Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2005, p. 16

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16-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 18, 2005 under my roof FAMIL CHIROBÀCTI CARE Da /ji * rom DATELINE on page 13 Sensiblyf meets ai 6:15 p.m. ai the Milton Seniors' Activîty Centre, 500) Cbîlds Dr. This is a non-protfit, non-commrial weigbî loss support group ibat provides motiv ation, support and fniendsbîp. A nminimnal cbarge applies. For more information. caîl Nancy Nutwak ai (91)> 878-4025 tir visit www.tiops.uorg. Impros e communoication antd leadfership skifls wîib the Milton VACUSAGE CELLULITE TREATMENT " Reduce the appearance of cellulite " Smooth out dimpled legs and derriere " Noticeable inch loss in targeted area " Enhance lymphatic drainage CALL TODA Y FOR YOUR FREE LEG ASSESSMENT! 905-875-2889 Z WE ALSO OFFER - Electro-muscle tonîing treatments - Weîght Management - Non surgîcal face, lIft 55 ONA I ST S. UNT1 WEATHER CONtitTONa 0F TH1E AREA YOU ARE SKATING AND i TAKE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTIONS. + Cansaîia Red Cross Charleston Homes offers homebuyers a life of r leisure and tranquility in its two latest communities By Marijana Prica \Vith tls leisurelv? pace. scenic landscapea and undîsturbed tranquilit\. il ta nol difficutîl 10 understand vhs countrc living is an irreaistible. One boîlder who is helping people make their dream of living in the coontrv corne (nie, as Charleston Homes. This long-lime builder has a repotaîlon for creatîng welf-crafted homes in serene country settings. Two of their latest offer- inga that hase been drawing honebuvers (rom the GTA are Ennbrook Countrv Estates and Mill Run. Erinbrook Country Estates Located ni the charming village of Ern. whîch is onlv 25 minutes north of Mlississauga, thia nesv residential estale community captures the essence ni a countn, lifestvle. Erinbrook is com- prised of 49 single famîlv, homes thal are set on one-acre home sitea. What tbis means is you wvill have plenty of room and pnivaev 10 enjoy the beautiful outdoors. and sou will alsoi be able (o enjoy them without slaring directKv int vour neighbour's yard. "For anvone w.ho ta înterested in seeing the stars. smelling tie fresh air or listening 10 bird-. chirping. tItis is the place to be.' says Dîck Marein. the Director of Sales and Marketing foi- Charlestton Home. The designvti for Erinbrook are available tin Iso- sttîress. ,chich range too 2,613.4) sq. f1. aa well aas bungalows. whtch range from 1.959 Ici 2,435 't!. fi. toiliktu cils homes. these feature garages that are lticated and accessed on the aide. rather than at the front. which allowa for a more pleasing front elevation. The titi strrev desiOns include fotur hedrîtms and have heen destgned with the kitchen as the heait if the home, with plentv if rîtom for fami- lv- g:îîherings. lncltîded on the main fluor otf these designs are a den. living and dinîng room as ivel! as a latmndrv rrîom. The btungalows designs are ideal for the er-npt\* ne-ster as they offer a 00e fltur lilealvle îvith eversthîng on the main floor. Thev have heen desîgned as three-hedroîîm bhumes. however there as an otion Iii convert the third bedroom mbt a honme oîffice tir studv. Although numerous features are included srtth these homes. purchasers have mome room Ioci us- tomize svith mani\ differenf options available. 'e try 10 design our homes with a certain amount of llexibility in the plans." savs Marvun. We are înterested in sehat sou siant: ste're here 10 listen. no0110 tel] sou what vou should have." Prîces ai Erinbrook start aI $499.900. For more information about Eninbrook or for an appoint- ment 10 iess our mode] home. please caîl Dîck Marvîn aI 519-653-3755. M iii Run Nestled next to the Rockwoîid Conservation Area and the Eramosa River. Mill Run is noin ils' .final phase of construction. This exclusive communitv features 1601 fully detached homes on expansive Sîl-loot home sites. With bungalosi and two-storev desigris. Charleston Homes'Tram is confident in itsahailitv- Ir suit cour needs. The charning harnlet of Rockwoud priivides the petiect hackdu p. With parka. walking traîls, oupen spaces and Oie natural wcorld aIl around vou. thîs