The Canodian Champion, Tuesday, February 22, 2005-27 IIi~IC * - ~ *** . .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 0 e e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29!J Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: il Merchandise 300-385 si Auto 400-470 si HeIp Wanted 500 Mon, to Fri, 9am-5prn BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on , e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad sobmaussion bp mail or in person: The Canadion Champion. 191 Malin St. F, Milton OS L9T 4N9 Deadllnes: Mon i 1la. m. for Tues pubication, Th ors ilao m.. fon Fn puohlrcatior Special Featore & Holiday deadinen moy va ry Paym nt: We accept cash, cheaque, nterac, Visa, MasterCary, Amenacan Express. Business accoonts con ho opened mitE an approoed credit application avaîtahle from yoon Sales Consultant CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY ET RUNS o ensore the information is correct. Contact pont Sales Consufltarît mîtîrre 24-Ponts tf an eton appears. An ernor in a Fri publication muast ho neportea no lafer thon Mon. tI1 a.m ,ENGAGEMENT ~On Thursday evening, January 27, at f jHaiton Sehool of Equitation Hat Bertramt andl Carolyn Cormiier became .engaged. Malt, dressed in a tuxedo, entered thse arena on horsebock and ~surpiisedl Carolyn during her r1dng Famliy and frienda and the owners of thse stables were preseni ta share ia the happy marnent! Congratulaions Carolyn and Mati! TOWNHOUSE, 3-bitnms, SSMONEYSS f100% f aI, garage, finirei a. oor, 2nit unit 3ri Mortgagea. use of pont, lèe applaocea, Bait cteddt OK. Cati Ontario witow blinda. Cai 905- Wiite 1-888-307-7799. 878_0456. ATTENTION hrome sellons, Fanit ont oSaI poar irome an orIS on lana wwir aon- 1-BDIRM Downfxwn Miton, Georgetown, Acton. Baciretors aso uattiabte. Att renovateit Excellent CLEAN accommodatixons. Stoco Fradge, Aar/Conit. Acartabte tmmediaely. 416- 606-8430 or 416-245-9033 Rata. MILTON 2-bitm aparimeol avartabte May 15/2005, rate of $925/mt o itogs. For appoiniment caI 905-699- 1398 or teace a mesage aI 905-878-5345. MILTON Doraet Purk, 3- bmm iroase, fininirei base- ment, 51285/mIS. Frrsh/Laat, avartabto Aprt lai. Cai 905-878-7860. 1-BDIRM, Hutsoarîtle, ne, igiri proteuniona cuntsmn firnisiro Sasomant. Sapa- rate entranco, unitryparr ing, cabte, APC, CNac, Psn- verte country living. Surfs ningle pomson. Car.aeitet. Nosnmolsnigfpela. Umique, muai nea. $875. 905-455- 1992. 1-BEDROOM, large wattl maisteanet, Georgeown, quiet builing toutr GO. H eai /waf e na pptlances anctuiteit Hydro entra. $750/monthn No pots 905- 877-3761. ACTON f beittoom base- mont apartiont, quiet, non- amoxer, vo pots. Apti ltt $750/monir plan 112 caSte. 519-853-3793. ACTON 2-hoitroom. Avual- aine Marrh lot wairh Sulco- np. $860/month ubltires an- claitei. Qari Buaitding. No- potn. Cai 519-853-1281. AuiuN, t-tfeosm, axait- abie MarcS lsaf Alun 2- beittoxm, avaitatite MarcS tnt. Cai 519-853-3309 or 519-853-0719. ACTON, 2-beitroomr oppor apaitment. S appliancen. C/A, batcnny, parinvg, Downtown. No amokelpe n. $87titmonf h plan atifaes. Apiti lai. Cuit f 800-263-1428 Mon-Fni. APARTMENTS 2-beittoom suitea an Acton $800 unit 5850/montS. Pnivafe yards. Gun Seat, Axaitabte trame- ihtauely. Cuit Laz Doeti, Joirn- son Annociatea Realon 905-877-5165. CAMPBELLVILLE. 2-boit- room axarailo Apnt 1. Af- facirei garage, pnvato un- franco/yard. eacanpmenf lot. Faneplace, waairt/rye. Isitge. Jennuire stoxe. 1100/montr o attiau. No n mo ka cng /p vins Fitnt/Lanf/Reletences ne- gainait.. 416-560-9863, GEORGETOWN 1-504- room noolp ronovafeit bsmri ipi. Fencet punit, paritxng & taanitry inlde. $800Pmo. o atiltSes. Axari. MarcS lai. Cai 519-856-9894 GEORGETOWN 2-boit- monm apsrtmont acaatatile Match Iti, ahîrte n claitei. Qari area cloae loGO Sta- lion. No pain piteana. Cai 416-522-31 02/416-606- 7537 GEORGETOWN 2-Soit- room upariment. $900/montr plan stalahien Paring, no pots, neierenc- an. Aalablo Apvl losi. 905- 877-0465. GEORGETOWN 3-504- roomn newtp renovaf ai main itoor of roane. Fencoit punit, paritxng & laoitro on- caitet. 