Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2005, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 18, 2005-25 - 1i M roi* s Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299' Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@mniItoncanad ianchamp ion. coml e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-579Mmn ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads aiso appear on wwwhaltonsearch.com. e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 A i.iiissiaii oy mail ov in poison The Caruaira Chamion 191 Main St E, Mîltoîr ON L97 4N9 DetAdlites: Mon. 11 air:: tfn Tues puhitication, thos, il ar t oi Fni pubicution. Special Foattîve & Holiday deadiovu may oaîy PaYtueil: 10e accept cash, cheque, Intrac, Visa. MasterCard, Avîvrîcan Express, Business uccoonits cao Se oyenid milS an approved i/redit ap pliratioî aniailable tîom your Sales Consultant CHECK 1DOUR AD THE F1651 DAY Il RUNS t0 ensure 1hv intormaution i s correct. Contact your Sales Consultant mithin ý4-Hours il an vrai apynaîs AiraiiiaF publicatin must Se rvynrivA no latr trit Mon, 11 a.m BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY Loo o i "809 M i1e~tones I I ~ I ~ - I I MLUI I EE 91ELLI * On Februavy 26, 2005 the "Leals" wili 001 be crie- brating any great win. One ot their mnost faithful tant rel Se CELEBRATINGI Archie McKinnon will be turning "80". E , ~ Family aak to join in this great celebration please tend BEST WISHES and photo or notes of your MEMORIES of "Fl/N TIMES" t0 Archie ai: 500 Appleby Une, Suite 211, Yoo Arehie, Dad. and Poppa Love Foor Wife Ruth, doughers, Lm M rn, rison-in-ltou, and gr nd hldre. Lav Ma, H appy 8 Oth! 1& Nathian BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY L Ytu watk, o ran vi, and yu say "Dr"tue frao 7 Yu hug. yuuki,sand yu uttbig glfuud ~ ,SIL ELLIS In juutuore yesrhowmuiyu haegrown /<ýAS IGE @Of' The love we &lfuei wso wuld hve known.ST L DSVIFNGERT LD- S41 FT TOWNHOUSE, 3-bitrms, $$MONEY$S 100% lst. garage, tînîsliei rtc. ro 2dad3 Mrges use of pool, Oive appliances, A job At Home 552.2 2n Bad 3rd OaiOtrigoes DOWNTOWN MILTON winowblnd. al 95-Weekiy. Mail work, Assem- Widecred8t079.Cinao Miliside Iowers 82 Miliside window56 bbind Cati 908 s or Computer W>d 1-Dr3777 ive. 1&2 Beitroovi Atuts 878 456 ie poduClose lv Oowntown. Bus r n wo. (416)703-5655. 241rr sto ai Front Door 905 876- mesaage www.TheHome- 1249 ww.eaistarca Jo,o Or wntie: Consumer MILTON saxunous t-bdrn 599B Vonge Street, #259- apt., downtown, cherry 222, Toronto. M4Y 1Z4 1-BDRU Downtown Mihton, hutches, hardwoo flours, wo Georgetown, Acton. gas F/P, new iahastrr, RETAILIOFFICE space A Froeen Morîey Maboul! 6- Rachetons aiso avaîlabte. tndge, Stas, totaty reto- DOWNTOWN MILTON, figare potentil tram home. Att renseatet. Excetlent vated, $850/mth + uiits. GEREON F 1-m800-537-1931 wom.sen- CLEAN accommodation. Avattable Mardi lot. Cuti 600-2000 sq. elt. cm Stove Fndge, Air/Conit. Scott Fnar Remua Real Air/Conit. Exposure. 416- Ousadvaetage.co Aeaîiabie Immediately. 416- Estute Centre 905-878- 60R 93iot 4624-93 CRAIFTERS & Artisans. 