Il Champion Country, Tuesday. February 22, 2005-15 <111 Town is replacing majiboxes damaged by its snow plows Town wil/ prox'ide temporary ones, then compensate homeowners foir permanent replacements By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special to The Champion Any rural mailbeses that have been ilestreyed hy suies plîîsss (net living sno\w) ibis vear wtll be tempoi-arly replaccîl by thie Town et Mions, engineering departiment. "We ire dependeut ou residents to i nformi Lvs hîit their mai (boxes hisve becen dam- aged,- said the le parirnent 's eperîtions manager Deug i lîenpson. "Ve go eut and looek al the laige and inake sure that tl xx as a pIeu. îot tlyiing snow or sometbing else. that's caused tbe damage. Then a temporary unit's put in place." Mr. Tbompson said somnetimes tbe plow dîrivers rnay notice that they've bit a mail- box and they immediaiely tell the home- owners. but nsually tbey are unaware. "Once we're notiied et a damnaged mail- box due te the plows, a small metal mailbox on a post is situated on the resîclenî's prop- erty and a note explaining tbe replacement and reimbursement procedure for a permna- nient box is left inside," said Mr. Tbompson. "When the owners tnstall a permnanent rnailbox in tbec sprung. they eau seuil in ibeir receipîs mtd ýe'lI reimburse thieni up te $1010." Il- youi mnaiîbex bas been darnaged by tbe sunpo .contact the 'eni noet Milton's engluceti ing depariment ai 90) 878-7211J. Foi reinibnîsenient t'oc a pennanetut mail- box. receîpts ian be înailed te [ets,,i nof Milten. Att Engineering depat'trent, 4ý Browsn St., Milteut. Ont., L9T 5Hf2. Rural resident Rab Milford holds his malbox damaged by a snowplow in January while standing baside the temporary placement box provlded by the Town of Milton. It was the second Urne In two years hNs malbox has been hit by a plow. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE SPECIAL OFFER!, FREE, DRINKINC WATER SYSTM Wi»th the purchase of anye O4,* softener ~~ 623 MAIN ST. EAST, MILTON (905) 878&2474