2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 18, 2005 SALE -EXTENDED! Here's just a sample of over 250 vehicles we have in stock. 2002 Pontiac Montana Exteded 2005 Nssao8 Alma2.5S 2003 PontiacGrandPri G$ 2002 NssanPathfider XE 4x4 2001 Toyota Sea LE $20.968 19.999 9990 S1999$ 2001 Toyota Corolia S 2001 Toyota Sotara SLE 2000 Potiac Sufr o a 2dr 2001 Hyundai Accent $9 2002 Mazda Prote9o 5 S16.995 S11595 $691895S 9 2002 Ford F-150 XLT C to Cab 4x4 2001 Toyota Solaa aSLE Conrtible 2005 004900 Gran Caravao 2002 Toyo1 Rav AWD 2001 Toyot Avoalon $0,5 SÎ24,995 $19ý995 S22.995 $19995 $20.995 MODEL MILEAGE RSO Type S 72 334 5301 9.8$0 Regal ILS 66.530 Reodezos CX 80.744 Century Cusnorn 93,400 Sonoma cLS O Cab, Extreme 23,069 Tratîbtazer ILS 4x4 40,300 Venture 97958 Canalier 71,093 Paçoloca 2 W13 26.170 0860009 Tourong 33.710 Neon cE 92,417 Town & Country cid. 148,477 Grand Caravan 48,961 Grand Caravan Annioersary Edîlion 65,846 Dakota Ouad CaS Sport 102,142 Caraoan SE 80,425 Explorer Ltd. 18,433 Escape OcT 4x4 63,424 Expedîtton Eddie Bauer 4x4 36,0$ Taurus SE 111 ý209 Explorer XLT 4x4 72,798 Focus SE 62.297 Posas Wagon SE 62,294 Yukon Denati XL AWD 33,950 Accord Spesial Edolion 96,583 Santa Fe GL AWD 09421 Accent GSi 74.624 Elantra VE 61.629 TînuronnSE 112.796 G35 Sedan Preon 00 70 570 SlType 4. 30ý975 S Type4.0 65,931 Grand Cheoken Laredn Toa 0 Raed 39614 Grand Cherotoee 6OIn Aooîs oarn 69 398 SALE YEAR MAKE MODEL S20,995 57995 $18.995 S017 995 510 995 S20,698 522 995 $11 ý482 S6.995 $25,888 $14,999 $6,999 $11,888 $19.995 $ 1, 874 $17,499 $11 ý542 $34,995 $22 995 $33.995 $10.995 $19 .995 S9,495 $12,888 545 995 S13,995 S23.995 s& 995 57 995 S9 495 S28 .95 028,995 S26995 026 90 S22.995 LEXUS 2004 Leous 2004 ceous 29001 cexos MAZDA 2004 Mazda 2000 Mazda NISSAN 2004 Nissan 2002 Nissan 2002 Nissan 2001 Nissan OLDSMOBILE 2002 Oidsmobile 2001 Oldsmobile 2001 OldsmoSole PONTIAC 2004 Pontiac 2004 Pontiac 2003 Ponîac 2002 Fonlîac 2002 Ponlas 2002 Port ac 2002 Pontiac 2001 Pontiac 2001 Pontiac 2001 Pontiac SATURN 2001 Salaîn TOYOTA 2005 Toyota 2005 Tnyota 2005 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Tnyota 200J4 Tnyola 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyoa 2001 Toynta 2041 Toyoa 2001 Toyota VOLKSWAGEN MILEAGE SALE ES330 Foemiam L.aoisy Pkg R8330 Ultra Foemium P65 90300 AWD 6 GO GFX Pkg Proege SE Maoýma SL Altima 25 SL Maxima SE Seorra OSE Atero Gc Alero GO Silhouette GLO Eolended Grand Prix GT1 Grand Prio GT2 Grand AM GT1 Grand AM SE Grand Pot6 GTP Grand Prto GT Montana, Extended Grand AM SE Grand Prix GT Montana Vision Eoîended OCi 4Ranner Spnort Corolla CE B* Pkg Hîghtander A'Pkg Camoy LE Echo Maîrîx ORS Sienta LE e*nna CE 4RnooeoLmînd Maîrîn 085 Echo Hîqnlandeo 2WGD Rýav4 6Pkg6 AWG 5 300 10.500 97 968 51 1l69 50 826 57.704 78 381 93 121 75.147 57,602 39,775 72 390 39,060 41,279 49,802 74,857 33,012 66,193 46,719 63,361 102,688 980530 45.427 12ý075 25 055 2,513 42.554 18,597 495022 44 396 50915 80438 58.278 80 032 114 158 58 056 S44.995 $56,995 $28 995 022.889 $11.995 $29 995 $20,995 $18.995 $11 ý990 $10,990 $10.990 $15 995 $17.995 $21.995 $16.995 $9.990 $18.995 $14.995 $16.550 $9.995 $13,995 $14 990 8995 $41 995 Si17490 S36.995 S20.595 015,495 020.995 S29,995 525 999 000990 519 999 01 095 S18,999 517 995 2New wine îaw/ couïu increase drunk driving: MADD By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion Jeff (areau s.tys he's dtsappoitsied hy oew proviniocal hring-yîour îîwîs sx ne (BY(JW> regulalions, noo soily as presidetl of MADU Haiton/Peci bul aiso as a citien of Otlartio. "Makino il casier fior peospie 1>tsoose wine ai parlictpaloog establisshments ssii! oniy sersvc Io dcri ase public saicl> ois tout rotads.