2-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, February 15, 2005 R E AL PEO0 PILE S EL LIN G GR EA T C A R S' -7 Naioa Ca wn Services on-site M M 1 LTO N (ekTOYOTA Ly Ourwinter cure. 77- IDonations to $2 .--.00,000 By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Thanks to local residents, the North Halton Red Cross has managed to raise almost $200,000 for the tsunarni relief efforts. Judith Dobbs, transportation co-ordina- tor witb the local office, said they've received $193,000 for those devastated by the natural disaster in southemr Asia fromn b the Milton and area community. "That was really, really good. It was raised in about three to four weeks," she said. "We'd like to tbank aIl businesses, sehools and members of the public. It was just an amazing fundraising effort." Internationally, tbe Red Cross bas done so well fundraising -bringmng in $1.4 bil- lion - that it doesn't need to continue col- lecting money for tsunami relief. "Basically, we've raised enough money," Ms Dobbs said, adding that tbe Red Cross calculated it bas enough for a l0-year pro- gram to belp rebuild sebools, bornes and more. "We're in our winding down period now." But, that doesn't mean people sbould stop dropping donations off at tbe Milton office. "Donations are always still needed," Ms Dobbs said. "Tbere's always sometbing going on in the world that people need belp witb." She said if people bring in donations now, tbey can go to tbe Guyana flood relief effort or other more localized projects. During the peak of the tsunami relief lundraistng last montb, heartvwarming sto- ries of Miltonians' efforts werc heard ail over town -wbetbcr it be students donat- tng their own hard-eafned nioney or busi- nesses sacrilictng a gond part of their sales to lielp those oui on the other side of' the ss orld. Ms 1)obbs said she's still expecting to sec a fcss more tsunamit donations madte. aîs there's sonme area compantes Jîîst ss rappin.- uip their lundraisîtîg efits. i buse iinterested in gcttiing ns \ols cd s wit the Red Cr oss or t nding out more ýIlot ss it sel s ces it pros ides cati stop hri te local ofice clii b ain openihowîc sscc k/s oIlnlteer i1ppicc iilt0n sseek stîtiît Mîarcli 7. 'llie Red C toss office io lca icl al 100) For itiote inforination. call 0)0) 8 75-1451). Mlhiiî, 11lill,se it (li bs l ii (icd ai School windows smashed Police are învestigatîng alSer more ihan 30 windows were smashed at Milton District High School Friday night. One or more unknown suspects began throwing bricks through groLnd level, exterior windows at about 11:301 p.rn., Halton Regional Police said. The private sccurîiy company that mont- tors the surveillance systemns inslalled a) tlie Willianms Avenue sehool alcoled police. Damiage is estiinated aI $50011. - Atîyone witb information is askcd Iii catI * police aI 19115) 825-4777 or Cime Sioppers ai 1-8(00 222-TIPS 18477). 400 Steeles Avenue East, Milton 905-875-1700 www.miltontoyota.com Mai