511 50/mo. o ai tien. Cai 519-856-9894 C.EUHUETOWN une hait- room baaemenf api., non- smorer, availabie Apoil 1tt newty docorafe ait 5750/montS anctaiten ahia- dsn 905-873-928 GEORGETOWN spacioan. 2-beitnoomi apanimeof, clone f0 Hagir Sciront. Ap- pirancen, groaf noigirboara. No peta/amokivg $980/m1 S ail inclusive. Avartablo Fe- braarp 1s. 905-873-1174. GEORGETOWN, 1515 Saderouit. Largo bacheor apadtment, 2nit flout, 2-up- pîrancea. $700 /montn plan afaifione. Avarlabte imme_ diafly. 905873-4413. ROCKWOOD, t-heoirn banemont apanimont an opncate 4 pIes. Apntl 1sf 5775/mont S att inclusive. Cai 905-876-1235. WANTED, 2-beitroom upartment, country living. Vaap matre, middlte ageit couple, ctoan, quaet. Non- amokiang. No pots. Roter- onces avartabte. Hutton Halls area. Commencang Apni Itt Cai uller 6:00pm unit weekendn 905-877- 2707. Weokitaya belote 6OO0pm 41-559-0114. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Brante Siveel Saouth, Milian 90e are pcyw accoping applications lot. For mare informatian androer la make ran initn 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leanavit & Penny 2/3 bedroom homes iv 014 Milton near downfown. 4 uppliancen. No garage lange loi, avuatabîx Match t. $1,250. Contact Matir 905- 815-3312. MILTON Dorsal Punrk, 3- bdmv Sonne, tionirhei base- ment, $1295/mIe. Finnl/Last, avurtabte Apti flt Cai 905-678-7860. MILTON GREENPARK noma, 3-br, 2 1/2 Saur, C/A, CNVac, garage ortr vo- franco, lencoit yard, close 10 nciroots/airopping, S ap- pliancen. Axartabte Apot 1, 2005. $1 500/mS. Cuti Racir or Frances O 905- 854-3435. SUPER Maetamp noma, Axartable Apni tt Inclaitea C/A, ai upplrancos, gan FP, garage 1500 nq. Il. 3-Sait- roomn, 3 battin. $1 500/montS. CaI Canote 905-878-81f01. 4-BEDROOM iroaneo 0rosi an Actos, gari nergirbont- irooit near Lake. 5-up- pîrancen, non-umoxera, vo paix. Farnbiaatfreierencea. Sf 350/montS plan ahtaien Avartabte rmraedaatep. Cul 519-853-5251. GEORGETOWN 3-boit- room main foot buangalow, Iamîilp rovm, aolavium icir- on, F/P pool. Watk 10 mutta/acimoin & partis. tm- modrafelp. $1400 montS pion. 905-873-0403 Oakvlle 2, 3&4 bedroom fownirxanen avartabte am- mreitelp firoagir Apnt. 4 appliancen. Hopedata Mail area. Lakenire Manage- mont, 905-87e-3336 RAIN8OW VILLAGE DIAY- CARE, Qatty cilratare for pour chaudron 18 montns f0 5 poara arnce 1989. Cai (905)>878-7552 or xaaft an ai FIREWOOD aeasoneit 2 peara, iraie local ditoxra, Cai 905-301-371. POOL tablea + accenno- ruea. New/Uaoit. Bap/Sali. Slte tables itemn $1000 an- nialteit. 905-616-5t59. WOODEN play station, .2 toit ars, 2 stades, 2 swingn, rachat sitar, 2 topo tadtans, moniaap bans, bruni nw an boa. Salin to- tait ion $1500. 90e ana soit- ing for $750. Pleane cati 905-257-4390. BNP Snowirtowat Wpdxn every Smoe - $300. Moxrcg. Caet Daxe (905 854-4016 A King Pittoolop Matones Set. New an plasc. Cont $1600. sal for $450. 905- 567-9459 2_________________7_______ M727 O (.uniîtiffd FLxtlna)tnr Waanted 1îliol rît lintio-i call 905~fP ~ cm Hughes - Robert & Kirsien (ne. Carier) of Milton are pI eased toi asraoance tire tirt of tiroir itaugirfer Olivier Anne, weagiring 7tbs Boz at Milton Disticet Hospital on Febraarp 16, 2005 ai 1:53 AM. Spociaat flnks te Dr. Costic and tire Obstetrans team. w% urnrng renom, uneny- BED, Amazang burguan, wood, dtoable padanfal fale. chirurs, boffal, quoani otiopodac pillowfop SainS, itoveuat conalmoc set, vow an plastic, warraofy Son. New siî an boxes. $150 905-567-4042 watt de- Coni $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600, 905-567-9459 tiver. BIRTHDAY Look Wiho is "80" ~ On February 26, 2005 the "Leafs" unil flot be cele- hratlng any great wln. One of their most faltnful fans wll be ê CELEBRATINGI Archie McKlnnon wili ho turning "80". Famlly ask Do Muoin th is great celebra- tdon please send BEST WISHES and photo or notes of your MEMORIES of "FUN TIMES' Do Archie at: 500 Appieby Ulne, Suite 211, Buriingion, Ontario L7L 5Z6. God Blesu You Archie, Dad, and Poppa Love Your Wlifé Ruth, dasgiaers, son-on-laies, and grandchiidren. RETAIL/OFFICIE spaca DOWNTOWN MILTON, GEORGETOWN. Frsm 600-2000 sq. foot. Amy/Coud. Exposue. 