Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 2005, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 15, 2005 I y', Si. JJiWx~5 Horse experience necessary. Fax resuane te 905-854-065<) EI)ENGROVE LANDSCAI>ES LTI>. We are an award wrnnrng iandncape organlzanon servrcrng Ihe Oakvnile and Minsînvauga area Wriir neyerai povitionu avanlabie. we are Inokmng tor enihuvavtrc undîvîduain te asnrvr us n nervîcîna Ihis rndustrp Fl LL TIME POSITIONS ~ NIIAISI.E *Iaxnxlxxxxpx-IIxxùax.-exxxxe b'xxrx-11xx-,nxex I.axexlnxxria.- lIxixi x-,axxxxx'0 <xn'xxruxxix,,x i<'x'Ieirixx,,, lard l..xatr<I e NliIixxii PI ~-a-.- lS~. -~~- i., <)i>5-u9:t-0 125 xx Emcilcixlaka,,i1e-n@a,,I..xxu ATTENTION: Summer Students Unilocle Ltd. vas upevînos lvi Fuît-lime Seasonal (Aprri-Sepremberî Reral Casrnmer Sexy cv Reps Sarur0ays as e qîxea May Se requoen iv use a rurklnrr irrarvrvg prvvraea) nsae virce nnrk versons cusrvmexs Musi Se sert nrxrrer nxgavzed a quck vaines ex cellevi pvnple skrls a mysi Prevîvus expesence cr5 ne publiC an assvr Seva vuar boume n vni dence v Fax iv 905-874-3034 ex E mal Sarpaxa.Scade@sn, vce com ATTENTION irsae Sales Supem sus PARTTIME POSITION Avarlable or locar Manstacrsring acd Dinh ourmo ousîrrens Durren courd rnouae Oraxr Takrrg ana Curry, SOippîra ara Irrvvrcrng. Gnnd Cnnmunrcar or ana Cnnparxx Olsils a naur Sadirronar rxxpnnnbrlîrrxs avairabie o 15e riohi appiscari TAs ponrirno otiers Flexible HnurS iv ar Unîrue Crivixormeni Appircani nunr ne xeli-mnrivaiea und aux iowonarsuper vised If rntereaied fax reaume 10 905-702-8913 Or repiy iv Box 1183, Georgetown, Ontano L7G 4Tr CO-OPOINATOR PART-TIME Witioc Parti Ecoiogy Centre ru ioeking for an enthu- uîautrc, creatîve, envîronmentatty committed îndvîduai cho mn carti îndependenttp cithîn 16e utructure pro- vîded by 16e Sieerîng Commîttee The succeastut candidate uhoutd have a university degree, good oral and crîflen cnmmunîcaiîon ukilto, experrence corteng wilh niaI iv enoîronmental edu- cational program detîvery and knnwtedge nI eiementarp and secondary curriculum. Experrence v fund-raîoîng and with computer programu auch ou Word, Excel and Pncerpornt ru reqaîrea Deadîlce :25 Februare 2005 Sevd reaumea lv Rutfr Kuchînua FuxA 905-873-9072 amuît. roih@wrilow arkecolornucom Jameson Pool & Spa US HIRING! Jameson Pool & Spa Sas Oui ta namo loi boit as a quai rty prourder ot nec pool coostîuctroo poor Service pool supplies patio turorture aod spas the oaue gioco lu oecome ove 0115e largesi iv 10e ceot Torooto aiea Oui staR sIRe most impofluot componeor ut oui Ousîneso Job aduancement avd team worî Selpo uS marolaîn oui valuva otaît We are rookrvg toi dedicatea rodrurduaro wSu Rave experrence or are crllrog 10 Se trarovd Pasilians Available: STORE Helprog clients cReose 16e rîRSI producto Ovar îouod Fuît Orme ana Pao Orme CONSTRUCTION Genrent tînrooero cOnotioctrOn laborers fonce rootallero Seasonat fuit lime and pan lime empioymoor CUSTOMER SERVICE 800k service ana repaîr apporormenis Trace amplerron ut coiR Osai roavit lui lime aird part lime SERVICE TECHNICIAN Repu r pools and opus Opeo and close poolS Fol liTe aod pari t me seasuoa emproîmeril POOL SALES Mccl aIS ci ent lu p an aod estimaIs E mail yaar resume paul@îamesanpaal cam or fax la 995 828 7320 Pjp doateas floral î a CURVES FOR WOMEN la aCCepting