie sienisocor etpereicr rera iletcitita rslirrterieiceentcnienicasrcmeiserscesîs rOalnrocre Prx8xxten Oreenhoori, Oeetrtteîtari Greenhouse Technîcîan cdlv 5tiririrlcvrv eruilervxiei cuise ni Suunorc x5erprieivnirqret Greenhouse Croc eee.xvxiiiraelnrxrct rrpeiecevrnieirrr Produofion Croc 5 rtrrirrieeriieç xxratuilrxdirtvinioireeirxinral enxie rpr s use enlier i hics non are te/cern aid OnrO ene urnirîîrecesliirxli OirarOnînrvextncaanmsr.re 'le n/CîOe vicerreiiexe Rtil iSaltnnne co Lovai, vas revival rirai dvoteiravirerer1xet - -- - f Where colour lives! CUSTODIAN I MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Poli rein env gir aid weekeirds Maisrc ci aSie soif mOtix~d ird cîdadi mg ire! c a pebi Carl gaiiery ecu ecocci 001105 inciode cieaeîog atd iîght maînreedece Cacdîdate shoeid St physicaiiy capable ci iîghi iifiicg Fîrst Aid CPS WHiMIS certîlîca lîcir 5 do asont et ciii traîir Piease appif b Matcb si o perses et Sy mdii le FaciIlty Manager, ierlingten Art Centre, 1333 laireshere Rd., Burllngtan L7S lAU 2 pears esperience MusI Saxo oct trans rtatînt. Send resome euh references March 159h, 2005 Fao 416-675-5569 Only ihone aeiected wdi be cnntacted ~KIDS!KIDS~j Wanted for TV & Move Jobs * No Feest Men/Women 16-65 yrs I * Needed for samet No extras WANTED IMMEDIATELY BUTCHER Rail Beef Experience (min. 5 yra) 90 manageloperate thriving meat counterldeii. Independent Market in buatling village 20 min. weat 0f Toronto Fax brief history ta 905-854-1423 or caîl 905-854-2554 ChriI1~m~ 14e1'Î!uns 10 us enangelîcai misistty that proeîdes sop ports and services to persons who hase deeeispmentai challenges Opporteniti ns available n Halten, Acten anti ether Iecaiittns acrnss Octane Curreeiiy acceptino applicatiens 1er Support Worker Positions Academic quai itîcations may mci ode Oeseiopmestai/Socîai Services Worker, Teachîng, Social Sciences or other skiffs that miii enrîch sut Teamo. Please tan or emaîl reosme asd coser letter to Christian Horizons Afin: People Resources Manager 519-895-2561 westjobs@chrîstian-horizons.arg GREN WEIS ARCHITECTi- ASSOCIATES Gros Weîs ArChîtoct r Asseciatos 10 iscafo! s duastece Oakoîiic Tht utc s seekîsg intermedlate and Senier Drattapersene asd a Senier Desige persen cilS nîsrnom Synats demxnsitatcd Casadias toporiocce s weod franc csosiruciîos fer coeism rosîdosiîai prefocto Please sabmii ynar ressue by Email: gwa@gw- archiiect.cem an by fax after 5:OOpm le 995- 842-1160 Please, ne fetephone inqul ries. BEARDMORE LEATHERS INC. Mature, tespettibie irdîxîduxi reedea to heip etC eut deirveriex We are r Se Retaîi induttry viS storet incatea r Cookttown, St. Jacobi, Acton ana Heartan! (Missitoaugt) Ibis part-trne position requîtes weekiy tipi te xii et eut incationt A conpany xehicie eîii Se ptoxided AD icerse and a ciear dtixitg record teguited Pfease send pout resume Sp fax b: 519-853-9494 - u fi 1<'] INWB1 ii*iI~I'] 1 510 51* ff0ff~ffz laîctiaw Edanatron Serixices DRIVERS STILL NEEDED Free Training Sohool Bus Drînoro Wsnted Cail 905-8774448 Laîdîde iode erteal vepertocihu Cempany Recruiter/Trainer (Transportation Fief Ô) Drive A-Way Cnmpany incated s Buriingtnn îsceised t the transpertatino et trucke and traîlers s correntiy senkîso b bite a highiy mstîeated pet- sos te recroît and train bnth cnmpany and cnntract drîcers 75e socceostel Candidate shnsid posseso mîtîmem ni 5 cears topeniesce coliege dîpioma, and bilînguai. Thîs position miii requrre seme tracel Saiary and besefît package to Se discunsed. Please fnrward ynur nesame to: Fax 1-866-425-4440 E-mail prinstr@drive-siar.cem UNILINGUAL ANO OR BILINGUAL Esqirso & Fîrtsch) Are yen dynamic, friendly and pretessienal? De yen enino weriting nn the phene? Yen have etreno cemmanicatien shilis. We cgc mca FI PIC isicirer Sertîce bnp Caiîîsg Sesi mess c Os linos irciy CslidirCi sg osiscys vit irg Orîsi uns aepoîrrtmests oser te toiepirese Must Se resîrit cri csted Onlo qualified applicants fend applo. Ne phene catie pinase Saiary $1O-$17 per heur+lîenes-e-incentives Contact: E-mail: infe@telesuccess.net HOffiOBURGeRS.& I~6 cseam Join aur team Grill Persons FuIl and Part Time Counter Positions * Management Positions Pleose opply n person. Mondoy-Sotstrday 3-6pm 2420 Lokeshore Rood W. 548 Trofolgor Rood (Monogement pleose fax resume f0 416-691 -6224)