« toc satd. Tise liess kms ses lits ClrsCet restauranss ansd boanquiet iooý itîis oieics and motes Io ai boss cusoonier s o bing thir uo boul0hitie tisto.Il aisit pet lOils ail ticei esiah- listoîioieiit il boss Ilse i I s.lO o rciits)\ cait bîo ios o u itie o s use[1 isai tliectiser hitotilit ss lli tteti toi irsietedivas par o! ilieir sica! osha toit ieit lisseu is ciiiootc take Hotte lie Rcs, toi i1 i' Rt. t tttttOtettstc isalos ciiii delco- îîtitlleo ditoic Uloit O c dito i tee" (l i lo% o(int i-, 't () W. %Mi Galcotl nitioited toli lloso.s,ctI aliio cttOto lton 55 ili tesi il tolaste qîtale sot Lige tees treisi îîîîpteîooeîied lis .Ccii- hI lise 11111 Oi oîliestctocap aiitot. o saisi. Tise resut toi' Ibis, toc ctoisiinsted. ss iii bc more tîoopatred su îsîîg <oticîces. -Mai sot tlise m isr itiractisons isigi neser cause haros. God-siiig. hbut icsiahiy sîote soi liese itticîces ss iii teasi lo accidents ss iîh tinturies and piissthty esen taIaiies.- he saisi. -Ask aîoy relative or fiend soi a person who has heen seriousiy injured or kiiied hy an împaîred driver and ysou wiii find thai the s ast majority are agaînsi otterîog a cheaper way of consumîng wîne outsîde of the home. Drinking is a private matter where one cao drink A they ssani inside their o>wn homes. hut ouîside of the home irrespoosie drinking cao he deadiy.- Mr. Gareau said he's aiso womred about the ahîliiy of ossners and servers t0 keep tahs on the aicohot content of svs c us- tomers hritig it as weti as liiiiîî sont- surrmpiion. -ti clifiicut l'or rte lto 5 suaiie tlise sit uastiiton ss ocre a toîsiîosr is dri tiheir oss 1 v' tie It soîrfiî ands a suti îooeîsheî toi 00v ier sstio o sc tsi Isle table tliisssaitsi tliai sîstîtîsoco ss ii u litI sitops diii oît s'.n îleit0t toe\ uts e brittitobi lu otos toioe. toc stisi. Assorit l stîo lthtie proincise. 1isceticce tic tesites lo itîse o H ý't tiottiies tii l pîioîss sM il thse es,tîsiîoelîis toii isi tc It he i fsîsoî otii eossi itii ils oer- csoîssssîspliîot1 oosoi t ou.it L eetosees ire aisît nitotothîlo frotis er tiseîtîsouaest patronss. los aîciiîioîs THTR sictrte escessîs e eoîosstpioo saisi flie Proosilsce hy ali io tpa:trtons lit t.tc hsotme i teseaicot. sit itoisiý, boutie of s lt Atii o tii tY(o\\ îs an THISR. ses crai changes, hasve isecî maste lo ttc ease pubhi c scit -eis. itaiiiei tlie Pi us isse. 'Fioc i irst atiitsss tlise Rcoiostî.t itf Aicio ands Camoing lto îoiioesisaieiy soîspeos a1 Iiqussi licenoce "ts flie toutlic ilisiest.« stiet as su- Ssee WINE on page il VEAR MAKE ACURA 2002 Acura BMW 2004 0MW BUICK 2002 Buick 2002 Bucto 2001 Buicto CHEVROLET 2003 OSenrot 2003 Chevrolet 2002 Chevoolet 2000 Chevrolt CHRYSLER 2004 Chrysiel 2004 Clorysiet 2000 C$rysteo 2000 Chiysler DOOGE 200$ Goolge 2004 D049e 2002 t3odge 2001 Dodge FORD 2004 Ford 2003 Ford 2003 Ford 2003 Ford 2002 Ford 2002 Ford 2002 Ford GMC 2003 GMO HONDA 2000 Honda HYUNDAI 2004 Hpuoa« 2001 Hyondaî 2000 Hyundai 2000 Hyundai INFINITY 2003 Inlîni JAGUAR 2001 Jaguar 2001 Jaguar JEEP 2004 Jeep 2001 Jeep 2001 Jeep