608-9430 or 416-245-9933 7777 - Luekieg tor unique items toi ie NEWLY reeooated bache- REASONABLE Industni self in Ern store. Cosier 1-BEDROOM (large) in lor. 5675/montr inciadîng Units tor rent. Hwy 25 & Mittos inciades atilities, atilities Availabie nuw.1 401, - t 60 - 3,200 sq. st. reniconsigniment. Cai 905- cate, iaunitry & parking. beitronm + laft apt Loading docks & drive-in. 873-4278 $750/month Availuhle $1090/month incia<ling ahili Phone 1-905-277-9347 or Match ti Non-smoker. Ses. AvailaOle Match lot.. t 905-275-8834. PROMOTE your business 905-467-1895. Both Close la Downtown opportunty ta over 4 million MILOî-dmaatetMlton. Cai Wencty 519- aidait readers in Saath Cen- M ayO 52- 0 raptet 581-7537 irai Ontanio. Book your ad- of $925/mth no dogs. For 1-BDRM, Hutnvile, oe, vertisemnent in over 60 Met- appoivtmcent cati 905-699- bnigOt protessiona casIons roland avmmunity nemopa- 1398 or leave a message ut tinishet Ousement. Sepa- 5 people mtro muni lv îm- pers milS one phase cai. 905-878-5345. rate evtravce, laundrypark- poeterbatadeamn Cat 109 cabte. A/C CNVac, Pr- prove ~ ~ al thi elii n oday for infonnation vate aountry living. Sous movey white doin9 il, cati on mevkly word ad pacag- single persan. Car needed. 905-875-1806 or visît my vs (intemet listings inciud- No1 muig e ts Un75 iq5u55 meOsîte @ ttp:/iwww.im- edi 416-493-1300 et 3,ms e.S7.9545 munotec.avriramsay _ www metroland.cors 1992._________ 170 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Brunte Street SautS, Milton thu att now acaepting applîcabons fot: For morte infornmation adtor la make an appoinbtmenl, Pteaser catI 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leanard & Penny 1-BEDROOM apaitaient, Downtows Gergetown sn hîstona buln C leda aeîiîing, 10a8 Oaicony, heat, A/C. parking isduited. No smoking, Opiro etra. Fîrsittast. $7951month. Anaîlabte Matchast15 Cai 905-877 5495 ahter 5 ityrs 1-BEDROOM basemevt, brîght. singlen tomait cou- ple. 5800/month uiiîtes in- ciuded Credt aheck. fîrst ast Anaîlanin Febrsary 2810 Parkng separate en rani/o iusry 9/0S 873- 0/53, 1-BEDFlOOM. large wvii maîvtaîned. Georgetown, quîi building ntan GO. Heat walnî appliances ivciuded. Hydro extra S vO 0month No pets 905- 877-3761 ACTON 1-Sedroars base- ment apuotment, quiet, vos- smoker, no pets. Aprt ltI $750/manth plus 1/2 cabie. 519-853-3793. ACTON 2-bedroors Avait- abie Match tst witr Saico- ny. $S86OmontO sOtities in- niîîded. Quiet Building. No- pets. Cai 519853-1281, ACTON large 3-bedruers apariment, $850/montS plus. Aiso a I -bedroons apriment $550/month plus. Cai 5191-8353-5080 or 519-853-5352 ACTON, 1 Sbedruem avait- abie March ltI. Auto 2- Sedroons. avaîtabie Mardi lt. Cai 519-853 3309i or 515£1-853-0719. APARTUENTS 2-beulrn suites in Acton $890 andt $850/morith. Pnivate yards. Oas heat. Avaîtabie imme- dîatey. Cai Liz Dotit, John- sou Assocîstes Reuitor 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN t Otit- ruem boisement star Mai AvaîlaSie March 1ist. $800/month utîtîts, t -car parking isatvdtd. Cai 905- 877-1549. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- roors apartment, $900/monlh plus utîlîtîvu Parking, no pets. rvtervna- vs. Avaîlabie Apsi l st, 905- 877-445 GEORGETOWN ont beit roors basement api. os smoker, avaluOle Apni lti newiy deanvated, $750/montS oncludes utli- lies, 905-873-928 GEORGETOWN une-Sud- inoom rvnaoatvd in quiet 't. plea, main fluer, separate estrance, close ta GO. Parking, Sh90imonth plus hydro AvaîluOle March 1 t, Cai 905-873862 GEORGETOWN spaciaus, 2-Oedroom apartment, close to Hîgh Scoel. Ap- pliances. gîet stighbours. Na petssmokisg $980/mti ai inclusive. Aoaîiabie Fe- bruaiy tst, 905873-1174. GEORGETOWN, 1 510 Sîderouit Large banoelor spartment, 2nd fluer, 2-ap- pliances. $700 /month plus auriies. AvaîlaSie imme- dîatey. 