20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 15, 2005 Oak Park WALK.IN CLINIC* --t sleblanc@haitonsearch.com Hawks boister lead with triple OT win DeMarchi's golden goal clinches marathon clash AIE By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion R unning on empty one moment, walking on air the next. With his shornstaffedi charges tîghtrng back exhaustron more than four hours rifier beginning'ý gaule 15 (r agamusi flie vishirreg Brrrlirrgrîn Coîrgars Stinday, lceH,îssk Nlrke DcMrrchr burred a (r rsr shirt prrst ('his Rowsarr 8:43 inub tripie ilserirme --gis ii-gftice hirss a1 5-4 5 iLtorsv anrd ru i anes to-norme iramu îeriock ((( i irsi- I ii eels rise- itnI e a k s 55bni. co(ld bc et er fsvnopn rud rer.'" sii tihe ((hi- %\hirse golden gîral (acîr 2 \1irio ti5. Bill 11Iriirî -4 (301) sas sei uip ls C lrrs Cîr rttIr utj'ii 51r Ban nd Jaon dGilîre 'r SLILl aril Mr\erî ioi ( ilgril) Dopaco. "i se ues er .Grrrr tr Feh. 21 i filinrhîgrîrrr 17: p(in)i beeritu iris \ed u rail 7 liii 211 aiiirrlr (:3 11111 anririig. fis long lI\' preir\ iiring.' - Gis eri rbai Burlingron hosrs rire riexi Iwo iroiniesrs -ircluiiii ionrigbi's rhrrd tilt - gaine t\ss ocoLd alinosi he lrokeutpon as al MLISI ss il situation for cubher ieam. ai leasi irir a mnorale stand- poinut. Noted DeMarchi 'This ireips tis a lot. 'Ve reallv didîri si ani ru go into Burlintîgon îred 1I 1> Hossesýer. head coach George D)uponti didn't realîs sce rt as a make-or-break encouniter. cotrsidering thai iris IceHan ks ioîrk t of' three gaines ai Central Areira rts season1 iîciludirre one il siidderi ueath. -li's goinîg tu be a rougir sertes regardless t sshere sse'ie plaý- tn-, buLt Of Corurse ibis puis ite pressure oît rrem:- lire 'aid. Dossîri to îbree fines ais lorsiards Adain Pîlegî anrd Mati Dasis continue tu nurse iror injutries. the iuHis siere nio doirbi gîrîng on furmes b\ ie end ofi aine issî. Hossever. the> matched rire Cougars shirt forr shirt uîrîil DeNlàîchi seaied the deal jusi 1: 19 shy of' the lorîgesi gante ir franrchise hîsîory - whicb came on Apuli 21, 1998 when delence- man T.J. Lee sank a bluelîne shut ru ciinch game four orf the Ail- Ontario finals againsi Rayside-Bailour. Milton had four une-goal ceads erased befure finaiiy s'anquish- ing their regionai rivais. wiih DeMarchi depusiîîng a bluelîne blasi in the second pcnuod as well and Ryan Bernardi, Jesse Jenish aînd Breit Robinsun ruunding out the scuring. Tom Fentun faced twu mure shuis iban his equrtiiy-sharp coun- terpai 49-47 useraîll including issu duizen sîraighî atter sur- rendering, the (inai equalîzer eighî minutes intu the ihird perrud. Eaclr team had issu pusserplay uppurtunities ihrough ihe exterrîl ed extra session,.vsith Benrardi nearîs scorne on a shorihanded breakiia), on the Cougars' lîrsi nran-adsrmrage. Tss o rnghts. cachier. Fenrion anrd cirnparr\ iiirsed a une girrîl leaci l'or 17:22 tu take tire sertes opemer 3-2. "lie IceHa\,\ks crtpitrtlized oi tv issf ses cri pîrsierpiay rippuroil- Above, the lceHawks celebrate Mike DeMarchi's triple overtime winner Sunday. At right, goalie Tom Fenton and defenceman Casey GilhoIm deal with traffic in front of Milton's net. Photos by KEN KERR nitres aird ssouid have eujuyed mure success ss'th the mari advarr tage irad it nut been for sume dussnnghî irrasierful sases by Rowiair -prtrticulariy durîng an exterîded special-ieams srreîch in perird Capraîn SiraîdorAîphunso's rebîruud backhaird ssîîh 3:29 lef in the secotrd stood up as the ssînner. ssîîh Bemnardi and Mri Price aiso denting the tisne. Prîce had n golideni ippooiiiriix ru inake it a mîrlîr gîral nîghr erirly in the ihird. but vats derried Oit a penailty shirt. lir aduditioîn tir geting Pîleggî and Bri s brick ir aborut a ss eek, the 1ceHrîssks sîrîl brise Torronrtor Mrrlics APs Jorîit Trisires rundî sairr Grîgîer as atiruble forr lis\'egrîuîres airiece. GENERAL REPAIRS ePERFORMANCE EXHAUSI adaq*c FREE EXHAUSI INSPECTION 1 TH-E BEST SOUND IN TOWN* Am ML 9:W. I12M 'i -*1Sèe /. #-4 ck Iyt TI PI !j1 Fop D'tail u ---- ------------------------------------ Call r-ir . -