The Canadian Champion, Fridsy, February 18, 2005--7 1Numerous emigrants beîngo ,i 41)RÇW <T "Fitie 'apu'i ali t' ,'tni.i q iiii attioi C/iatit;ti anid tI/i puiiei atiîit ini iidi'r to protide a viiidonititou Mi/tinii, paît. E.îpla;îator - comniit tis îoniretiuie's pro- î'idî'd t'a p/ai t/te situationt in coiteit January 1905 Tbe Salvaîton Army is brtnging oui a large number tif emîgranîs to work on farins. carl y in tbe sprîng, hotb married and single. These are a desirable class of mein. aîîd farmners and others ssanîng bel p dur- ing ibis nesi season would dfo sscI Ito rom- municate with Brigadier Hossell. 2(0 Albert St. Toronto. Fares paid fromn Toronto tsi farmers' addresses by the Governmnent. Halton Liberals met in Milton Tbursday to choose a candidate for the comning provincial election. E.H. Cleaver. tif Burlingion, President of the Halton Liberal Association was in the chair. Be believed that Mr. Deacon, the Liberal candidate for the Commons. was defeated in November on account of overconfidence on the part of his superiors and urged bis party to greater diligence in ibis contesi. John R. Barber explained thlai on accounit of ilI beaitb and on thse refusaI of bis physician to continue to treat bis case if he did not give up politica until bis condition would improve he was forced to decline t0 accepi a nomination. The only naine submitted to the convention was that of D.0. Cameron of Toronto and ijakville and thse conven- lion gave hum a unanimous nomination. Landlord Biggar bas changed the naine of bis hotel froin the Bennett House to the New Royal and bas had extensive aller- ations and improvemrents made. M.W. Bro. John Leslie. of Winnipeg, Pasi Grand Master of Manitoba. bas pre- sented his mother lodge, St. Clair, No. 135. G.R.C., Milton, with a very handsome W.M's chair, over 6 feet in height, of quar- ter-cul oak, and upholstered with blue leather. M.W. Bro. Leslie still retains bis meinbership iii St. Clair Lodge. He was mnitiated in the lodge in 1874 and was its master in 1878. A banquet was given in bis honour aithie New Royal Botel attended by between 40 and 5(1 members. At the nomination meeting here D.0. 1 ~ ~ b TH 'SDA HAPO i~IiltonFlyer by 'Concerned Canadian Parents' Mio 0 sntîgmr ha aepoaad lime 1 i ohn mr hnhtepoaa Capsules C imeron, Liberal and Dr. A.W. Nixon, Conservative were nominated as candi- dates tor the Ontario Legisiature. Sheriï Clemenis is the Returning (Jicer. Many people lbad to stand l'or the meeting ai the town hall. The folhoing were nominated on Tstesday to fli the isso sacancies iii the town couincil: David Hartley. James Dent and W.J. Dewar. Mr. Hartley retired and the other two were elecied by acclamation. The newly elected county council will meet on 'lùesday. when the warden will be elected and standing commîittees appoint- ed. Councillor McGibbon is natned as the warden. The erection of a poor-house may corne up for consideraîjon, as the counicil will be required to ereci one before the end of the year. A serious accident happened on Friday ai Messrs. D. Robertson & Co's quarry. 3 miles west of Milton 10 an employee. Wmn. Hilson, aged about 30, son of John Hilson. of Nassagaweya. A large mass of ftozen earth felI on the unfortunate man's legs, breaking one of them high up in the thigh and the other a fiie above the ankle. Hilson's condition is reponted tu, be serious. Members of the Milton Curling Club have for years been las about tuming oui for practice, but there bas been an improve- ment lately. Lasi Monday nîghî, when they had the wbole of tbe rink to themrselves, 24 players, or three pairs of full rinks, were pinted against each other, and several extra members were present as spectators. Two rinks skipped by J.T. Hannant and Geo. Storey, go to Hamilton today to play in the preliminary comrpetition for the Ontario Tankard. Tbey bave tbeir work eut oui for tbem., being pitted in the firsi draw, againsi the Hamilton Thisiles. Thtis ntateriai is a.ssenîbied ont be/sait of thte Mltoit Histori cal Socieh, 6vfini Dlla. i-ho cati he îî'ached atjdi//sCeidireit. ont. Dear Editor: Il was a beautiful Sunday moin- îng in Milton last week and my husband and 1 were jusi gettîng ready for a hîke. 1 stepped oui tmntut îy f ront puircl and saw ibat ifiere was a piece tof' paper iii my mailbiix. The fille sticking tînt froîsi tbe lid read. 'Urget! A Message Tii AIl Haltoît Families!' 