Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 2005, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 22, 2005 Daitelline from DATELINE on page 14 The Wornen's Centre. 210-1515 Rebecta St.. in Oakville holds its Parent Coaching Workshop Iront 7 to 9 pin. The cost is $10. Il also holds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone from 10 arn. to 3 p.m. by volunteers for women facing abuse. grief/loss and relaîionship issues. No appoinimeni is necessary. Ils free Social Group For Spanish Speaking Womnen takes place from 12:30 t0 2:30 p.m. lis Womnen's Employment Network - for women who are unemployed, laid off or retuming 10 the work- force -takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 arn. And, ils Womnen's Caring and Sharing Circle takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information or to register, caîl (905) 847-552). The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds ils Seniors' Cinemas ai 1:30 p.m. featuring Man on Fire. The cosi is $2, which includes refreshments. Bld euchre takes place ai 1:30 p.m. The cosi is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. A pub- lic foot care clinic takes place in the afiemnoon with a VON nurse, by appoînîmeni only. The cosi is $22. To book an appoinîment, calI the number below. Also. contracl bridge takes place ai 1:30 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information, caîl (905) 875-168 1. Friday Feb. 25 Nassagaweya Preabyterian Church holds ils annual scalloped potata and ham dinner l h.:30 p.m. [ ickets cost $ 12 fori aduits. $6 lor- ktds .iged h Io 12 anid are Ince l'or iliose sinder 6. ('il i 905 854-1055 loi- tickets. Registration begins ai 9 arni. for Town of' Milton spring ansi summer recreaiion prsîgrams. Register in person ai the Milton Leisure Centre, 11001 Main Si. E.. the Milton Sports Centre. 605 Santa Maria Blvd.. or at Town Hall. 43 Brown Si. Fonr information on how îo register on the Internet or by phone. sec your Spning and Summer 2005 Community Services Guide, visii www.milîon.ca or caîl (905) 878-7252, ext. 2440. The Khi Communiîy of the Salvatisîn Army. 100 Nipîssing Rd., suite 3, bolds Khi Youlh. an evening of fun for 13- to 18 year- olds. For information, caîl (289) 242-1432 or e-mail bill@kbicommunity.com. Wellsprîng Halion-Peel, a support network for cancer patients and ibeir families. holds ils drop-in Relaxation and Visualizalion program from 11I arn. Io 12:30 p.ns. ai 2545 Sixîb Line in Oakville. For more information. caîl (9(15) 257-1988. The third annual Milton Mayor's Christian Prayer Breakfast takes place from 7 to 9 a.m. at Raîîlesnake Golf and Country Club with guesi speaker Loma Dueck from Lisien Up TV. For tickets or more information. caîl Deborah ai 90)5-878-5664. The Milton Seniors' Acîiviîy Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds ils Down East Pot Luck Movie and Games Night wîîh a pot lsick dirner ai 5.31 p.m., i aiaselogoue ieainring Canala's Maritimes andi Ness ouidlatid ai 6:31) p.nu. anti a nuoste and games staoling ai 7:15 p.nu. The etisi is $2. Euchre takes place ai 1:.3(0 pin., con- tract bridge is held ai 10) a.m. and ils CyberCafe lakes place (rom 1Ito 4 p.m. The cosi foîr eacb of ibese activittes is $2 f'or members and $4 for non-members. Tbe centre bolds ius Campbellville Evening Euchre Party ai the Lions Hall in Campbellville ai 7:30 p.m. Tbe costi s $3. includîng refresbmenîs. For