Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2005, p. 28

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28-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 18, 2005 LOCAL EMPLOYMENT OoPPORTUruuîY 00e are seekîng a oeilf motînated, werd/eccei effi- cient indîvîduai te assîst wîth Our eperation and mintenanîce peronnel on a diiy basio. Pions. forwcsrd resumes te: tulie Francis 8100 Lawson Rd-. Milton. ON. L9T 5C4 Emaji: lief8Wrnoidbros.com 0cr busp Ganerai Practice film, iocated down- toon Miton, is oeeking an energetîn Legal SecretarylAssistant for nur two Sr. Law Clerks. The ideai candidate wîiil ponses a Legai Secretariai Dipinma or equinaieni, ho abi e te mciii tank and have ecceptionai communicatin and erganizatinna skîlis. Experience in Real Enrate, Estates, and/or Lîtîgation wîii be a detînite asoot. Wnrk wîthîn a dynamic and friendin envîronment utilizing the moot cpdated technniegy and software, mOite expanding your legai skiffs. Pleaso submit your resumne by facsimite ta 90"-8422 or o-matil aguost@on.aibn.cam. No tolophone inquiries please CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Lscatod rn Burlingron F/T toon-Fri Prevous noperience in smalt office dealîng directly with customers, employees & Admin. tanks a muni. idoal candidate sutgoîng wîth strong tetephone sales, Customers rolationship & com- munication skills. Knotedge of home &/ or commercial maintenance. repair &nenovatîon a detîinîte anset. Comiornabto usinq Microsoft offico suite nf productsý Compensation based on experience, email resumne ta mrhandyrnan@sagefox.com PURCHASER Burlingron-baoed maoutacturing/eogineering firm seeks a oeIl onganioed selffstarter oîth excel lent communica- tion ohîils and strorg tecbnical aptitude so titI a fu11 time putchase/logistics position commencîng immodîately Esperienco in porchasing, production flou planning and schodutîng is a detînîito asset. AIl business processes are Seing cenirolled by the ERP-System 'BuaN" It ou thnise te oork for a growîng csmpany and enjoep ch /allenge ni takîng onua vatiety ut tanks, nespond in confidence te, Emait: i.iriedrich@kinshoier.cam Fax: 905-335-4529 Please inclade sala-y expectations BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT Burlîngton-based manutacturîng/engîneerîng ire seeko a weit organîood soit starter wilS exceltent communica- tien skîtîs te tilt a telltitme acceuntuot position cern mencîng îmmedîately. AtI business processos are Seing conrrolled Sp the ERP-System SuaaN. tf pou Prive te work for a growîng cempany oîtP headguartors sn Gormasy and enîoy tho chaltenge ut takîng en a oariety et tasks, respond in contidence to Email: tifriedrich@kinshofer.com Fax: 905-335-4529 Pfeaoe inciude nalary expeclaliono The Miniotry of the Attorney Generat seeko quatitîed indîviduals for centract on-cai positions mnrking cp lu a maximum et 36.20 heurs per week in Hallon. COURT MONITORS Yeu wiii: record verbalim court proceedîngo coing recording and tranacribing machinery, maîntaîn a running log et proceodingu, note pertinent data accerdîng te the numerical calculator. index andf file court records; prepare accurate tranocrîpto and maintaîn a fle for appeai tranocnîpto, enoure the proper re-cîrculatîun et tapes and logo. QULICATIONS: Typng te, Ontario Goeerment Standards 150 wpml; ability le operate recording equipment, excellent written and communication skîlls, oral communication skillo c lea vv1 irO the tudiciru, bar, co-workers and the public, good knomledge et legal/lechnîcal terminology and court prucedures. Salary: $17.80 TO $20.23 Competitoa: Court