The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 18, 200&-3 United Wav raises whopping S44O.OOO - movt ever By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion The proof of Multon's generosity is in the pudding -or in ibis case, the donations that lon ed in to the local United Way's 2004 campaign. The United Way of Milton recently announced it raised a record- * breaktng $440.000 for this year's campaign. which began iii September. That means the organization surpassed its campaign * goal by $15,000. 1I think it's Gantastic,' said executive director Anne Eadie. 'We're elated. lits always bard work. and il's stressful (not) know- iog whether we're going to achieve il. And when we go oser (the goal), any of the'excited words'can be usedi.' I11l be decided next month what the extra $ 15,(XX) will be used for, but one thing is sure: lil be put Io good use, Ms Eadie said. particularly since the agencies the United Way of Milton supports ae dealing with a constant increase in services used because of the town's growing population. One of the reasons for the successful campaign, Ms Eadie said, is more and more Milton residents who work in Toronto designat- ed their payroll deduetions for the United Way of Milton -an option she hopes aIl Milton residents are aware of. The inerease in contributions is also because eaeh of Milton's j2004 special events had more participation than tn previous years. And, major employers like Menitor and Johnson Controls upped iheir donations. TMe ihemne of year's campaign was 'Neighbours Helping Neighbours', and thats exactly wbat was accomplished, said Ross The ad that appeared in the February 1 lth, 2005 issue of the Canadian Champion for Bill's Auto Body Shop appeared in error. The Milton Canadian Champion apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused. "I think it's f'antastic. We're elated. It's always hard work, and it's stressîni (flot) knowing whether we're going to achieve it. And when we go over (the goal), any of the 'excited words' can be used.' AMN EADIE Dawson, president of the United Way of Milton. "The United Way tbis year reat,,ed that more was expected of them (from the funded agencies), and the people of the communi- ty responded wonderfully." But, Ms Eadie said, it's nîo ttme for resîtng on (autels. The Untted Way of Milton is already planning l'or tts 2015 catupaigo. which wilI ktck off in September with the Mayor's Golf Toumament. "We're really grateful to tbe communtty and are excited to go on to, the next campaign,. sbe said. Volunteers are needed ('or the board ol directors as well as every committee, Ms Eadie said. Anyone interested i volunteering can cati (905> 875-2550. Among the 24 agencies the United Way of Mtlton supports are Btg Brothers of Halton. Canadian National Institute for the Blind Halton/Peel, Milton Community Resource Centre and Literacy Nortb Halton. Steplîwîie Thiecsen can he ,eacIwd at sthtessen(&ntltontiiadi- an/hianpion.coin R E AL P EOP L E S EL LI1NG, G RE AT C AR Se Services on-site MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 150 Reasons to L elebrate March is -Kids Month at the Libraryl March Break Kits March Break Ktts available begtnning Thursday, March i0 (while supplies last). Each ktt tncludes gamnes, crafts, bookmarks and More. For chtldren 6 and Up. Colouring Contest Drop by the library and enter our colourtng contest. For children 3-8 (3 age groups) The contest runs for ail of March. Ille 6o's Rock What was it like in the 9g60s? Corne and find out Wednesday, March 16th at 2 PM. Children 6 and up - $200o Please pre-register. 905-875-2665 bobo"" L SIENNA CE Corolla CE r A IMIFM CD S205'