more information on any of tbese aclivîties, caîl (9(05) 875-168 1. Safurday Feb. 26 Milton Communiîy Nursery Sebool holds ils 401h anniversary open house f rsm 2 to 5 p.m. ai Si. Pauls United Cburcb, 123 Main St.. ssitb cbildren's actîvîties, a clown and reiresbmenîs. Registration is not required. For more informnation. caîl (905) 878- 718)7. The Miltoîn Historical Sîciety bosis an introductoîy beginner blacksmith class ai Waldie Blacksmiîb Sbop, 16 James Si. For more informnation. caîl Dave Cox ai (9015) 875-4156 or vîsit www. miltonhi siorical soc iety.ca. Canadian Blood Services bolds a donor clinic ai the Milton Seniors' Acîivity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr.. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. To make an appoinîmeni. caîl 1-888-236-6283. The Women's Centre. 210i-1515 Rebecca Si.. in f)akville bolds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone (rom 10 a.m. tIo nosîn by solunteers fir ssonien iacing abuse. grief!loss and rla- tisînsbip issues. No appstinimeiîi s necessary. Fori ore iniomia- lioîn, raIl (905> 847-5520. The Salsation Army. 10 Nipissitig Rd.. uio 3. holsis ils, voga workout troîm t9:31) ts 10:45 tntintdiils book club lronm Il a.m. Ioi nîlon. Fosr more iiîiîtrmiun. c,îl] (2X9> 242-1432 tir e-miail Euchre takes piste .11 the llstriîby Cii rtlpi.i c Niîrseis Schoîîî ai 7.31 p tus Es tToncst is \eltismle. Sundas Feb. 27 'Fhc l-alittu Pce hianit of Ille O>ntario Gencalugical Societ * ioteet, al 2 p1).11 al hitte'itaoý h111155l btiîh lîbt. tisser lest). 150) cetralii \lusciDr.. tis 1Sithialea Vistuitti tle sstIlltîîfîît ilel FORD F-SERIES US CANADA'S BEST-SELLING LINE 0F PICKUPS 39 VEARS RUNNING.* -2005 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4x4 -OR- SUPERCDAB 4X4 g N 1 par -1.oh124 -11,1 0.«h054,895 Lease do. S, EGUIVALENT TRADE. for: Fr.ght S1,085, $0 S«rhty ..lth 3 1 t. p8lr0h.- & W .. C.r *4.Ht Trtion* t8- uto w/Overdrive -293 lb.-ht ot Torque imliled Slip tour ale.- Cruisu Cuntrît - Bright Pulished Tubutar Runnn Boards * 4-he Duitsc wîttr ASS 17" Chrome Clail Wheels -Power Wuduws/Luciui Suai Power Mirnors -Remute Keyless Eutry - Air Coudiunîng .CD Player - Premium Cliii 2005 FO>RD RANGER EDGE SUlPERCASl 4x2 19 9 -, -.81%036.1. É01, SI.h$2995 for. 90,0h 995, $0 Secity ith0 t StSH. -48 Hi sepnwer Ht 8 lb-S of Turque. il Split-spke Macs net Caut Hlumiram Whîees -Fnq tumpu Peur Mut Ftaps - Frn Tus Huuks H i Cuuditiuning -Ct Player -Front Cluth 60/40 Split Souci Oeat * Rear Jump Seuls OR f /OW 36 MONT- PURCHASE FINANCING ON ALL 2005 RANGER AND -0 ALL 2005 F-150 EXCLUDING F-SERIES HARLEV-DAVIDSON HeftartSensee introducing the "Dreakthrough Expersee" February 26 and 27* Thie Quaintum Collapse A Program wliich allows y0u 10 find what is in pour heart - Resolve Stress - Understand relationships and understand love - Flnd Purpose in Lite - Flnd Balance in Lite Challenge pour old aomptions as you disco ver new standards for living This amnazlng seminar is an intensive personal andi professional development programi balances your mind, Io help you remnove the limnits andi obstacles standing in the way of findîng what is in your heart andi livng the life of your dreams. SEATING IS LIMITED. Cail for information and booking Dr. Ron Strohan 106 Wakeffeld Rd. Militent Ontarlo 9O5u693-SS41 www.hearanseCOM w BUYLKS REAU TNt LEGAL COPY: % ri

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