applications for 4-Ypm weekdays & Saturday mornîngu. We are looking for someone evergetic and setf-motîvated who loves to work wîth people. Thîs part lime ponîtron s a perfect opporfutlity for someone returnîng ta tIse work fonce Ford Or and Cornwatl location Send resume to curves forwomen@hotmatl.com or fax: 905-338-8890 Proshop, Backshop, Marshalls, Oîshwashers, Wait Staff, Bartonders Exp. Line& Prep Cooks, Maintenance & Gardeners Apply n persori FeR 19 or 2610 1 tam 2pm ai 1265 Riante Rd or Fax 905 827 8362 or van 1401 Broute Rd Gakurile LSM 403 BINDERY HELP Needed n the Qativilte area. BASIC BINDERY EXPERIENCE NECES- SARY This is an on-cail position and houro would vary. Hourly wage v $8 - $9 dependivg on experrence Must have steel toed shoas. Please fax resume la 905-845-1320 Attn Plant Manager Apprentîces weIcorTle C11 Samrnith 9D~-3O8-61 18 START WORK WEDNESDAY' Looking for a number of people to train as AIR OUALITY TECHNICIANS We Offer: * Complete Co Trainroge $14.9~Nr, I$2500IMo. 10 stade Paid To Vacatians. Falifline Rours vo ray otis' Protessiovar & tîrendi> vorti enurrovmevl You Offer: * Wrltrvgneos o Ieam * Poortue att Iode * lOy appearance * Puvctualrty * Good corti ethrc MusI have own transportation CatI 905-561-9426 Mon. & Tues. 9-Spm for an interview Ontarlo Power Generation (DPG) van Ontarro hased compave, chose plîncîpar business s 16e generatiov and sale of electnrcrty OPO Ras excrtrng oppontuvities at oui Pîctierîne and Darirngton Nuctear Oeeeratiog Otatîves fox camen and men cho are rnterested iv chaliengîog careers as NUCLEAR OPERATORS Ruo cîti enter an internîve traînîne progrua n chîch cou cr11 leain about 16e sale and efficient operatîvo 0f a noclear generafîne station, and Se eîoev pleîitî 0f oppoirunite 10 develop your okîlis Rs a Nuclear Operator on shîtf. yois ciii perfora fîeld operairons and actrurîres iv accordance cîfh appnoaed procedunes under the ourdance of a FretO Ovrît Operatîxe Sisperuroor Specrficailî, cou ciii uerify 16e status avd partîcîpate n IRe operaîron rut sîatron enurpîneol avit systeas ard ciii assîsî v 16e correclroo id abvormal system corudîtîvuîs O self motraated rodrerduai cr16 a fuvOarneotai kvocledge 0f mecSavrcai and eleclucal pirocpies cr11 excel v ihîs cSotteoernc role 0v 6e cocsraered for an entuy level povrîror loir musl Oaue a minimum ut an Onîarîo Secondans Ochool Duploma erra OOL 112 SI credîls iv Matsevrairc aurd Phîsics or Chemsstry. plus excepîroval problem soiosny okîlis, and currumcur ual arr aurd rvferpersourai absirîses Scademi equrvareots uoay Se coosîderea Pervoosrrated puofîcrerîce v ErrurusO aI a Grade 12 lever us esseotral Marine Slalienaiy Puiser Erueurreerure avd Navur experrense xsarild ve ai assel Phîrse crIS inînuarît noper essor rîrvy Se psu su air asLxir salsd Ira ssii pv5 ai, Sa cd on rodrurdual performance il you are ready lu mccl turese chalienees pieuse upply dire rie onlîne aI www.mypawerCareer.c0m Sy March 11, 2005 Wr ofler an cxcii r5 uvd challengru c eerk envîrnvmerul. and compelutrue occuper saîrour Appi ouvra muot have 15e fleerbi la ro souk shufi aid useekendo Ohîli suaS prevusorris asud coorpreherrorue berîclîto are po k ru Canada OFU c eus., lis is ail Sas a fl usididaies se es ied Inn Poilu a NIARIOPOWEI u5ppsrrs ihe puînsîples nna pua 5 - i . GENERATION s i ..aaairiq