The Canadian Champion, Fniday February 11, 2005-31 Lairtiaw Educatien Services DRI VERS STILL NEEDED Free Training Scitool Bas Drivers Wanfed Ci 905-877-4448 LoîOiae o air equai oppooiuity Company P/T CUSTOMER SERVICE Mature person wîth entrepreneurial spirit, reqoîred Io eork in soal Cakaîlte office for marketing & customer service position. Hours are flexible, osually 2 daps pst eeek, plus holîdap cooerage. Peqoîrementsý ocif-orga- nînotion. renouation knooledgo, customer sorvice skilis and Word Perfect Please e-mail rosumes te: Horse Farm - Requires persan for fuît time employment. $9/hr 5Ohrs/wk. Homse experience necessary. Fax resuine to 905-854-0650 ATTENTION: Summiner Students Uniiock Ltd. bau openîngs for Full-time Seasanal (Aprol-September) Retail Cusiomer Service Reps,. Suturdayn are te- quired. May be requîred lu use a forkîlft (training provided), insîde office work, servicing customers. Must be self starter, urganîzed, a quick learnet, es- cellent peuple skills a mrust, Previsus esperience cdth the public un assei. Send your resumne in confi- dence lu: Fax lu: 905-874-3034 ut E-mail: ATTENTION: Insîde Sales Supemvisot CONSTRUCTION RENTAL COMPANY REQUIRES FULLTIME, PERMANIENT Delivery Truck Driver (Case DZ) Deîivery Truck Driver (Claus AZ) Yard Forkîift Operator (rs,ffsflbs plus) Day shift cith weekends off. Medicalîdental,' pension, profit shaning. Muut supplp carrent driver's abstract. PIeuse fnrcard resumes toi 1363 Cornwall Rd, Babilîle, ON L5J 4Z5 or Fax: 905-844-5122 Jameson Pool & Spa OS HURING! Jameson Pool & Spa Sas boîtt a name for 1501f 000 alai îtp prouider 0f ooc pool constructron, pool service, pool supplies, patio lurnîture and spus. We have grown ou becoms One of the laigst ini he cool Toroto aria. Our staff is the most important compostent 0f oOt business. Job adeancemoot and team work helpo us maietaîn our valoed staff Ne are tooking for dedicated indiolduals who have esperience or are cîlling to be traroed. Positions Avaiable: STORE ffetpîng clients choose the rîghl productu. Year round Fult Tîme and Part Cime CONSTRUCTION Cernent lînîshers, construction laborers, fonce installero. Soasonal full lime and part lime ompîsyment. CUSTOMER SERVICE Book service and repaît appoîntments. Track compleîon of csrk. Yeur round fuîltlime and puet lime. SERVICE TECHNICIAN Repais pools and spas. Open and clone pools. Full lime and pan lime seasonal emplopmenl, POOL SALES Meet cîth client 10 plan aid estîmate. E-mail yair resume:pauî or fas to 905-828-7320 P/euse ondiate whîch position yoo are voteu ed on THE~ OUKILLE BD ER. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT la currently lookisg for a P/T DRIVER toi delîver newspaper shortages 10 customers & carriers. Must be reliable with oci sehicle and valîd driver license. Please forcard resurme and availability schedule, qsofing Job # SHO1O2, 10: Scott Cottreîl it seottrell@oakvîîîebeave r.cor or fax (905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Avaiat ,a' MaOiîutiu îiri nd ,tiuulnq us.nt Dulles voulu incîrde Oruer Ti rg anu Enry Shipprng oru invoîcîniý o 00 communication ond Computer Skrils a must. Odîtionvi resporsibitîes aviabie tir She right applîicari. TItis positior onters Feiei lions ir an Urique Environnment, Applicant must se ssiI motîvated and abie o cori unsveer- Il interested fus renume to0 905-702-8913 Or replp 10 Bos #83, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4Tt S DAILY DOG WALKERS Ruif 'n Purr Pet Sitting requires - In Milttan Delly Dag Waîkers ,9Requirements: SReliabieTransporiation PComputer o Bondable -Police