Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2005, p. 27

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The Canaduan Champion Fridav Februarv 18. 2005-27 fffl T1 510 ~ 510 -1 51 ff STRONO3 DRIVE REQUIRED OFF THE TrEE ClubLink cwierl operator and developer of somne aI the fînest golf properties in Ontario and Oaebec is gearieg up for another great suasse of golf. If yoo are a high energy, oervice-orienfed individeaf, we welcome yoa te join as in ose of these dynamic feli-time or part-lime positions: Golf Operations Turf Operationa Hospitality Stlrr Wm LuIiî If roon Geiral lurf i-aoir Coo i u-jk, n S nr. 31ABrc Shr o'ff Mpchinn and fortiCoffoLrrîns Sý,roi, Fievloy rage i1 Arnr- u ru d -f' ofn Ile mill f h holding an openu hotuse ait the clubs in pear ares. Plusse drop by hutseen 10 ats. and 2 p.nt ta sabsît our resumu and muet soustie uxembers of the managemtent fea.i ilbruary 26, 2005 Glen Abbey G;olf Clulb - Oakville (;reysbone Golf (Clob - Milton Glencairn Golf Club - Haillon Hilîs For property location information, or te apply on-lirte plusse visif our meb site ait www.clublink.ca. EIiicNG.RIJVL 1,ANI)SCAI<ES LTD We are as award wîxsîng lanascape organîzatn sercicing the Oakcîiie ana Mssissauga are With severai positions avaîlabie, we are iookîng for enthasiastin individuels t0 ussit us in oeroicing fRis industrp. Fli. TI.MF P<leOSTONS AVAILRBIGE 1Iz<dre, Maeintenance Foreprel - Le*ndecejwp Mainuealic,-l Co,,eirriien Terhniciano Yard loa in MeIilton Pîrace fax resenirs t,, <05-93-0125 r Eri~îil ai dakaitppen@atU.<-toe< STOPP'S DRY CLEANERS POSITION AVAILABLE FOR COUNTER HELP -Thurs & Fni 3PM to OPM -Saturday R AM to 5PM APPLY IN PERSON TO: 885 MAIN ST. GREAT NORTHERN INSULATION Has an immedrate neea for insolation heipers and traînons. The position wsuid ho based nut of nar Milton Shop ana wouci cocon the OTA, Top cases and benefits offered for dependabie and hard workîng people. Resense can be faxeni to: 519-539-7946, EFil georgan@gni.ca or Maaled UIl 935 Keyes Drive, Woodatock, ON., N4V IC3. KING Fence a Ioading Bort îrgfoo aiea fonce instaifatin company bas immediato opportfnîtios for qoalfîtîd îrdîoîdoafs: Yard Foreperson f belceen $600-$800 per axeSk basod or exporiorco) Wo reqoiro an îsdîuîdsal chu 10 ouporiiocod wîth nrganzlnîg conrdioafing maforials and oquîpmont Installation Crew Foreperson (Up so $20/boor, pieco rate, plus iscortisos) 'as a prosor hards ns otoperso on consttactin pro- focto, tho soccosotuf candidates wîff fead a cres cf junior onstaffors in comptotiog instatfation profocts on tîme and on budget. Junior Installers (Up so $t5lbsur, based on oxpotionce) We ate 150Sfrg to trais irdîcîduaf s that haxo workoS in a rofafod construc- fion enuitoirment and cant to corS hard and f oarn sec skiffs Aff posifions roqufre a caffd drivers lîcense QuaIified appîicants forward resames Un: 1234 Advance Rond, Surlinetn 17M 16 fax 905-331-181018 or neîlwleon@bellnet.ca BIND)ERY HELP Noeded in fhe Olakville alo BASIC BINDERY EXPERIENCE IElS SARY This is an on-caf I position and hours would vary. Houriy wage ix $8 - $9. deponding on expenience. Must have ateeltfond ahoos. PIas fax resomne Un 905-845-1320 Afin: Plant Manager Pattre ep l fo vee PART TIME OPPORTIJNITY Tuesday days and/or Thursday nighfs No experience necessary. Please fax to Julie Charles @ 905-875-2910 DAILY DOG WALKERS Ruif 'n Purr Pet Sitting requires --R Un Milton Daily Oog Walkers '7Uquirements: *ReliableTransportation -Bondable - Police Check GodPyica odto CO-ORDINATOR PART-TIME iluew Park Ecxfogy Contre sl fuskîng for ar unthu- sîaotic, ctuaîiuo, envursnmunitafp csmstnfed undueidua cho can wsrk indopendenty within the strucfure pto. oudud by the Steerung Csmmitue. The succunsfuf candidate shsufd have s onuuotl degrue, gssd oral and wtuffe orcmmunication skiffs eopuriuncu ssrkîrg culS staff us oneursosonta udu- calissaf prsgram delivery and knscfudgu sI