1- - Champion Country, Tuesday, February 15, 2005-13 é' Deaf day centre slated to open next month Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Brad Saunders (left), executive director of the Bob Rumbali Associations for the Deaf, joins with Rev. Bob Rumbail at the unveiling of the plans for the Milton day centre. ew Rural Milton-basedfaciliiy willfill gap for deaf aduits By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion For many local deaf students, their school years spent at E.C. Drury cati be one of the most enjoyable times of their lives - they're surrounded by people who understand them and know sign language. Now, the Bob R u tr h all m Associations for 1ý of Our client waJ the Deaf (BRAD) is hoping t0 fIll uteve bave aj»b i thue the gap for deaf rM i"tY, but they Mtl individuals once they graduate need a m "eannfl day." with a $l.5-mii- ....................... lion day centre KA UAlU8 that's scheduled rnonth in rural Milton. -It's a day centre tor our deal clients with developrnental. behav- toutral and emottonal challenges." said BRAD Business Manager Karen Chambers. "Some ol our clients will neyer have a job in the community. hut they still need a meaningful day.' The 8,OOI) square-l(101 facility located on Camphellvtlle Road will leature a classroom. actî'.îty areas. a sensory room. comtnon room with vaulted ceiling and lire place. kitchen and plenty of offiice space tor staff. Ms Chambers said those who attend flice day centre. coming -see CENTRE on page 15 We're changing our hours to fit yours better. To be more accessible to you, we're introducing longer hours of business to the majority of our GTA branches. * Extending our weekday hours * More branches open Saturday " Extending existing Saturday hours Visit your local branch for details. Please visit us for ail your personalM and small business banking needs. For what matters. The CIBC Logo and 'For what matters" are trademnarks of CIBC. 6