ta a place sehere ancv iamilc would be proud 10 put down rools. For eiîi1ty nites lootiîng tor cinvetuicnce. Charleston [(tîntes ha- a great seletîn oif trmc huingaltîw plans. Secoînd hedrorims are asi, încluded ni these bungalow plans fîr extra space se-hen adult thildren corne to visit. The l3evon htingalttw nîtdel. ont iii tht miist pcîpulir designs offered bv Charlestoin. is roughlv 1,50(j sq. fi. The Greatl lloîm has an optional vitlted ceîlîng for elegant cnlertaining. Buîîh bedroeîms are generous, and the master retreat comnes complete svîth a prîvale ensuite and large walk -n closet. WiIh tht oîption of a finished basement available. Ihere is not limît 10 what lîfest\lie sou rnay enjos, The popular tsvo-storev Ahýhev design is alreadv a favotirile for voung familc homebuyers. With formai living and dinîng rooms and a generous familv room, Ibis house seems bo invite gaîher- ings of frienda and neighbours. Direct connec- tions 10 the kitchen malte entertaining a jos. and allow- parents 10 keep a watchful eve on voung bildren aI ail limes. Main floor laundre. home office and a private poseder room. complele the pîcîture of a modem haveun from the svnrk-a dayý world. Starting in the low S300.(ltt1s, earlv bîrds cao be confident oif having a chance 10 select a home site that backs onto the seood lot. Now. ssîth iupring around the comner. il's the ptrfecl time tii vili the model home. Charleston Homces mode! is oipen ai tht \lîll Rtîn Site ilf Hîgh\%-a\ 7 in Rrîckwooiîd. Moîtndsv thrî ugh îetdniesdac- front I p.m. to 7 p.m.. as Ste!! as Saturdac. Sunda\v and holîdavs. from 12 tri 5 p.m. Cal! for more details aI 519-856-4411 or vîisit stsss.charlestonhomes.ca. c4iiika 4keti 3111 Mar!ti Stit reî'i, Miltttt (905) 878-5165 WIry is it that when anything goes without saying, it neyer does? 'l oasirnasters. t.sciyitne is s clconre lIo attend tlie ineeting i ibe Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. lupper level>. at 7:30 p.m. For information. eall Allan Lahue ai (905) 877-3441. HeIp for Parents, a Halton parent support group, meets in the evening in the basement of the churcb at 5720 Nets St. in Burlingion. Tis non-denominaîiîînal self-support group belps parents of cliildren who are in trouble ai borne. at schoîil or with the law or sho are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a mem- ber of Association of Parent Support Gioups in Ontariuo. 1-or more information. tait 1-8(00 488-5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a fret program for parents andi babies aged 6 monîfîs and younger, meets witb a public bealîb nurse to discuss parenîing and infant care. The gritup mecîs ai the O)ntario Early Years Centre. 917 Nîpissing Rd.. trom 1:30 Io 3:30) p.m. For miore information, cal! î9015î 825-611X1, ext. 7299. Milton District Hospita holds a breastfeeding clinic witb a cer- tificd lactation consultant from 9:31 to 11:301 a.m. For mitre infor- mation or 10 make an appitinimeni. cal! Jean Galieno ai 1905> 878- 2383, ext. 7031. Tbe Salvation Army. 1001 Nipissing Rd., suite 3, bolds a serap- booking group froîm 7 10 9:31 p.m. Brîng alîng phottos and a scraphook. Basic supplies are prit-.ideti ai no cost. Il alsît hîîlds ils Busy Hands, Creative Minds group frorn 9:31 0 Il 1 ar.,. witb gaines. crafis, songs aîid stitries lioi parents and ibeir pre-scbool- cr 1-oe more infoirmation. cîlI (289> 2-12-1432 ori e-mail diehrî(eu kbicommuitniiy comi. 'Flic Wtmen'. Centre. 210- 1515 Rebecta Si.. in Uakville biîld-. fret peer counselling iii pcrson tir oie ihie phonue frotm 10I a.ni. i 3 p.m. hk itliiieer, Itîr stîmen fat up abie. grîef/oss, aîîd rela- iion-.hip 5-.e t appoiiineiit- tîtcoav 1-tr mitre ilt rira- liotn. c,îll (905) S47-55201. Flic Miltoîn Senioîrs* Atis n Cetre. 5001 Cliilds Dr. ltlf.il,, I)osnsiers Weight Ioss (lobih III titai. -Fliecîî.j o is 2 hîti meihtr-. andt 54 ltoi ste oîciitiîlter. [ta motre tel it itîî. cilI '91X,7-1681. Nednesda.s Feh. 23 'lic Miilton Safet » Committee tutti-, illi the huitn poi tc ta io on il- l)ie,î al4 5:3 1iii iîlîtnniîtt tll itît \tîouit- i\ a~O 34iniý;h t iti bi ai mursý hi ays ri epa- Ssee more DATELINE on page 19 s i*.orbvry sM à e tic&

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