,,Ha1ton MPs weigh inon samne-sex marriage issue Carr plans to vote against bill onz h ih oeult ihu By JASON MISNER and same-sex mamred couples. d iscrimination witb access to mar- Special ta The Champion While MPs will make the final riage for everyone. Freedom of Two out of tbree of Halton's rep- decision about the bill, there's no religion is recognized in our resentatives in Ottawa are in favour concrete timeline for a vote. Charter and upheld in this legisia- of the same-sex marniage legisia- Halion's three MPs were recentîy tion, ensuring that ail religîous tion currently before Parliament. asked whether they agree with the institutions continue to have the while the third plans to vote proposed same-sex legislation and right to perform marriages in againsi the controversial bill. to explain their position in 100 accordance with their beliefs. This On Fehrua-r 1 Minister of words or less legislation ducs not affect religious Justice and Attorncy Geiieial of Canada Irwin Cotler introduced in the flouse of Commons the Civil Marriagc Act - Bill C-38 - which would extend equal access of civil marriage to samne-sex cou- pIes while respectîng religious freedorn. According to the federal govero- ment, the proposed bill would give sarne-sex partniers who decide to marry the samne civil legal recogni- tion of their commitnment as other married couples. The bill includes consequential amendiments to eight federal statutes. They include the Canada Business Corporations Act, Canada Cooperatives Act, Ctvilian War-related Benefits Act, Divorce Act, Federal Law and Ctvtl Law of the Province oh Quebec Act, Income Tax Act. Marria-e (Prohîbited Degrees) Act, and Modernîzation of Beneftts and Obligations Act. These amend- ments are being made to ensure the equal treatment of opposite-sex Halton Liberal MP Gary Carr (No) 1 have spent a great deal of lime consulting with my constituents and it is clear the majority of themt believe we should keep the tradi- tional definition of marriage. 1 want to thank ail of my con- stituents that took the lime to e- mail, caîl and write me about ibis very important issue. [t is a very difficult issue and 1 appreciate the strong feelings on both sides of the debate. After lengthy discussions witb constituents on botb sides. I bave decided to vote against the bill.- Burlington Liberal MP Paddy Torsney (Ves) 1support the Civil Marriage Act. It respects and dehends the Charter rîgbts of ail Canadians. Exîendîng tbe night to civil mar- niage through an aci of Parliameni ensures consistency across the country. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, February 15, 2005-3 IF - . marriage. t huitds upon the tradi- tion of equality and respect Canadians value in their society.' Oakçville Liberal MP Bonnie Brown (Yes) "The courts in a majority of provinces -seven -and in one ierritory have established that the Charter rigbt to equality without discrimination requires that cou- ples of the same sex and couples of the opposite sex have equal access to marnage for civil purposes. "Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act, extends this access across the country. Bill C-38 alto recognîzes that officiaIs of religious groups are free to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs. If C-38 were deheated in the flouse. sarne sex mariage ssould remain legal in 8 jurtsdictions. including Ontario, but there would be no legal protec- tion for religious groups. Therefore. 1 wîll vote in havour (of