Recordlag Monitors Attn: Julie Mair Fa=t (905) 693-4200 e-matil: juite.anal@jusov.ouca APPLIFCATIONS MUIST SE DECEI VE» BY 5.00 PJL. ACH 4, 2005 BIJRLINGTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB reqoîreu Administrative Assistant lu oork 18-30 Ors pet oeok, mostlp evenîngn and week- ends. TOin ina nustomer servie position, urganînation and computer skiffs are a munt. Please oend fesmme to Goneral Manager ut gm@burtingtonsoccetcom or tax 905-333-9127 Application deadine as Febrsary 26tb. c mp adagementwton lesiith (g and Staringtcm ston ri(ir iiy skný the $34000ii tepo $39,tinq ran netd ap...liat m ho ,, 1en, their iresm to àbAIssdnwoR Ce. r U bhers- iv;riiir -iit flieow rci &cýy a * oi HXFELE Rsalse n18 Hatl Cnd nc. o part of agib- al dsrbtoan aifcuigompany speciaiiig in the suppip ut fîttîngs te tPe furîtîturo anA assocîuted industries as oeil as a gromîng presence in the A rcbî- tectorat hardware market. Rased in Buriîngton oie cor- rentty Pave a uacancy for an Internai Sales Representative TPc sucunssici canididate ciii ho custoîrer tocused, cern puter lîtorate and able ta ork as part ut a smail but busy team. A customer service background is prefer- able but nul essonlial as toit training oi be guvon Compotlîlve saiarp, benoîits package & bsnus Please apply la the tii-st instance to: Warren Cleaver, Cestomer Service Manager Fax: 905-319-4446 or e-mail ta: wcleaver@hafeleamericas.com Sales Consultants, and Produet Knowledge Specialists Murt hi. Sharp, Ouipuoing, Friendîs, and ircady lor an exciting car-ci-r ici the Aununnctive Business. No esperience reqUiucd -Posi Sccondar' Eduuiatrun a plus Aggi-essinc ciompensation plains Please email resumes to Cbadd Lockwood saies@iockwoodcbrysier.com or fax to 905-845-9109 o Do J ýVIL Looking for a chance ter combine yeur business administrative talent wlth customer service? The Art of Warking Pas a permanent part-lime position anaîlable for tPe persos oho Pas the desiro lu gro and ho nhallengnd chule otllîung greal people, organîoaion and limre management okîllo, Phe saccensful applinant Pas previeus experience in a retaîl/commercia environ- ment, Pas prseen administrative skîilns. and, îdeallp, Pas poot-secondary oducalion in business administration. Join sur gîooîrg team. TPe Art ut Wsrkîng. A neo cave nf office Ihînkîng Sond pour resame and cuver leffer bp March 10th, 20054o0 stuiio@tbeartowerking.com or matil 1 MR, The Art of Working, 348 Lakeshore Road East Oakvlie, ON LSJ 1J6 ~oekîn~ 2 1Ue'iI Wvcur Fox reoume to: 905-877-7770 sales@ closelink.ca Oniy qvaiitied applîcanOts wile contacted Canada's Nomber One Home Fcrnîxhîng Retailer ru nom Oiring Sales Associates for furniture, applience and olectronlc sales. Home furnishingo soles experience net neceuoary. Hemever, pou must ho enlhuuîaxtc, peroonablo, preountablo & wîliing te learn. This os a rare oppornunity for career-eriented indîivîduatu te ioin the renowned îndstry leader and earn abeve average income ($40,000 to $85.000> in a frîendly, ntable & profitable work envîrenment. 0cr benefito include medicat inocranco, dental inourance, prescription drug plan, generous emplopee discount and profit sharing, aiong wîtO career growth opportunîties te thoe wo aspire te management positions. Please oend resume or apply aI: Leon's Brampton 10081 McLaughlin Rd. N. Attn: Sales Manager Fax: 905-495-9601 Tei: 905-495-9598 Ws ihank avariiate olo appies, howeor only, tose selecied for an interview wli be contacted. LOOK FOR A CHALLENGE? Appiy To Be Part Of A Dynamic Teamn vie are seekîng motivated enthusasî indivîdualo te jin 0cr