905-873-4413. GEORGETOWN, 2-Sed- tuen, iuaury covdv spur- Iment $1200/mosth plus utiliSes. Cai Brenda Paytos Johnson Asuociates Real- ta: 905-877-5165 ROCKWOOO, t -bedrom basement apadtmant iv upscalv 4-plea, Aprîl t st 5775,'montn ail inclusive Cai 90S 876-1235. WANTED. 2-lbdconr ayadtment countrny iingii Vvryî mature middle ageOn couple, clean, quiet. Non- smokiing. No pets Rnennîences anaîlabin Haui ton His aiea, Commencîvg April tut Cailter 6 ASpm and weeenda 905 0877 2707 Weeiudays betote h ASyrs 415 559 Att4ý MILTON nemi, 2 parking, fiîdge. stave. t300sq. S unit, partial rec roars, aal- abie Murait lot, St300mtO n utîlîties. Cai 416-622- 1308. SUPER Mattamy semi. Avaîlabie Apsi tI. induites C/A, ai appliance, gus FF, garage, 1500 sq. St 3-Seat- rooms, 3 OstOs. $1 500/munth. Cai Carole 905-878-8101. 4-BEDROOM hotue ta rent in Acton, quiet neighOour- huait near Lakie. 5-sp- pliances, tion-amokens, ue pets. FimOtlastterences. $1 .350/moth plus sOlits Aeaiiahit immtdiatey. Cai 519-853-5251. Aberloyle ares. Ntwy ren- ovattit 1500 sqtt basement apartmient on country es- talte tor rent. Apaciaus 2 Ottruocns wîth C/A, CN, iausitry, 2 car garage and woodbarning slave, ap- pliasces inalateit Sus- smoker. 5995/mas+ utîlîties. Avîilabie Apni 1st 519-821-9331, 519-654- 040310e vitw Bsian HOUSE an COurait Street in Antan for ront' 3-bed- rooms, 51,150!nmonth plus atîlîtîvu. Anaîlabie imme- diatly, Cui 519-853-3116 CARLISLE, vovaulîve couslry home. Gneat inca- lion m/easy hîghway aa- cesu. 3-Oedruems, des, ta- mîlyroors double garage. May luI. No smoking/peIs. 5 1550mnt ., utîlîlies. Credt cheak, Firstlst. 95559- 3076 MILTON Oraad new large tonshouse, 1741 sq, 11 4- Odue, 2 1/2 balhs, main fluer lu hardwued, 5 ap- plianatu, close la 401 6 Woudlol. Avaîlahte fvi tent Mar 151. $1450/mth +nbi lits. Cai 647-220-8062. MILTON Irg 3-bdon toms- bouse, nîcely dtcorattd, alose lu Milton Mal, ausîl- abletApnil 1t. $1350/m1h a atilities. Cai 905-693-0788. Oakellle 2, 3&4 beitruem townhoases avaitabie ns- meiîtey irugO Apsi. 4 applîssatu. Hopedate Mail area. Lakeshore Manage- ment, 905-876-3336 MILTON apt for ront 5540/mh or tamishet roars S400/rmth Cinan, preter mature penson o smok- îîgilingyknpts Gai: Jaohn 905-875-1705 veiins MILTON. moors for rnt in onv $500!mIS tîrstast cuit 905-878-2068. unaluble îmmedîatey SINGI.OSGET2GAreER Singleu Social Club for 35 + Consfaitable gel togethers. or cati 905-876-4128ý CHILDCARE avalabie off 910o tise betatees Otsy & Britasnna Rit. Citas son- smoking home, snacks in- atudet. Cai Sastly 0 905- 785-8309. TRAINED British nansy andt ficesset itaycare pro- miter hua immediate vacas- aies. Up lu 4 days per attek.Educationa play ta- posiences. Caring, sait ait dlean eseroneut. FirueAit sud CPR, nufîroas meais. Hawthamne Village suth, caose to sew Bennett scoue Cai 905693 1357 PSYCHIC Readings -Tarut-Car4 Panmsutry Pao-Preset Fa ure 98. ACcuru y 37 Yeats Eoperaanc glno & Missuga Road ava 905-858-4850

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