Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2005, p. 11

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Dog was on the mn UU4. ol ueatfl trom BORDER on page 8 inciriding a hiiikcii db. saris, a iiiiivîîîîed ring, ses cie ,ibdeiîîeii htecdiiîg. a rriîitrîred lis ci aid stileen. hrriisîng nu itre heati. abdenreir anti ring antI n as aise xriitcruutg trenu hypritberniia. Tue couple their bad tri take ici tri tise (Intarrir Veteriirary Criliege at the tineersits rit (tieijili .accriîntiaiiied hy Dr (?rriskery whrî sat in the tract seat wîtiî Arr tic anci warnicrl ber n tIi bru watei boules. "Vse dtdtr't kuors f she was griing tri issake t tir uni." Ms Mai ru said. Ainlie received three blooti tralisi tisions tn (Jrîelph anti stayeri ai tue choie for unir days. Since tire transfusions totit se n cil. she didn't need suugery. sshîch ssas eriotnaily expected. Ms Marit nrîted tire staff at the clinie werc ssendcrfrii atîri teint tise urne te explain es'ctyîhing tri tfiem. "Tise comiori levet thcy created was jusi bcyrîtîd expectations. Airlie was treaîed se unbeiicvabiv." she said. VVhiie Airlie is stifi on iîeavy issedication. Ms Matit sain shes getting hact te normai. "Wc wouldn't have ber if it svasn'î for Monty:' sfic stîrd teatini- y. "He fîîrced hts osvncn te take Intîtice had tuai tînt happened.... our vet said sfic was on the bruît ut deaîh. Motnty s the whiiie rea- son shes here." Oser ai tire Arlam lîrîrîseirrîtri. Monîy s aisti berng hai cci a bei n. "He n as s cry tictnuiiruuicti. tuxi I 'uni se glati ifiat lie was:' Ms Adam satd. "I'm prouti tuf' him. He rcaiiv dîri titi tt gorntf nb." She adrfed that inrîsi inuiîtînanîiy. shes giati Airile s titax. Ms Marit satd sues cspeciatl~ îhannkftîi for everyone n bit heipcd Airile. inciuditug Dr. Criîsteny anti the Oakpart Pet Hosîiital staff. Dr. Teresa Cheng and her staff ai the University tii (iuciph aird. tif crîrîrse. Monty and Ms Atiam. Noss. Ms Marit said sucs gotng tri gise something bact by enrolling Madden n a bltîrnd riotîrîr prnîgram foi drîgs ai tise cititir. in Guelph as sooti as he tunîs nue. "Madden's going te nef iii the hank f tir what Airite ittrut." Mt'/aîtie Ht'iiir'îît'v rînti hi io'ai/iî'ti ai îti/ii'îiiii r ri'i'~l riti/îiiii INGk (tii yen Aothorîoed Provîder of Nil Fînannai and insurarine Solutions 0. Scot Sinden Fitattial Sensîces Repîesentaiioe 259 Datforth Are Torosto, Oui M4K t 52 mari sîors@2t9daniorrlr mmi ~ Phone l4till 46i 6474 est i3f Websîte mistiriantial ta Murtaugh SmItD Fmnanclal Jru~sf~r7~ J'<') fi 'W<) 412c N i i~'Q'" & Fitne~,s C~r"tc'rs 575 Ontarlo Street (The corner nI Derry Rd.) WATCH FOR... Our Post Ut Note on the Front Page in Tuesday's issue of... The Canadian Champion Fnîday. February 18 2005-11 Wine law mmes i'ncler fire hv Mz\DD irom NEW on page 2 unîtiotis whcre tiscres a ibreat te pubîte safcîv. Tise second dortisies the rarnimuuui fines for oftences related te liquor anti rtndcrage drinkers and tise tisird creates an offence cf f ailing te leave a premise whcn required tri by a police efficen. tir retuming the same day after being asked te leave. Me. Gareaus sentiments, however, echo tiiese ef MADD Canada spokesper- son Wanda Kristensen. "We don't tisink tise govecoment bas apprepriaîcly weigised tise available empirical research," said Ms Kristensen. director of programo ai MADD Canada's National Office. "fConsumer and Business Services Minister) Jim Watson Itasn'î adequately safcguarded tise publie againat tise new risks poscd by isis li't'5)Vs ast. Ms Krîstensen's sels David. i6, was killed in Oakville in November. 