feam ait Alexander Place in the felloming positions: Registered Practical Nurses We are seokîng indîvîdoats oho are motîoated In prsoîd- îng goalitp, care so our resîdonts. Regînlered Practical Nurses must possens a corrent certiticate et competence Wo currentlp elle fuillihme, part-tîme and casual Rosi- tions, Activity Aide We require someoeo has succosstullp completed a contîtîcate in Recroa ion ad toîsuro S/or Gerentelogy. Part-tîme dapo, evenîngs & pessbly weekends The above positions roeiro excellent communication, leadership and interporseoul skîlis PunI experiescol ia long lerm ooltîng cooid bo a dotifînto asset Pieuse ropip nr contîdence te Alexander Place Box 50,329 Parksido Or, Waterdson, ON LOR 2H0 Fax: 905-689-2625 SAW-WiIET GOLE COURSE nequires F/R. P/P & SOMMER HELP FOR Proshop, Backshop, Marshalls, Dishwashers, Wait Staff, Bartenders Exp. Line& Prep Cooks, Maintenance & Gardeners Appip in person Fob.1 fOo t 1 tam-2pm ut or mail 140t Brorle Rd. Cakuille LRM 4G3 DENTA RCPION Christian Horizons us an evangeuca minustrp 1h01 provirles sup- ports and services 10 pernons coho havo denel- opmenla challenges. Opportenities available ln Hailton, Acion and other locations across Ontario Currently accepting applications for Support Worker Positions Academrc goal ifications map inctude Devetopmentai/Social Services Worker, Teachrng, Social Sciences or Chber skills that cuit enrich sur Teaas. Please fax or ornait resome and cuver lelter 10: Christian Horizons Attn: People Resources Manager 519-895-2561 westjobs@christian-horizons.org Part-Tumne Dapo Part-Time Evenungu ApMt un peroon odth tesunre or Fax f0: 9-873-8698 WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY requires Ose Fulîtimo & ont Part-lime staff immediatey Mocdap to Frrday for reoidertist cîeacrcg. Drivers licence an 00001. Eo norince pîeterred but mii train the rght poroon. If pou love to dlean. are topa cr4 cornienliosn Please cali 905-877-3443 7rfeome irnsiurhî arrau wich avnh excellenoofhvîrcem ifnvsrsl ALw thiS cile oakea rvîur hoe at This iae.m Wrodill de fasun uce m tke c wort of hitercn- essace the cony whnefcit meralo reoofng. hoe.Or rdc i ni Prasmencallfi nl n omswt 1-888-999-6902lewarany it a m A sk for ore Gregvplc Wght l Perks Peirks i'eko Joir Ontariofs largest Pelus Dealer leam and the fastest gisoins industry today. vie require B2B Sales Reps & FT Retail Staff Salary, benetits and porks galore. Fax 905-333-4240 gary@primeline.ca 3480 Fairview St., Burtingon Oak. Centre Plaza, North Service Rd. Our Borlinglon & Milton locations seeks motîoated ECE's & Supply Teachers to loin sur great team. Positions are avoulable wîth ail age gros p. Please tarward resamne cit) age graap pretereace ter 905-451-8416 them Coli Kaiese, 050 320-0373 or 005-310-0442. PE ONL computer help for seniors. Word, Ex- ce, Interne, E-mail etc. Coui Bi 0 900 075-0677. -TEACHlNG assistants needed for Mathv/Reading Programs. Highor Math backuground requîred. 4-6 hro/week. Reoume coud- ed, Col 416-818-42B80 Medical Transcripion En- rolltioday with ConScribe, Leam trom home. 100 466-1030 mmwc con ocribe om Looking to celebrate an Anniversary? A Birthday? A Graduation? A Birth? Looking to selI your car? Looking to buy a car? Want to oel any 0f those unwanted household items? Want to hire somneone? Wanf 10 announce your engagement or imarriage te the world? Cai us today and put your ad in! Phone 878-2341 Fax 876-2364 E-mail: classified@ miltoncanadian champion.com Deadlines: Monday * llam for Tuesday's paper Thursday for Frlday's

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