Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 2005, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Father doesn't think apologv was sincere Tuesday, February 22, 2005-i13 ,from WOMAN on page 1 Mr. Manchisi's car -not seen since his disappearance -in an Orangeville storage unit. It had been leased by a man named Dean Martin on Mr. Moore's behaif. Police arrested Mr. Martin solon after and agreed toi give bim immunity in excbange for belping witb tbe investigation, Mr. Cornelius said. Aiding police, Mr. Martin flot a rein- tive of Ms Martin's -pboned Ms Martin and asked to meet witb lier. Police hoped te0 use evidence from, Ms Martin to0 incrimi- nate Mr. Moore in tbe murders, court beard. Despite pleas from Mr. Martin, Ms Martin -who bas no previous criminal record -refused to belp destroy tbe car, Mr. Comnelius told court. But sbe acted as a middleman between Mr. Martin and Mr. Moore, relaying tbat Mr. Moore wanted tbe Honda Civie burned. She also directed Mr. Martin to tbe correct storage unit, flot knowing police already bad tbe car, and gave bim $400 ftomn Mr. Moore's account for tbe vebicle's disposal. "Sbe bad knowledge of tbe crime and did notbing to assist police," Mr. Comnelius told court, later adding tbat Ms Martin wasn't coerced by Mr. Moore t0 aid bim, but like- ly acted out of Illy In bis submnissions, Mr. Wigderson pre- sented Ms Martin as a victi of Mr. Moore's scbeming, sick mmd. "Were it flot for Douglas Moore, Sandra Martin would neyer be standing before tbis court of law," bie said. Mr. Moore, bie said, was a pedopbile wbose preference was pre-teen boys. Court beard tbnt nutborities flow believe Mr. Moore preyed upon single momns, becom- ing romnantically involved witb tbem to gain access to tbeir cbildren. Ms Martin. wbo was bom and rnised in Comwnll. met Mr. Moore in 2001 in Hamilton. Tbey moved 10 Mississauga and altbougb she knew be bnd n record. bce con- s'inced bier bie tvas wronful convicted, Mr. Wigderson said. "She tbougbt he'd play a positive roIe in tbe life of ber son," Mr. Wigderson snid, adding, "In retrospect. ,lbe apprecintes notbing's furtber front tbe trutb." Two years ago. court beard. Ms Martin and Mr. Moore ended their ronntic reIn- tionsbip, but tbey continued 10 live togetb- er for tbe sake of bier son. Mr. Wigderson re-iternted tbnt Ms Martin refused to do anytbing more tban pass along messages from Mr. Moore and it was on just one occasion tbat sbe trans- ferred money. "Sbe was a reluctant accessory," bie said. After Ms Martin was arrested and released on custody, Ms Martin moved in witb bier parents and son in Comwall. But life bas been far fromn easy for tbe single mom, Mr. Wigderson told court. Extensive media coverage made il diffi- cuit for Ms Martin 10 keep a Il profile, and sbe was probibited from being alone witb bier son or any otber youngster. Sbe lost two jobs as a result of bier cbarges, bie said. 'Me lawyers jointly requested a sentence of six montbs in jail -seven montbs of custody minus a one-montb credit for Ms Martins timre un pre-sentence custody - wbicb Justice Dumo deemed appropriate. IHe also gave bier tbree years probation. Wben nsked by tbe judge if sbe bad any- tbing 10 sny. Ms Martin replied simply, "I'd just like to sny l'oi very sorry, Your Honotir." Atter tbe sentencing, Josepb Mancbisi swiftly left tbe courtroomn snying, "My son got killed for notbing," retemrng 10 tbe new information tbnt Mr. Moore wns mistnken 'n tbinking Mr. Mancbisi stole tbe drugs. He snid bie didn't believe Ms Martin's apology was sincere. "If sbe wns a decent person, sbe sbould've gone to tbe autborities -and tben I'd take tbe 'l'm sonry," Mr. Manebîsi said. Miltonian Domenic Manebisi. older brotber of tbe sînin Mancbisi, added bie felt nauseous wben tbe sentence was rend "il tbink sbe needs n life sentence, flot a six-montb sentence," bie said, noting, "Dur sentence is for tîfe." But, bie said, be's glad bis brotber's name is cleared. "At least today I leamned tbat my brotber renlly isn't n tbief," bie said. "Ive known my brother my wbole hie I didnt tbink bie was a tbief. I couldn't believe tbnî crap." He fougbt tears as tbe TV cameras zoomed in. "Me and my brotber just got t0 tbe point wbere vie could be friends, and tben some- one took bim." Stephanie Thiesset van be reached ait sthiessen@miltorn'anadianc-hampion.v-om. IRATIED #1 CHRYSILER DEALER mm AND FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN 2004# w-IL ow 1 m today $ ,koWa cS 200 tod 90-7887 Am One block w not of1 & ,SLE ~,t D ODGEI,,~,& JEE 81&,,i, ONT RI d&,dSS . N. MIL~,,& p,&&TON yD.'~.C.,.SFAjS ,ppIbIg5I.55FDAy'b&5'b'S~"t'&p55f"5&l5'St&It&S555'A&55l5e 5 S i Annelaerli atrvfrdae loacsaemlaiyecuie&myntp o bne Bsdya n eut i u elrg ,ps-vtd yDin. .sa aaa tah rc nldsfcoI elr loa FA d o d i e ER oýo vvh. agi- ffl for dnrik

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