*Multi-lingual pamphlet for seniors now available Brochure printed in nine languages as well as English and French By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion A new. combined multilingual pamphlet may make tl casier for seniors and those whose mother longue is neither English or French io receive the help lhey need in their home or in the community. Staff and volunteers with the social service agencies Tele-Touch, Halton Helping Hands and the Halton Multicultural Council offi- cially unveiled their new multi- purpose information bookiet dur- ing a recent luncheon at the Bay Area Learning Centre in Burlinglon. What was once a matier of each organization supplying their own hilingual pamphlets to prospective clients is now a case of beîng able Io provide a singular brochure available in a dozen languages. The pamphlet projeet. funded by the Halton Region Healthy Communiiy Fund. is intended to make it easier to assist seniors to live independently. Pamphlets with information about home support services for seniors and individuals with dis- abilities have been printed in Englîsh, French, Spanish. Italian. Punjabi, Serbian-Croatian. Arabie. Russian, Korean, Portuguese and Polish. The pamphlets wîll be disirih- uied to the Conimunity Care Access Centre of Halton (4401 Elizabeth St.. fourih floor. in Burlington). community informa- tion centres, cultural groups and places of worship in Burlingion. Oakville, Milton and Halton Hilîs. Tele-Touch, which offers free telephone companionship to sen- iors and the disabled as well as referrals to other social agencies. quoled staîistics froru recent census data that indicates one in six Halton residents have a mother longue other than English. Project leader Sue Murray, exec- utive director of Tele-Touch, hopes the pamphlets will assist seniors t'rom the diverse communities to ha more aware of community support services. She said the integrated pamphlet is a natural fit for the troika of serv- ice groups because they aIl support seniors and are aIl United Way member agencies. "Telephone reassurance calîs and homemaking assistance helps older adulis stay in their own homes as long as possible. with reduced risk," Ms Murray saîd of her group. formed in 1971. Two paid staffers and a slew of VOLinteers serve about 5(00 Téle- TOuIcI clients annually. 'The Halton M(IiîiCL[tlýia Council IHMCI helps retugees antI immigrants access help and offers professional translation services to groups and indivîduals. The executive director of the HMC sa-id the agencies' expanded partnership will be extra beneficial. "It creates an outreach tool for seniors and their caregivers, who will now be able t0 inforru in a lin- guistically inclusive manner," said Joanna Matthews. The HMC. formed in 1979. boasis about 15(1 interpreters who speak approxîmaîely 60 languages. Il provides transitional housing, seulement services, language instruction and referrals. The HMC bas 50 to 6(0 staff in offices in Burlingion. Oakville and Milton. Sînce 1972, Halton Helping Hauds bas provided seniors and indîvîduals wiih disahilities subsi- dized borne support and volunteer help wilh home services like repairs, cleaning. laundry. grocery shopping, and snow and leaf removal. Halion Helping Hands has about 50 home support workers who serve about 1,000 regional resi- dents per year. Theu.'vs a one la 500,000 chance of wlnnlng the I.ff.ry. At Herbai Magie, winnr i guaranteed. cosk for the impossible. WEIGHT LOSS & NUTRIIN CETE 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 M hxbFia - CARRIAGE SQUARE sîinirdos 9-I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 22, 2005-il i î pe- 4 ru25fflx e2et COUNSELLING FOR GRIEF & LIFE TRANSITIONS Feel Better! Whether your Ioss is from.. Death, Oivorce, Loss of Relationship, Moving, Health Deterioration. or any sgnfcant emotonat oss We can hefl Unresolved grief can have a lîfe long negative impact, Grief doesn 't /juxt go away' j~re Learn the step-by-step process b eveyfoIy working though your grief and loss and finally tel/ better SpotOua Tel: 905.467.0418 Fax: 905.465.0672 Coneig Email: melissa@beneficialliving.com Edaiol www.beneficialliving.com Porm Individua Debrieling 'in the workplace ihîis progran i, .îffiliaid witi and endomsd by THE GRIEF --RECOVERYINSTITUTE