efusentaty and seondari curriculum. Espuruence ut fard-raîsîng and culfi computet programo sach as Word, Excel and Posuputu uw rd Desil in:'2 Fibrr W005 Send teuses to: Ruth Kacbîrad Fax# 90"-73-9072 emaif: rutft@wLillowarkecelogecos Housohold Ooods Dispatcher The cuîpxraîe hmad office ut Atlfas Pas Lunes (Canada) LId, o ne ot Canaa feadîng national muuung cosp nies, us oeekfng a ressurceful and incisive rsduufdual 10 csmpfesett sur bard surkung xperatuons deparimr f oleraclîng sulti out dtixers and ageocy fali. bo idel candidate coul d empfoy tifs/uer procusus knoucedge of tho indosry, afnng cff h tactfuf dxcisou makung. 10 enablo tbo tumef y ard efficient sovemenl ut Atlas obuppxrs per- sonaf offecîs across Canada. A successu applucant mst Ilo flevible wuth wurk scheulos ard culd ho compesai- cd commorsurafe cuttir oiualitucations Pînrase snblli renfies Us: ATLAS VAN LINES (CANADA) LTD P.f. Box 970, OaUtoifle, ON L6J 5M7 Alto Operafloos Manager, Fox: 905-844-1108 Errait: dcoughlio@atlasvanlines.ca LABOURER REOUIRED FT labourer regoirod lot a Boniungton csnst sie, Must hue on fraospoflafîn & a basic Snowicdgo ot havd sools PIano fax rasmne or latter of lIntroductin to: 905-315-8971 *,%ý GlobeGrounci The toadîîng inîternational aviation services provîder ait Toronto fIsternational Airporl is currentp hîrîng: MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Candidates wîfl I h responnible and accounitablo for ail for the Equîpmont Maintenance operalor ai Toronto station, Misimum requirements include as Ontario f ceose 310A or boiter. G Driver' lîcense, Hîgh Schooi Dîplomna. and s Canadias Cîtîvecsnîp or L aoded Immigrant Stas for the past fîve- f5f years. Must be avaiuable bo work varions shifts f24/7). PASSENGER SERVICE SPECIALIST- starting images $9.271hr Candidates sutl be roupoîîsbfe for check-in. boardîng and depfaning passonoors Minimum reqoîrements imci de a Traoe andI Totirini Dîptoma. computer proficiescy fluent Esgish, mi îînimum ot ose ofth1e tfolowîng second languagos (Hebrew, frafian Spanînh, Portngueoe, Dutch, Germas. Russian, Freuncti CioalianSerbia. Polîs1h. Korean. Chînse and Casadian C.iizenship or Landed mîsîgirant Statos tor the poor ice f5) yoars. Must ho ovaîlale roi mor vainou shifts f24 7f. GROUIND SERVICE SPECIALIST - starting mages $9.27/hr. Candidates wîill ho responsible for foadîsg snloadîing luggage trlî aircrat parking and tswîng aîrcraft. Minimum requiremenis include Hiqîn School Cîploma. a valîd G2 drvl f îcenoe, Canadiari Citifi ü, Landed Immigrant Status for the pasi fIve- f5f ears. Must be avait ahIe Io work various shifts f(24/7). Pfeaoe subt pour resume by e-mail: YYZHR@GlobeGround-na.com or Fax 10: 905-694-1717 Ail candidateo mil be requîred tc oucceoofîafly paoo a crîmînal background check and obtain aîrporf oecurity clearance. Only those fial quail will ho contacteS. Laidixo Education Services DRI VERS STILL NEEDED Free Training Schoof Bas Driver's Wanted Caîl 905-877-4448 Lauduxw juan onsai oppnntuntp Company IRTILEFIELI tna BAULEFIELO Equipuent Rentails fa division of Torot industries td.f us currently oookirg as il vidla foi 001 Mâfo ocation for tic tfoiowinq chaffesgisg oppoitoit RENTAL COORDINATOR This chalfenging, fast pacl position relqoires a poison- abfe hard-ssois dodîcatol inclividuaf & offers as excît- ilg h tempo work erîvîronient for someone alto gond commonication & organinatna skiffs Tfhis candidate soulnd ho able Io piovîdo excofIent customor refaftions & posseso srioo foamwork effilcs We Otier compotiive wageo. eoctifeit boefif and a profit nOarîng1peiisioîi pfan program Fax yooî estime Homos Resourcos, Battfletid Eqsîpmeot Restais, Fal# 905-878-5750 375 Steofes Avenue East, MiltIon ON LUT 3G6 Enfait: BnttlotioldHR@Tormiont.co, We thaok everyooe who applno. oofy tfrooe canididates nef o r tinîîterview lî f e contacteS iA ylueasaertinficapen aistrbto ao Heat aqîmnd and/r mautoot iven Mieanir