Cheik S Good Physîcai Condition -Love Dogs -Able To Work Unsupervîsed Il pou thrnk pou lit the brll, pieuse send pour Resume toi + Run 'n Furt Pet Sitting Services 529 Huecard Ct Milton, ON LOT 4P2 Ne phone celte pteaee. arosdleasrsquesred no ussîst rn tie smooth operstîor oftejbst.Tecandidate must be seii-moivated, celi or. ganzedindvidal ithexcellent communication and coempurer skiiio. suries incluas genrru ofice duties, anseer- ling phones, tirng and sciredving. Fax peur resume te: 905-477-9001 Nir pirore cails olease. whitele serev aporeciate thire sto i applirairr nii those seleoted for nirterriewo sObe corsnuat PART-TIME POSITION Avatiable for local Manutaciurng and Oistributîtg business. Soties eould include: Order Taking ond Entr, Shîpping and lnvoicrg, Gosa Communication and Computer Slls a must. Adartionial responisbîlttes avartaule t, the rrght appîrcani. This position offers Fleerble Cours in an Unique Envirorment. Applîcunit muat be selt-motrvated aird able toi cork unsoper- vrsed. If interested fao resume toi:905-702-8913 Or reply 10 Bos #83, Geurgetocn, Ontario L7G 4T1 BRAND AMBASSADOR Eociting Part Turme Opportunity Are pou vutgving, self motieated, energetic and Suies Oriven? Do vie have un eocîtisg uppurtunity for pouf Dur client pantner iv iovking tut Brand Ambassadors lu generute suads and baud brund. Wvrkiog 16 Hours pet meek-Tbarsday evenîngs, Saurrapo & Sundapo. Buse buurip rate scvmm. Intereoled applicants in eîther position should appip bp submiffîng pour resume aloog cilS a cover ler Io by Friday February 1111h, 2005. Please ensare Suat qRegiona Manager -NIP or "Brand Ambassador -51FP appears in oobjocl line, Parkviow Childron's Contre SENIOR ECE laits min, 3prs esperleecel PART-TIME ECE (ahernoons Mon -Fnl c/eelendod hrs us reqoîredl. Ail applîcunts must be graduates 0f a programt in Eurlp Chidhood Education, Preference ciii be groso lv those cho have experience cotktng cîth special nveds and understandîng 0f tho Reggio Emilia approach Io ECE, Creutive, enthvsruotic indiorduals cao loncard resmmos Io: The i Orector, 5451 Lakeahoro Rdi, Bînlinglon, L7L i1i, Fax 90-534-985 VIDA SPA .iteblahedfugdl w.mce ra,-athetj spa 1ookixgfor ,-ndutusme Aesthenan rani/or Nad Te-Iuve-eans to xenite our grunil cfie Phmase fax ,sraw £0: 905-693-0052 or Ernéri tùIdapa@oger'o.rwie Career Opportunity with Oakville's premiers Sal on & Spa DYNAMIC HAIRSTYLIST WANTED wîth nor iess titan 5Soeurs epenrence. The indîvîduai 10 haoe an estabivhed clientele. Fax: 905-338-9561 e Email: Tel: 905-338-3333 Pull Fîme ano Pair T- me requirea immediately for busy salon io Georgetown. COME AND JOIN SALON MARCEL! Serinas inquirien onipi. e*Premism haurly paot +p tPo 50% comm. Have a & hooîîseu "mmfe *SenMioriro based Cfé anoual pap iocreaoo and " Unbeatable benefito " Eqaîpmeot Provîded *Paid Traîinn Apprenhices welcomo Canablan caii Samantha cfJanUpO 905-308-6118 To Start * - your day! MACHINIST Leading psmp manufacturer reqaires quali- fied, reliable and quality conecisas machiniat for lathe, miiling machine, and vertical boning miii cons. Must nave experience cith con- vestional machines, hase swn toof s and be able to read and and isterpret bise prints, work aiso includes some generai shop duties. Familianty ith aseemby and service of rotsting elquipoment (pumps) desirable. We offer competitive cages, above-average bies- etits and growth potenti. Forward resume to. ABBA PARTS AND SERVICE 5370 Manro Coudi, Burtingson, ON L7L 5N8 Fao 905-333-0973 Emait. info@abbaparis.csm SWIM INSTRUCTOR Needed immediateiy @ Carole Murray's Swim