416- 606-9435 or 416-245-9833 Rdla. REASONABLE itanitna Units ion rani.- Hwy 25 & 401, 1,600 - 3,200 sq. Il. Loaing itocks & dive-in. Phrone 1-905-27-9347 or 1-905-275-6834. A Jab Ai Notre $529.27 Weeklp. Mail oi, Assem- ina praiti or Comnpout oti. (416)703-5655. 24hr measage wwo.TheHpae- jQb.m Or wrnite: Consumner, 5998 Voge Street, #29- 222, Tronto. M4Y Z4 RIRE VOUR BOSS: Lente te eamn $250Kofyt woitaoig Sron Sonne PT. 1-866-340- 3043. PROMOTE pour business oppoalanfy fai oxer 4 rattron aitt teaitars an Soufr Ceo- fraI Ontaioe. Book pour ait- vortisemonf an ocer 0 MaI- rstanit cammunaty noospa- pens oir one pirone cai. Cal fsitap o i nixtraSon on weeoly word ait packxag- on (riemef litisg ancinit- ait) 416-493-1300 est. 237, Skinner, Matilda Hunier Gavan. At home, on Febru- ary 18, 2005, tis gracinun, gody and oving woman pansed peacefuly from tran Ide loto tire arms ot hen Lord. Born an Scottanit on Septemirer 24, 1920, Halda came tc, Canada an 1926 when tire Gonano ceted an Montrea, Qoeirec. A irigir spariteit, aitexturous and pannionatey prncrpted womac, shne mannied Joirn Tireoitore Sianner on May 2,f1944, netttang eeentuaty in Rooboroagr, Queben. Tire yoaog Sianner tamlp rabo catei te Ontario anit sottted in Million wirere Hilda even- taalp irecame a long-tSmo natueit emptopeeai Robert- so-Wireiroue ant Set retiremont an 1985. A commit- toit Cistian, Hlat duirnei ouf ir taiS et Emmanuel Raptnt Cirmi and Trni Balphat Cirrcr wirere mane wttl t ondp romemirer irer an thiror Sanitay Scroo teacr- et aeit active parnacipant ta cirarc ciroir anit Chier antn- ies. In ir latter peurs, living in Denitan wit r snon Mattnew, Hilda coantwued ter nappait cirra actiniien an a Stepiren Mininter and memir ot tire Dinconerp Group. Halda's love for God andt for hon iamlp wero an innpiratiomn and ntrengtr ait wiro anew irer, anit irer lIte iran loir ils impint xn at otans. Hlda oas predeceane iry hor hsann Joirn Tiroodoro anit her brotrera Dun- cao Bopit andt William Fredenic. Sire ns namvicei bp hon irrotir Donald MoCalman, snv Mattirew, Doag and Malcolm; daugrtora iv taw Pam anit Tona, and grand- cildren Anne Macirete; Racrel; Jonathran, Nicole unit Sarar Jane, as wattl as manp nieces anit neptiewn of wirom aire viun cary tond. Vinitation aitie CaOe, Ea- ton and Çiramhors Fanrerai Home, 53 Main Street, Dun- dan on Taenitap, Febtnary 22 immm 2 for4 p.m. andt 710c 9 p.m. Funeta Serce to ho Salit il u.m. on Wednea- itap, Februaay 23 ai Tnindy BapAi Cirmi, Appleby Lana, Badingtxn. Donations cao ho maite ix tire Victor tan Onitet ni Nuraes (VON> or People ion Etiaca Treat- mont of Animais (PElA). www.catteteatonantcram- bora ca CLEMENTS: Msirie Peacefluty, ltr tien iamilp Sp tien oite, on Satorday FObmuary 12, 2005. Betoxoit wiie of tire lato E. Bradfonit Clemenn. Deadp toxeit bp hon iamly Yvonne McNacot (Pa), Brait Clemenin fJo-Anne), Jane Hanootieltit (Gond) unit Don Clemento (Jane). Preitoceanet Sp Micirael Cteefrtn. Manie oi Se gneatly mianei Sp tien granitchilitten Sirawn (McNicl), Mark, Paul andt Siecen (Clemonto), Tommy, Sirawn, Kyle, Cisty andt Sirauaa (Hanseioldt unit Cin anit Fnaaer (Clemenn). Dean gnoat-gnanitma to tien 1l gneat-grnonicirtn. Ornmatiso iran taken place. A Service of Cetebtiton 000 Soit ai tire J. Scott Eadp Fayotai Home, 21 Jamea St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Wednenitay Fobnaarp 1 6fr ai 11:00 AM. In tien of fboomr, dopa- tions may be maite ix Foster Parents Plan, Heat & Sinoke Fondaron, Allondale Foandaton or 10 the ciraity oft oneas chiroce 1 JÉ.» (11t