1996 wisen the underage driver of a car its wlnîch ise was a passenger lest contret and struet a hydre pele. MADD Canada's position, Ms Kristensen continued. is that tise govem- ment failed le set a reasonable cerkage fee "despise tise evidence tisai this meas- ure would significantly crirb tise avail- ability of ciseap wine on tise restaurant table." Second, tIse Province failed te make it mandaîory for licencees wbo opt for BYOW te aise have te provide tise re- corkinsg option se patrons cas bring tise resi home. "As a motiser wise bas lest a son in an alcohol-related crash. I dont want te sec famijies suifer because of tise intredue- Aur t'eS semeot Milton's Newest Naturopathic Clinic lu laneary 2005, Naturopathie Doctors Kate Rheaurne & Kenneth Bateman opened Milton Naturopathît Clinît at 335 Main Street East. Dr. Kenneth Baternan was tnterested n being a dor.tor sinte hîgh school. While attendiog Queens Untversity for Pre-Med & a Bachelor of S( jonce Degree. he nid velenîcer work at a hespital where he îealized he wanted te help peo- pie live better lix es, flot test lix iheir ailments.' Dr. Baternan then aueuded the tour year program at the Canadian iYollege et Naturepathîc Medicine. He liked how well tIre college prepared hini tor the Iicensing exains. You also have to pass 14 exams n 4 (laVs hetere yoe cao prit.- tit e." Dr. Kate Rheaerne alwat, s sx anted to lie a dot toi. There are medical dot tt>rs i n her tarni y and she uer (led at s iiei-ig i li<' M age that was the tlire( tien she ss aiitcd tii gii. Attei atteudi rip aiid tex M Master .1 ix ersity sOc te I y i iiteiitle(l te t îmutî nee ou iii Lites tlieir nieclit ai pregi arn but then hanged bei lite îîerse te tirai tii e a noie 'huîlîstiî kiud et nîcîlin ire. S Bietl She aise received bei toto vear degree aI Oie C anadiaii * C liii~ College et Nateropathit Merlit ne ,iiinl t eiiitileted lxxii '~ cars h id et resideiic'~ aI tIre college. (luIs thice stetîcots eut et eue * Htiii- liencîretl aîid fontv are selectenl iîîr liii n'sidciît. s o egnari c xii thîs was qu te au berioe r. Suc lias l)ccii pi ai t il i ii~ i i liiroiito * But a tor the ast two ycans. The il as Aeî r Buîtli 'sate aiid Keu felt tliat Miltirri sxîiiîlrl lie a great trits r ~ Oî il te set tiîi licir luit tiantit c. svcll ix "lis ,i cal pressing t iiiîîiiiuiîîts luit still lias tîrat siîiall tics i i k i appeil staies Keir, "Peuple lit. i [ccii sers ss cli iiirriiig.' i w.. k Naîuropaîhic Doclors Kafe Rheaume & Kenneth Baleman opened Milfon Naluropathie Clink ai 335 Main Streef Easi in Ianuary 2004. ~I >1 1 litirxnli liii. rît N .it i i i a i Kate ai pa heu s ni liii i tutu nia nyiyi pi> 1 finis eh tiers. iii cuinsrnfcrcd regtiiatiuiis.' xaid Ms Kristenscn. "le nîy niind, gtnv- eremento siseuld err ou tise side cf public safcîy wben tisey make ihese types of changes tisai will, ntnqucstionably. put more drinking drivers on car roads." Mn. Gareau maintains tisaI increased public awareness may lead te more pee- pie taking cabs. staying ovemigisi, arranging rides aisead of urne, or isaving sober designaîed drivers 10 drive drisîkers home. However, ise said, unlil everyone wiso drinks oulside tise home practises respon- sible proactive measures te get isome alive. ise remains appreisensive about tise new BYOW îaw. "Tise general public sisould be as well because an impaired driver cas strike ai any urne of tise day, aifecting tise lives of innocent people." i trio Nattirep.itliic Clîîîic etici s iiitorniutioii utniciit xx tIi: tyle crîuîîssrllîîîg icratutitit L)raiiiapc tiI Nuit itîeiî (Dîri .incl Setîplt'iiin'utsl trouaI C lîtiiese Metlin rie At etietir. inînt' teiaîu.itlis' uit il i'sItrnlii trie tut alsci tutiens 5[ut't i.il tLi'tl thet riliies soc i elti Meclit tue ilie tise rît iht' toIse nul ilie etri t and tir'~it iiîilîal.îiur t t' iii' titIs t As lituwerî hier pis nuul lis cleither .i~îv. uit ssr'lî îtiîîi's urss u.itieiils et iii aptrs. s mil S.itr.tiul.is 1î pipi n iitiiictil. VS a~ s et sl,îs lit'.illlts it I lxiii iii liicîkiiîg tttt't'r titI lii iiii'i'liiii; ii('55 ils air aptîttiriliiieiit ian tii itrini titi îiîîmnî' tîîîîî t iii ilie Vtilt<itî N.itnitiiji.iîliti i NATUROPATIIIC CLINIC ~35 Main Street East, Milton 905-693-1993

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