puirus rirai ul xciuipi se taira .]caii fred, cehable and quaiity consoouo machîniot ton lathe, mîllîng machine, and vertical honing mîlI work Mont have expenience wîth conven- tional machînen, have own toolu and be able to read and and interpret blue prîntu, worle alvo încludeo vome general ohop dutien. Familianity wiîh avvembiy und vervice ot rotat- ing equîpment tpumpvl devîrable. We 01er competituve wagev, above-average benefitu and gromth potentral Forward renume te ABBA PARTS ANO SERVICE 5370 Muvro Court, Borlinglon ON LPL 5N8 Fax 905 333 0973 Emaul rvfo@ahbaparfs com SWIM INSTRUCTOR Needed îmmedialety O Canote Murray's Swîm Academy. Please call 905-878-9747 SALES An exciling career opporlunhly awails you. lceouiifrmnp.'r s a division of Robert HaIt International, the wortd's leader n specialized financial staffing, with over 325 offices. We are Iooking for accounting and finance professionaîs to utitize their experience and industry-specitic skiffs f0 deveîop new business, estabîish strong client relationships, and recruit and place similar accounting and finance professionals. Join us for a rewarding sales career with a solid base salary, tucrative bonus program, and an outstanding benefits package, which includes stock options. For an immediate and confidential interview, please email yowr.... -- resume 10: danielie . bomben@rhi.com 5575 North Service Road, Suite 103 Burt îngton, ON L7L 6M1 fax: 905-319-2095 We are a progressive Veterinarsi clinîc iv the Campbellvitle Area that requrres a part tîme receptioniat. The houra include 2 evenîngs a week and Saturday morningu Duties moutd include anawenîng phones, bookîng appoint- menta, greeting clienfa, avd some general cler- cal work The succesafut candidate muat pou- seos excellent computer ekilla and have a pleanant phone manner Please fax nour resume to (9051 854-1169 aMxnbrrxFGxraxxox~~orexe RECEPTI4>iNIST Immediale openîvg (PT) Growrng mortgage company, expavdrng 10 Mîlton Outren. anoaenrng phone. clenîcal & general oîîce admînrotratron l'as re~Iinu-~ allîixlixxir flcnxn dli- W hili- @ l-ll6<a-269-:97 EH UNIS LUMIN TECANOLOGY BASCO BJSiNEOS SOLUTIONS CORPORATE RECEPTIONIST ~., (lijj 0c P Si 175' c u000u; r00 - srJl:S sf P,~ aartuc ~'i' 'rT,~ F~F 51 de roi r 75,1.0 SI 5,0 or-S jTrS Ta appty email: hr@unislumin.com - ~ Bobcat A leader v Equspmevi Drorrrbunren Fer Sebcar and oiher major equrpmenr limer wrvh prenreooree Porno & Service eperurmns o Eaoiern Canada, Marrhewo Equrpmenr crmrred h m openinqo n aur Fiobrcoke toca Bobcat Road Mechanîcs il pou have a cernîhoane as a Heaep Equrpmeni and/or Auxemenve Mechanrc. please checti ouI rhe outsrandrog opponnunînres me effer Havrng graduaîed from a commenîîy ceitege program mut be covsrdered an encelient asset Matthews Equipment Lad. Attnu HUMAN RESOURCES 35 Claireville Drive Etobicoke, Ontaria M9W 5Z7 Faxt4lOt679 4141 ns offi~ o.~ Idaqoruas cupciiciiseso LICENSED TECHNICIAN $23.50-$27.OO unit rate Fax reaume: Attention Dealer te 905-537-3347 70 Plaina Rd Woat BurlInOton $5 TAX PREPARER Bur~tîgton acTOuTttflg [S roquirîs oxp d T&t Praparor for ho ta~soason Ploase fax FOSUSO 10 905*632-2501 Esai> eric@ ericseidel.ca 5,5 Don't Be Left In the Dark! Don't forget the deadlines! l'il I h ' I hi h I h1 ' I hi I h

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