Academy. Pleaise cal 905-878-9747 BINDERY HELP Needed in the Oakvif e ares. BASIC BINDERY EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Titis is an on-cali position aid hoors mould sary. Hourip cage is $8 - $9. depending on esperience. Muet hase steel toed shoes. Please lax resîme ta 905-845-1320 AfIn: Plant Manager BUSY TEH BAY SHOP Requîres expenienced LICENSED TECHIICIAN Full lime mîth benefîts, profit shanîng, uniforma and competitive mage rate Ploaso reply te Box 2036 C/O The Post 5040 Mai nway, Unit #1, Burlington Ontario 171 7G5 Need a new empIoyee? Data etitrro Ligtt bocok eepiig for a coilector car dealer in Milton ares. Please send resume to: Fax: 905-878-4813 or [ peter@legendary Bi-lingual Product Analvst/Administrator -Full Time Position *lmmediate Start Large automotive group in Milton is looking for a bi-linguai (English/French) Product Analyst/ Administrator in our Online Technology division. The ideal candidate wiii have Internet and Microsoff product knowiedge and fluent in Engiish and French (seritten and oral) Please emnail yaur resume tai: adam. or fax attention to Adami Gardon at 905-875-3047 ZODN GATE A Me.ber of Gtdn Gate Goup RECEPTIONIST Immediate opening IF/TI Orowing morroage com- pan, expandins 10 Milton. Dunies avocenn phone, cierica & glanerait office administration. 8 166-269-37481 FUIL-TIME: Rapidie expandîng Milton company requires a mature tati lime ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT lui assisi our office stait bp anscerne phornes, tiiing and any other duties as thep anse. Hurs are 8:30 - 5OS0pm. 5end resumes to: Attn: Trîcia BellIey Box 246 Stn. Main, Milton ON. ILST 4N9 or A ainlSelDiutributur, requiren an urgenized candidate chu pusuesses utrong computer skiiin, t ion, importation, and the transportation oi steel robe and bar prsducts. Pieuse fus renoms 10: 90"-78-8085 or Emuil at: terrag.9teamrtubecomi STAFF ACCOUNTANT Oakoîlle bused distributibn compaso has a position avait- able fora ast weorganized ondîvidal wîth 010000 account- îng & analytîical skîlis. Ootîeo inclade A/P procesoîng, accoanit anaîpsîn and mnîttosnd reconciliations and reportîog. ldsai candidate ciii have min 5 peurs eopert- ence, oood inter-pernonal okîlis and be able Io molli tank in fant poced enoîroomont, Working knowledgs of AccPac fot Windows 5 0 and Microsoft Office is ssential. Piaoeer Distribution Inc. Fax: 905-847-4475 BOT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED han an opportunilp in il's accountîng departmeot ton JUNIOR-INTERMEDIATE CLERK Job doties & rusponsblîteo include inooluement in Accoants Papable, Castomer tîllîngo, and Papîsîll Indiorduals must be computer literaIs and prevous con- ntruction esperionce could be a detînîts assît. Please nend pour renumne marked confîdentia Io: S.G. Howard, Bot Construction Llmited 1224 Speers Rd. OakvIIIe On. LWL 2X4 Email: UNIS LUMIN TECHNOLOGY-BAOEO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CORPORATE RECEPTIONIST PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIN E RECEPTIONIST FOR UNIS L UMIN NGS & GeNUITr F0r complos job descriton roter 101the opportunite seco o fC 000 unislatnCOO Te apply effiait l- ý smoil ods ence wrth oux prspororron essenial, flexible pao ltime. Cal 905-875S Sosu PART-TIME Mor0runîc's Assistant. No espenence required. Please cou[ 0 208-2127. fit Cat Kaee 10- 320 933r053 .2 Certitisa mathematics teacher, uvarlubie tor in home tutfonng, cost 535mr Cai John Paul e 905-302- sers Medical Transcription En- roll today crth CanScnibe. Leam trom home. 1-800- 466-1535 cec.can- scoibe. m YI~ I m