prgeaseksu Paht &orvnie oportins after Can Matthews E quipmen o Liie a medat opnrsi uEtobicoke ot on for: Fobax 141169-14 MINE BAY SHOP Requires experienced LICENSED TECHNICIAN $23.50-$27.00 unit rate Fax resurne: Attention Dealer toi 905-637-3347 70 Plains Rd West surlingten ASSOCIATES Grc unV i Ar co il fi- ssoc j aiesi s oca t e i oî ità: 1jî Ookille Thfiri iiis seokîiîg Intermediate and Senior Dratpersons nd aSenior Design persionsu ii rîîrnum 5 years dem oîîsiraied Cariaj an exp,!pý r in wood iram nstîsruction for coiri t penl Please submil yaor reoumne by Email: gwa5igw- architecl.cam or by fax aller 5:00pm Io 905- 842-1160 Please se telephone inquiries. WELDER, TIG Mst speak filn Elps hwor 10 &401 Fax resume toi: 905-501-8770 RECEMOINIST We are a progressive Vetorinary c flic un the Campbelivîlfe Ares that requîtes a pars lime receptîonîst. The hours include 2 nvenings a week and Satunday mornîngs. Outies woufd ncl ode snsserng phonos booking appoint- ments, greetîng clients, and somne gonorul dot- ical work. The successfu candidate must pos- sess excellent computer skilis ana have s pleasant phono manner. Please fax yaur Iresume ta(905) 854-1169 PULL-TIME: Rapidlp enpaning Milton company requîtes a mature fouI tîme ADMUNUSTRATIVE ASSISTANT 10 assust nur office staff by anocorins phonos, filins ana anl other daties as they arise. Hoxrs are 0:30 -h'OOpm. Send resumes to Ain: Trîcia Belley Box 246 Stn. Main, Milton ON. Il 4N9 or tricia.bailey@steritedh.cam [AppIeby College is as iodependeof ochoof for 659 yoang mes and w omes sn Grades 710 12. Foasded in 1911, Appfeby offers a qua ity eda- ICaties f0 bath hoarding and day studeots. The e.schoofoBappleby0 pro- gramme istegrates information technofogy sfl fhe curriculum at eeery grade fecef. The campus is compfetety setmorked asd att stadents asd faculty have notebook computiers. Administrative Assistant/ Receptianist The sîîccessful candidate mîlI bu the front-fine costact and prrmary recupfîosîst rusponsîble for ail administrative duties and support sîthus the department. " Streng castomer service skis work ethic asd initiative " Excellent organizationa skif s, mufti-taskîsg asd dutaif-orientud *Sol id sriting and communication okilf n " Strong morking ksomludgu of Microsoft Word, Excel asd Oatfook Mailroom Administrator The saccussfal candidate mifI bu responsible for rassiing the mail raom services for the Colfuge. Hours of opuration are 10:00 a.m. te 6:30 p.m *Sort and dufiser iscoming/oatgoing mail, faxes and packages " Somue fight lifting ruquired *Maintais mailroom machines and eqaipmesit " Prosidu back-ap relief fer the main ruceptien *Streng timu management, organization and prioritizations kilf s " Knemluedgu ef Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook IT HeIp Desk Administrator The saccusfa candidate sf11 Ilu ruspossiblu fer providing front-lise IT support to aIl umployues and stodents and rosning the IT Help Oesk. *Troblusheet, document and track IT refatud issues for 850 ThinkPa nolehooks and IBM dusktops, and addiliena IT euipmunt and cfassreom tuchnofegy " Procide excellent costoer service te aIl osurs " Diploma spuciafizing in technology Appleby effers an inxiting uncironmunt vilh a vury computitivu salary and bunefits package. As a condition of employmunt, a criminal record check is reuoired. Please e-mail your reaume by Monday, February 28, 2005 ta: Humain Resources Appleby College, OakviIle -- E-mail: jobs @appleby.on.ca Web site: www.appleby.on.ca % ' H/R ACCOUNTING CIERK -required 4 dals week in Oakviliel Misstssauga. Enperîenced wîth etime/AOP payro f preferred. Recoîvab e. bifling & collection. Oetaif orîontod, accuracy a must. Please roply in confidence to: cetherington@onnlibn.com Februarv 19, 2005 Blue Springs Golf C'lub - Action Eagle Ridge Golf Club - Georgetown RattieSnake Point Golf Club - Milton

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