1 immediately becanie cîîncemred ihalthiere was a priiblemn. We've recently juisi bougbt a home in Miltoni. but my husband bas lived bere bis entire lîfe. and we very mutch enjsîy being part of the comn munity. Therefore. my cuocein was immediate. On the inside of the flyer it dis- cussed Bill C-38. This panticular bill iv being discussed right nuîw in Ottawa. In simply terils. if's the bill that ftghts for the riglît for saine-ses couples tn manry. The flyer went on Io state that if this bill goes through, "our greaîest Canadian treasure will be dumped into the garbage can of history" referring to traditional inamiages. It also, stated that 'danger is immi- nent" and "tampermng with the def- inition of marriage will spell disas- ter for the moral and social welfare Publîcizîng his vîews on same-sex marriage inappropriate for Canadian Mînîster of Health Dear Editor: I was interesîcd to read a letter in the February 4 Champion from Canadian Minister of Health Ujjal Dosanjh enîiîled 'Making saine-ses marriage legal cornes down to proîecîing the rights of mînonities* Il seems inappropriate to me for a cabinet minister to wnîte to newspapers to promote bis own particular vîews, or those of bis panty. Regarding the issue of saine-ses marriage. Mr. Dosanjh states that uts a manier of protecîing the rights of a minority. In my opinion. Canada already does that very wef 1, and very ofien over-protecîs îhem. However. uts becoming increasingly clear that the minorîty will neyer be content wiîh 'saine-ses unions' E-mail your letters ta the editor and intend 10 force their ideology onto the inajority of the population. Do thse people really wanî ibis redefinition of mar- niage which is being forced upon us'? Studies show that opposite-ses marriage is the besi enviroriment for rais- ing children -with a father and a mother -and chil- dren's needs musi not be ignored. A saine-ses union should neyer be equated with marriage because it simply can't produce new lite. Wake up. Canada. Democracy îs being stolen from us. Mary Cummings Campbellville ta mitoned@& He wîýý have less than a second to make a decbsorï Prepare for the raad ahead wîth Young Drivers' Collisionfreet Approach ta DrivingTM its the only driver training programn ta af/er threshold and ABS emergency braking, swerving techniques, rear crash and head-an ralision avaidance. CaIl us or visit for more delis. (9: e gen ne 4:1 pgm s olaenay &g W scha _ 905«875-0480 f YOUNG DRIVERS1of Canada Your licence to survive. ISO 9001:2000 wwwy otingdriverS.COM htegiterîd MTO APPROVED BEGINNERi DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER Army to work on area farms tif our country". I was aghast to realiLe that 1 had Jusi become a victim tif haie prop- aganda. This flyer was put oui by 'Coticertied Canadian Parents'. wbîcb atîgered me eveti more. l'mn sorry il l'mn cuinfuscd. but isot utîe of 'Canada's greatesi treasures'tile tact that we are a free country'! Aren't the f undamental ideas hebtind Canada's bistory anti traditioîn the belief thal ail people sbuiuld be free tif- persecution and segregation? The truth iv. the moment I read ibis baie propaganda I feli sick to my stomach. I cîîuld almuisi envi- sioti men from the pasi. passing oîut ibis 1lyer white wearîng white robes and boods. What's the difference between racial and religious segregation and sexual discrimination'? People who are a different colour don't have a choice on how they're boin, and neither does someone wbo's gay. There are two chromosomes that affect our ses wben we're bom, and sometimes those chromo- somes gel divided differently in different babies. These people don't choose ibis lîfestyle, they're boin that way, jusî the saine as I was boin heterosesu- ai. Do you îhink they would choose a life in wbicb people would make fun of them and abuse themn ver- bally. and sometîmes even physi- cally'? Can you honestly delude yourself in tbinkîng ibalthîey would brîng these hardsbips upon themselves il they were bom any tber svay'? I leel so sorry for ibese flyer wrîîers' children. Bow wîll tbey grîîw up in sucb a nanrow-mindcd baie-generated home'? Wbat if their child grows up and f ails in love wiîb someone of the samle ses'? Witt they ostracize their îîwn children and not love themn anymore'? l'm not a parent yet. but I know that when I amn l'Il love my cbildren unconditionally. I wonder if the 'Concemed Canadian Parents' can say the saine thing'? The nest lime somneone wants to drop a piece of baie propaganda ini my mailbos, l'd appreciate il if they knocked on my door and gave it to me in person. That way we could bave an honesi discussion about what's rigbt and wbat's jusi in ibis great country we caîl Canada. Leanne Tovey Woodward Avenue